【英國留學】伯明罕大學 University update: Travel, English Requirements, Deposit payments4
https://www.westbook.com.tw/ 維思博留學代辦有限公司
維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
學生拿到 Unconditional Offer 開始跑 CAS 流程之後:申請英國Tier 4學生簽證時,申請的時間取決於您是在英國境內還是境外進行申請。對於英國境外申請,您可以在開始課程前的六個月內開始申請簽證。這代表您可以提前六個月開始籌備和提交申請,以確保有足夠的時間處理簽證事宜。 一般情況下,簽證申請結果將在提交申請後的三到四個星期內通知您,這樣您就可以及早得知申請結果,做好接下來的準備。 對於英國境內申請,您可以在課程開始前的三個月內開始申請簽證。這表示您有三個月的時間來籌備並提交申請。此外,請注意,您必須在目前的簽證到期之前進行申請,並且您的新課程必須在目前簽證到期後的28天內開始。這樣的安排確保您有足夠的時間處理簽證申請並避免在簽證到期後無合法居留的情況。一般情況下,境內申請的簽證申請結果將在提交申請後的八個星期內通知您。 請注意,以上簽證發下所需時間僅為一般平均預測,實際處理時間可能因個人情況和申請期間的變化而有所不同。因此,建議您盡早開始籌備並準備所需的文件和資料,以確保能夠及時進行簽證申請並避免延遲或遇到困難喔 ! 什麼時候可以出發? 您可以在課程開始之前抵達英國。根據課程長度來決定: - 如果您的課程為期6個月或更短,您可以提前最多1週抵達英國。 - 如果您的課程為期超過6個月,您可以提前最多1個月抵達英國。 無論您的課程何時開始,在您的簽證上給定的開始日期之前,您不能使用此簽證前往英國。簽證費用? 申請學生簽證的費用如下: - 從英國境外申請學生簽證,費用為£363。 - 在英國境內延長或轉換學生簽證,費用為£490。 每位隨行人員都需要支付相應的簽證費用。 (以上金額會依照政府規定更新)找專業的代辦幫您處理好簽證才可以省下很多錯誤喔!Westbook Team https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_489082.html News【英國留學】了解英國 Tier4 學生簽證: 什麼時候辦理?? 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓 https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_489082.html
維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓 https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_489082.html
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Dear Offer holder,致課程錄取者

Given the ongoing situation in relation to Covid-19 and travel restrictions, you’re likely to have questions and concerns about starting your studies in September.  We have put a number of measures in place to offer you flexibility during this time and will continue to monitor the situation closely over the coming weeks and months, and will be in regular contact with any further updates. 


鑑於Covid-19 新型冠状病毒疫情持續,現行的旅行限制措施仍未放寬,您可能會對九月入學情況有所擔憂及顧慮。有見及此,我們已實施多項靈活措施以便你在英國開展新學期,並會在未來幾周和數月繼續密切留意疫情發展,並將定期公佈最新的措施。


English language requirements 英語語言要求

We know that many language testing centres are currently closed, and you may be having issues in meeting your English requirements. To give you more flexibility, you can also take the following online English tests if you’re planning to join us in 2022:

     TOEFL “At Home” Test

     IELTS indicator 

     Pearson PTE online

You can find out more information on our language requirements web pages.


If you’re planning to take a Presessional English programme with us, you can take the 10 and 6 week courses online. For the 15-week course, you can start online and will currently need to be in the UK by 30th June 2022 to complete the programme on campus. We are however monitoring the travel situation and will contact students applying for the 15-week programme regarding the possibility of continuing online after the 30 June.



     TOEFL “At Home” Test

     IELTS indicator 

     Pearson PTE online



如果您打算參加我們的英語預備課程,您可以報讀線上學習的10週或6週課程。而為期15週的課程,您可以開始線上課程,但必需在 2022630日之前在英國校園內完成課程。




Paying your deposit 支付按金(留位費)

If you have applied for one of our Business School Masters programmes, you will need to pay a deposit by the deposit deadline which has now been extended to 31 May (except for MSc Investments). For all other subjects please refer to your portal for your deposit deadline. We would encourage you to pay early to secure your place if you haven’t done so already and you can find details on how to pay in your offer letter. Please note that your deposit is refundable if you are unable to travel to the UK to start your studies.  You can find more information on our deposit refund policy page. 


如果您申請報讀我們的其中一個碩士課程並給予錄取,您將需要支付按金保留學額。如果您申請大学商學院的碩士課程,繳交按金的截止日期已經延長至531(MSc Investments除外)。申請其他課程可以在我們的申請系統中查看按金的截止日期。如果您尚未支付留位費,我們會鼓勵您提前付款以確保您的學位。您可以在錄取通知書中找到付款方法的詳細信息。如果您最後無法前往英國學習,您的按金是可以退還的。您可以在我們的留位费退還政策網頁上查看更多信息。


Meeting your entry requirements滿足您的入學要求

We’re conscious that your final year studies may be disrupted if you are unable to take final exams. If your school or university is offering alternative assessments and can provide evidence of your final grade, as long as this satisfies the condition of your offer it will be accepted. Once you have received this evidence, please either follow the guidance from UCAS (for undergraduate students) or upload to our applicant portal (for postgraduate students).


我們留意到,學生可能因疫情被迫中斷學習,無法參加期末考試及提供期末考試成績。如果您現正就讀的中學 / 大學能提供替代考試的評估並且可以提供最終學年成績的證據,只要這成績能夠滿足您的錄取條件,它將被大學接納。當你收到此證據後,本科課程申請人請遵循UCAS的指示上傳成績,而研究生課程申請人請上傳到本校的申請網頁。


Travelling to the UK親身前往英國

At the moment you will need to be on campus to begin your studies at the start of term. However please be assured that we will continue to monitor the situation closely in light of the ongoing situation with Covid-19 restrictions and flight availability. 


Over the next couple of months, you’ll hear more from us about other ways in which we’ll support your transition to the UK, including our airport collection service. We hope that these measures will help to make your planning a bit easier and offer you some reassurance. 




資料來源:Birmingham University update: Travel, English Requirements, Deposit payments

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