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學生拿到 Unconditional Offer 開始跑 CAS 流程之後:申請英國Tier 4學生簽證時,申請的時間取決於您是在英國境內還是境外進行申請。對於英國境外申請,您可以在開始課程前的六個月內開始申請簽證。這代表您可以提前六個月開始籌備和提交申請,以確保有足夠的時間處理簽證事宜。 一般情況下,簽證申請結果將在提交申請後的三到四個星期內通知您,這樣您就可以及早得知申請結果,做好接下來的準備。 對於英國境內申請,您可以在課程開始前的三個月內開始申請簽證。這表示您有三個月的時間來籌備並提交申請。此外,請注意,您必須在目前的簽證到期之前進行申請,並且您的新課程必須在目前簽證到期後的28天內開始。這樣的安排確保您有足夠的時間處理簽證申請並避免在簽證到期後無合法居留的情況。一般情況下,境內申請的簽證申請結果將在提交申請後的八個星期內通知您。 請注意,以上簽證發下所需時間僅為一般平均預測,實際處理時間可能因個人情況和申請期間的變化而有所不同。因此,建議您盡早開始籌備並準備所需的文件和資料,以確保能夠及時進行簽證申請並避免延遲或遇到困難喔 ! 什麼時候可以出發? 您可以在課程開始之前抵達英國。根據課程長度來決定: - 如果您的課程為期6個月或更短,您可以提前最多1週抵達英國。 - 如果您的課程為期超過6個月,您可以提前最多1個月抵達英國。 無論您的課程何時開始,在您的簽證上給定的開始日期之前,您不能使用此簽證前往英國。簽證費用? 申請學生簽證的費用如下: - 從英國境外申請學生簽證,費用為£363。 - 在英國境內延長或轉換學生簽證,費用為£490。 每位隨行人員都需要支付相應的簽證費用。 (以上金額會依照政府規定更新)找專業的代辦幫您處理好簽證才可以省下很多錯誤喔!Westbook Team https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_489082.html News【英國留學】了解英國 Tier4 學生簽證: 什麼時候辦理?? 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
University of Sheffield提醒使用訪客簽證或是免簽入英國者是無法註冊的,且在英國境內無法直接轉換為學生簽證。若學生以訪客簽證入境,將會被要求離境並以學生簽證重新入境及註冊課程。   各系最晚參加課程日期如下,學生須在該日前完成註冊並參加課程,為避免註冊延誤以至於無法參加課程,學生須盡早完成註冊。若無法在該日期前到校參與課程,除非已知會系上獲得許可,否則不建議前往英國,且學校將會取消學生CAS。 www.sheffield.ac.uk/new-students/registration/earlier-start-dates   其餘詳細資訊請參考以下資訊 We are looking forward to welcoming you to Sheffield. If you require a Student visa for your course at the University of Sheffield, please apply for your CAS and visa as soon as you are able to. You must wait until you have received your Student visa before you travel to the UK.   Please note, you will not be permitted to register on your course if you have entered the UK as a visitor (this includes electronic waiver visa, and where you are a non-visa national travelling to the UK without a visa and entering for 6 months either through an e-gate or by getting a stamp from a Border Force Officer). It is not possible to switch from Visitor leave to the Student route within the UK, so it is important that you obtain your Student visa before travelling to the UK. If you enter the UK as a visitor rather than with your Student visa, you will be required to leave the UK and re-enter on your Student visa in order to register on your course.   If you have any concerns that you may not be able to arrive in time for your course start date, please visit the following webpage to find out the latest date you will be permitted to start your course: www.sheffield.ac.uk/new-students/registration/earlier-start-dates   The 'last possible start date' is the latest date that you can start attending your course. You must complete your registration before you can attend your course. In some instances registration may take several days to complete so you should allow adequate time to register in advance of the latest possible start date in case of any delays.   Please note that if you are unable to arrive by this date you will not be allowed to join the course. In these circumstances, we would advise you not to travel to the UK, unless you have prior permission from your department to join the course. If you cannot register on the course the University will have to withdraw sponsorship and your student visa will be curtailed (cancelled).   If you require any further information regarding your CAS and visa, please visit our webpages: www.sheffield.ac.uk/international/after-you-apply/arriving-sheffield/cas-application www.sheffield.ac.uk/new-students/immigration/student-visa-application   Best wishes,   Admissions Service The University of Sheffield   資料來源: University of Sheffield   https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_439964.html News【英國留學】謝菲爾德大學 Important reminder about UK immigration and visas 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
Warwick提供接機服務,學校將提供每位學生各自的連結,學生若有需要可以於8/31以前預定。All new students travelling from outside the UK will be sent a personalised link to their registered email address at the start of August. We wanted to let you know that we’ve just launched our Airport Transfer Service 2022. We know there will be a lot to think about while preparing to move to the UK. Our Airport Transfer Service aims to make it as easy as possible to travel directly to campus from London Heathrow after you touch down. This email is not an update on your offer status, and there's no need to contact our Admissions team at this time. You will receive further updates from the University in due course.Booking will be open until Wednesday 31 August. If you have any questions about this service, please contact newstudents@warwick.ac.ukLook forward to seeing you soon, 資料來源: University of Warwickhttps://warwick.ac.uk/students/welcome/internationalstudents/arrivals/ https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_437146.html News【英國留學】華威大學 University of Warwick Airport Transfer Service 2022 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
University of Sheffield大部分的課程將於 9 月 26 日開始,並以實體面對面教學授課。學校鼓勵學生在此日期或更早之前抵到Sheffield,並參與學校迎新活動及其他開學前活動。   英國簽證中心強烈建議學生盡早申請簽證,特別是課程有需要ATAS的同學。簽證目前暫無開放急件申請,因此建議盡早開始申請,避免受到延遲收到簽證申請結果的影響。   學校將於7月20日英國時間12:00-13:30舉行關於申請 CAS 和簽證的說明。學校會在接近的時間提醒學生,但學生也可以現在先報名參加。   學校知道有一些學生可能會面臨旅行或簽證中斷,這會影響學生在學期開始前抵達校園。因此學生抵達校園且完成註冊的截止日期為 2022 年 10 月 17 日,某些課程可能有較早的截止日期,此處列出https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/new-students/registration/earlier-start-dates。 如果學生對註冊截止日期有任何疑問,請聯絡您的學術部門。 如果您的抵達時間於 9 月 26 日之後,但您將能夠在課程的最晚註冊日期之前抵達,學校鼓勵學生利用線上歡迎活動和一般學習技能資源來幫助您做好準備。 由於教學將以面對面授課,學生將無法在抵達校園之前開始您的課程。   We are looking forward to welcoming new and returning students to the University of Sheffield for the start of the 2022/23 academic year. Teaching for the majority of programmes will commence on 26 September and will be delivered face to face. We encourage you to make travel arrangements which enable you to be in Sheffield by this date or earlier to benefit from our full range of orientation and welcome events and activities, and to commence your studies from the start of term.   Apply early for your visa UK Visas and Immigration strongly recommend that you apply for your Student visa as early as possible, particularly if your course requires ATAS clearance. Priority and Super priority visas are currently unavailable so you should apply as soon as possible to avoid delays in receiving a decision.   Read our advice and guidance on applying for your visa. We’re also holding an information session on Applying for your CAS and visa on Wednesday 20 July 2022 from 12pm - 1.30pm (UK time). We’ll send a reminder about this event nearer the time, but you can book a place now.   Deadline to be in Sheffield and registered for teaching We recognise that some students may face travel or visa disruptions which affect their ability to travel to the campus for the start of term. The deadline for being in Sheffield and registered as a student is 17 October 2022; some courses may have earlier deadlines which are listed here. If you have any queries regarding your registration deadline, please contact your academic department. Where your arrival is delayed beyond 26 September but you will be able to arrive by the latest registration date for your course, we encourage you to take advantage of online welcome activities and general study skills resources to help you prepare for life in Sheffield. As teaching will be delivered face to face, you will not be able to commence your course remotely before arriving in Sheffield.   Offer Holder events and Facebook Group From now until the start of the 2022/23 academic year we’ll be running regular events and activities via our dedicated International Offer Holder Hub. There are opportunities to find out more about studying at Sheffield, hear from current students and get your questions answered from staff. You'll also be able to join our exclusive Facebook Offer Holder Group to connect with fellow offer holders and current students at the University of Sheffield.   We know there is a lot to think about in preparing to come to the UK, so if you have any questions, please get in touch with us via our online chat or by emailing study@sheffield.ac.uk.   Best wishes   International Recruitment The University of Sheffield   資料來源: The University of Sheffield   https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_434836.html News【英國留學】謝菲爾德大學University of Sheffield Our teaching plans for the 2022/23 academic year 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
Lancaster學校了解到目前因為旅行限制、簽證的考量和同學可能延後收到畢業證書等,學生可能無法在 2022/23 學年開始時就抵達到校。您的目標應該是在歡迎週(10 月 4 日星期一至 10 月 10 日星期日)抵達學校,但是如果您無法於開課前抵達,學校已安排學生可以先於線上上課和陸續抵達校園。   您仍需要盡快抵達。所有學生都需要在學期開始前註冊,學校會再提供有關如何註冊的資訊。當您註冊時,您將被要求註明您預計抵達的日期,並且根據這些特殊安排,學校將提供您課程資料,以便您可以在線上開始課程。請注意,部分課程將於 1 月 9 日在校舉行考試。課程的詳細資訊會有所不同。   您無需簽證即可開始線上上課。但是於抵達英國之前您需要辦理簽證。 We hope that you are safe and well. Everyone at Lancaster University is busy planning ahead for the new academic year beginning October 2022 and we are excited about the start of a new term.  We understand that travel restrictions, visa considerations and delays in receiving qualification results may mean that it is not possible for all students to travel to Lancaster for the start of the 2022/23 academic year.  You should aim to arrive in Lancaster for Welcome Week (Monday 4th October – Sunday 10th October), but if you are unable to travel to the UK to start your course at Lancaster, we have made arrangements for you to start the year remotely and join in person, when you are able to travel.   This would be a temporary arrangement and you would be expected to travel to Lancaster as soon as this was possible. All students need to register before the start of term and we will send information about how to do this in due course. When you register, you will be asked to indicate your planned arrival date and under these special arrangements, course materials will be made available to you so that you can start the course online. Please note that some courses have examinations which will take place in Lancaster on 9th January. The details by course will vary, but we will do everything we can to ensure you have a positive experience online until you are able to join us in person. You do not need a visa to start your course online.  But you will need a visa before travelling to the UK.   We understand that for many people around the world the ongoing pandemic presents a very challenging situation and it may be difficult to make plans.  We are committed to supporting you to come to Lancaster to start your degree and will be as flexible as we can to support your journey to Lancaster.   Yours sincerely,  資料來源: Lancaster University Management School   https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_432307.html News【英國留學】蘭開斯特大學管理學院 Information about your postgraduate programme 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
Dear Offer holder,致課程錄取者 Given the ongoing situation in relation to Covid-19 and travel restrictions, you’re likely to have questions and concerns about starting your studies in September.  We have put a number of measures in place to offer you flexibility during this time and will continue to monitor the situation closely over the coming weeks and months, and will be in regular contact with any further updates.    鑑於Covid-19 新型冠状病毒疫情持續,現行的旅行限制措施仍未放寬,您可能會對九月入學情況有所擔憂及顧慮。有見及此,我們已實施多項靈活措施以便你在英國開展新學期,並會在未來幾周和數月繼續密切留意疫情發展,並將定期公佈最新的措施。   English language requirements 英語語言要求 We know that many language testing centres are currently closed, and you may be having issues in meeting your English requirements. To give you more flexibility, you can also take the following online English tests if you’re planning to join us in 2022: •     TOEFL “At Home” Test •     IELTS indicator  •     Pearson PTE online You can find out more information on our language requirements web pages.   If you’re planning to take a Presessional English programme with us, you can take the 10 and 6 week courses online. For the 15-week course, you can start online and will currently need to be in the UK by 30th June 2022 to complete the programme on campus. We are however monitoring the travel situation and will contact students applying for the 15-week programme regarding the possibility of continuing online after the 30 June.   我們了解許多國際英語水平測試機構目前已關閉,如果您計劃在2022年入學,您可以報考以下線上英語測試來滿足學校的英語要求。 •     TOEFL “At Home” Test •     IELTS indicator  •     Pearson PTE online 您可以在我們的語言要求網頁上找到更多信息。   如果您打算參加我們的英語預備課程,您可以報讀線上學習的10週或6週課程。而為期15週的課程,您可以開始線上課程,但必需在 2022年6月30日之前在英國校園內完成課程。   我們會密切留意最新的旅遊入境政策,並會通知參加15週英語預備課程的學生有關6月30日後廷續線上上課的可能性。   Paying your deposit 支付按金(留位費) If you have applied for one of our Business School Masters programmes, you will need to pay a deposit by the deposit deadline which has now been extended to 31 May (except for MSc Investments). For all other subjects please refer to your portal for your deposit deadline. We would encourage you to pay early to secure your place if you haven’t done so already and you can find details on how to pay in your offer letter. Please note that your deposit is refundable if you are unable to travel to the UK to start your studies.  You can find more information on our deposit refund policy page.    如果您申請報讀我們的其中一個碩士課程並給予錄取,您將需要支付按金保留學額。如果您申請大学商學院的碩士課程,繳交按金的截止日期已經延長至5月31日(MSc Investments除外)。申請其他課程可以在我們的申請系統中查看按金的截止日期。如果您尚未支付留位費,我們會鼓勵您提前付款以確保您的學位。您可以在錄取通知書中找到付款方法的詳細信息。如果您最後無法前往英國學習,您的按金是可以退還的。您可以在我們的留位费退還政策網頁上查看更多信息。   Meeting your entry requirements滿足您的入學要求 We’re conscious that your final year studies may be disrupted if you are unable to take final exams. If your school or university is offering alternative assessments and can provide evidence of your final grade, as long as this satisfies the condition of your offer it will be accepted. Once you have received this evidence, please either follow the guidance from UCAS (for undergraduate students) or upload to our applicant portal (for postgraduate students).   我們留意到,學生可能因疫情被迫中斷學習,無法參加期末考試及提供期末考試成績。如果您現正就讀的中學 / 大學能提供替代考試的評估並且可以提供最終學年成績的證據,只要這成績能夠滿足您的錄取條件,它將被大學接納。當你收到此證據後,本科課程申請人請遵循UCAS的指示上傳成績,而研究生課程申請人請上傳到本校的申請網頁。   Travelling to the UK親身前往英國 At the moment you will need to be on campus to begin your studies at the start of term. However please be assured that we will continue to monitor the situation closely in light of the ongoing situation with Covid-19 restrictions and flight availability.    Over the next couple of months, you’ll hear more from us about other ways in which we’ll support your transition to the UK, including our airport collection service. We hope that these measures will help to make your planning a bit easier and offer you some reassurance.    根據目前的政策,學生需於本年度學期開始時到達英國校園內,才能正式開始學習。但是請放心,鑑於當前的疫情限制和航班供應情況,我們將繼續密切關注情況。 在接下來的幾個月裡,您將收到更多關於我們支援您前往到英國的措施,包括機場接機服務。我們希望這些措施將有助於您未來的計劃,並為您提供入學保證。 資料來源:Birmingham University update: Travel, English Requirements, Deposit payments https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_430067.html 【英國留學】伯明罕大學 University update: Travel, English Requirements, Deposit payments 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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自3月18凌晨4點起,所有旅客入境英國皆不需要填寫UK passenger locator form,亦無需要進行入境前或入境後COVID-19檢測。無論您是否施打疫苗皆適用。   18 March travel to England changes If you will arrive in England from abroad after 4am, Friday 18 March, you do not need to:   take any COVID-19 tests – before you travel or after you arrive fill in a UK passenger locator form before you travel   This will apply whether you are vaccinated or not.   You also will not need to quarantine when you arrive, in line with current rules.   Other countries still have COVID-19 entry rules in place. You should check travel advice before you travel.   If you will arrive in England before 4am, 18 March, you must follow the current rules as set out in this guidance.   資料來源: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/travel-to-england-from-another-country-during-coronavirus-covid-19?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications-topic&utm_source=fce2298c-7e3f-4cd3-8827-2b8f4b877c1a&utm_content=immediately https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_420668.html 【英國留學】2022/03/18起英國更新入境政策 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
自2022/2/11入境英國 ,如果您已擁有完成施打疫苗證明者 入境英國前後都不需要進行COVID-19檢測,抵達後亦不需要進行隔離。   如果您沒有完成施打疫苗證明者,入境前需要提供COVID-19檢測陰性報告,並於出發前預定抵達英國時所需要使用的PCR採檢包,您不需要進行隔離,除非您的檢驗報告結果為陽性。   無論是否有接種疫苗,入境前皆需要填寫Passenger locator form。   Changes to international travel rules from 11 February 2022 If you arrive in England after 4am, 11 February, the following rules will apply.   Fully vaccinated – from 11 February If you qualify as fully vaccinated for travel to England, you:   will not need to take a COVID-19 test before you travel to England or after you arrive will not need to quarantine when you arrive   Not fully vaccinated – from 11 February If you do not qualify as fully vaccinated for travel to England, you will need to:   show proof of a negative COVID-19 test – to be taken in the 2 days before you travel to England book and pay for a COVID-19 PCR test – to be taken after you arrive in England You will need to book the PCR test before you travel.   You will not need to quarantine, unless the result of the PCR test is positive.   Passenger locator form You will still need to complete a passenger locator form before you travel to England, whether you qualify as fully vaccinated or not.   資料來源: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/travel-to-england-from-another-country-during-coronavirus-covid-19 https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_415069.html 【英國留學】2022/2/11 起英國更新完成施打疫苗證明者入境政策 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
如果您已擁有完成施打疫苗證明者 入境英國前,僅需要預定採檢包和填寫passenger locator form。不須進行隔離和提供PCR採檢報告 Before you travel to England you must:book and pay for a COVID-19 test – to be taken after you arrive in Englandcomplete a passenger locator form – to be completed in the 48 hours before you arrive in England 自1/9後,可以選擇在抵達英國後兩天之內進行lateral flow test,但若呈現陽性,須立即自我隔離並進行PCR檢測 From 4am 9 January you can take a lateral flow test instead of a PCR test. If the result of the lateral flow test is positive, you must self-isolate and take a PCR test. 詳細資訊請參考以下 https://www.gov.uk/guidance/travel-to-england-from-another-country-during-coronavirus-covid-19 https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_414109.html 【英國留學】2022/1/9 起英國更新完成施打疫苗證明者入境政策 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
從 12 月 7 日(星期二)凌晨 4 點開始,所有 12 歲及以上的人在從國外前往英國之前都必須提供 PCR 或 LFD COVID-19 檢測報告。 您必須在前往英國之前的 2 天內檢測。 無論您是否符合完全接種疫苗的資格,這都將適用。   Changes to pre-departure testing from 4am, Tuesday 7 December 2021 From 4am, Tuesday 7 December all people aged 12 years and over must take a PCR or LFD COVID-19 test before they travel to England from abroad.   You must take the test within the 2 days before you travel to England.   This will apply whether you qualify as fully vaccinated or not.   Some people, including children aged 11 and under are exempt from taking the test. 資料來源: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-testing-for-people-travelling-to-england?fbclid=IwAR0Y1vHAFnmEBPYTEQ-04ZDr0F39VW8XfSvnF5holQBuKg2GLbCibw6SctE https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_409372.html 【英國留學】2021/12/7 起英國更新入境隔離政策Changes to international travel rules 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
Non-U.S. citizen, Non-U.S. immigrants: Air Travel to the United States 如果您是非美國公民、非美國移民(不是美國公民、美國國民、合法永久居民或持移民簽證前往美國),入境美國需要完整接種疫苗。   入境時,需要提供陰性的 COVID-19 測試結果或從 COVID-19 康復的文件。該測試的時間取決於您的疫苗接種狀態和年齡。   入境美國的皆需配戴口罩。   完整接種疫苗為: l   您接種可接受的單劑疫苗後2週(14天) l   您接種2劑系列的第二劑後2週(14天) l   在您在臨床試驗中接受完整系列的已接受的 COVID-19 疫苗(非安慰劑)後2週(14天) l   您在3期臨床試驗中接種全系列 Novavax(或 Covavax)COVID-19 疫苗(非安慰劑)後 2 週(14天)在您接受至少相隔17天的接受的 COVID-19 疫苗的任何“混合搭配”組合的2劑後2週(14天) l   如果您不符合這些要求,您就沒有完全接種疫苗。繼續採取所有預防措施,直到您完全接種疫苗。   What You Need to Know l   You must be fully vaccinated to travel to the United States by plane if you are a non-U.S. citizen, non-U.S. immigrant (not a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, lawful permanent resident, or traveling to the United States on an immigrant visa). Only limited exceptions apply. l   You are required to show a negative COVID-19 test result or documentation of recovery from COVID-19 when you travel to the United States by air. The timing of this test depends on your vaccination status and age. l   Wearing a mask over your nose and mouth is required in indoor areas of public transportation (including airplanes) traveling into, within, or out of the United States and indoors in U.S. transportation hubs (including airports).     Are You Fully Vaccinated for Air Travel to the United States? You are considered fully vaccinated: l   2 weeks (14 days) after your dose of an accepted single-dose vaccine l   2 weeks (14 days) after your second dose of an accepted 2-dose series l   2 weeks (14 days) after you received the full series of an accepted COVID-19 vaccine (not placebo) in a clinical trial l   2 weeks (14 days) after you received the full series of a Novavax (or Covavax) COVID-19 vaccine (not placebo) in a phase 3 clinical trial l   2 weeks (14 days) after you received 2 doses of any “mix-and-match” combination of accepted COVID-19 vaccines administered at least 17 days apart* l   If you don’t meet these requirements, you are NOT fully vaccinated. Keep taking all precautions until you are fully vaccinated.    資料來源: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/noncitizens-US-air-travel.html https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_407052.html 【美國留學】Non-U.S. citizen, Non-U.S. immigrants: Air Travel to the United States 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
英國政府宣布旅客2021/10/4以後,開始實施新的隔離政策,英國政府將全世界劃分為 Red List 地區及其他地區。 若您是來自其他地區,您的隔離政策將會依照是否完成疫苗接種而有所不同。   Red list抵達英國 如果您過去10天有到達red list上的國家,只有英國或愛爾蘭國民,或者您擁有英國居留權者,才可以進入英國,並需要在飯店進行隔離。施打過COVID-19疫苗者仍須要遵守該規定。 If you have been in a country or territory on the red list in the last 10 days you will only be allowed to enter the UK if you are a British or Irish National, or you have residence rights in the UK.   You must follow these rules even if you have been vaccinated.   Before travel to England 抵達英國前: 進行COVID-19檢測,並預定隔離飯店(含2次COVID-19檢驗包),另外需填寫Passenger locator form l   take a COVID-19 test l   book a quarantine hotel package, including 2 COVID-19 tests l   complete a passenger locator form   On arrival in England抵達英國時: 於指定飯店隔離並進行2次COVID-19檢測 l   quarantine in a managed hotel, including 2 COVID-19 tests   其他地區抵達英國(已施打疫苗) 如果您抵達英國前14天完成以下兩劑疫苗注射 l   兩劑 輝瑞或AZ 2 doses of an approved 2 dose vaccine (such as Pfizer or AstraZeneca) l   兩劑 輝瑞或莫德納If you were vaccinated with a 2 dose vaccine (such as Moderna or Pfizer) you must have had both doses to be considered fully vaccinated. l   一劑 嬌生one dose of an approved single dose vaccine (such as Janssen) l   混打疫苗 (AZ、輝瑞、莫德納) mix 2 different types of vaccine, for example Oxford/AstraZeneca and Moderna have the 2 vaccinations under 2 different approved programmes   Before travel to England 抵達英國前: 預定第二天COVID-19檢驗包,另外填寫Passenger locator form l   book and pay for a day 2 COVID-19 test-to be taken after arrival in England l   complete a passenger locator form   On arrival in England抵達英國時: 進行COVID-19檢測 l   You must take a COVID-19 test on or before day 2 after you arrive.   您不需要提供COVID-19檢測報告、不需要進行第8天檢測亦不需要自主隔離10天。 Under the new rules, you will not need to: l   take a pre-departure test l   take a day 8 COVID-19 test l   quarantine at home or in the place you are staying for 10 days after you arrive in England   您需要提供完成疫苗接種證明。您必須提供來自政府或是國家級衛生機構的紙本/電子證明,表示已完全施打兩劑疫苗並過14天且文件須包含以下資訊: You must be able to prove that you have been fully vaccinated (plus 14 days) with a document (digital or paper-based) from a national or state-level public health body that includes, as a minimum: l   姓名forename and surname(s) l   生日date of birth l   疫苗品牌及製造商vaccine brand and manufacturer l   兩劑疫苗的注射日期date of vaccination for every dose l   疫苗認證的國家或地區country or territory of vaccination and/or certificate issuer   若您的證明文件並沒有包含以上資料或是不符合完全施打疫苗的條件,您必須遵照「尚未施打疫苗」的入境政策。 若您是在美國完成疫苗注射,您必須提供身為美國居民的相關文件。 If your document from a public health body does not include all of these, you must follow the non-vaccinated rules. If not, you may be denied boarding.   其他地區抵達英國(未施打疫苗) 如果您抵達英國前未完成疫苗接種,包含: l   未施打疫苗are not vaccinated l   僅部分接種或僅施打一劑疫苗are partially vaccinated l   不符合完全施打疫苗的條件do not qualify under the fully vaccinated rules   Before travel to England 抵達英國前: 提供COVID-19檢測報告 (例如您星期五抵達英國,您必須選在星期四、星期三或星期二進行檢測),並預定COVID-19檢驗包,另外填寫Passenger locator form l   take a pre-departure COVID-19 test – to be taken in the 3 days before you travel to England l   book and pay for day 2 and day 8 COVID-19 travel tests – to be taken after arrival in England l   complete a passenger locator form   On arrival in England抵達英國時: 您必須在您的住處自主隔離10 天並進行COVID-19檢測 l   quarantine at home or in the place you are staying for 10 days l   take a COVID-19 test on or before day 2 and on or after day 8   若您想提前結束隔離十天,可購買並完成抵達第五天的COVID-19檢測 (Test to release) 。 You may be able to end quarantine early if you pay for a private COVID-19 test through the Test to Release scheme.     更多資訊可以參考以下網站連結:   Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing before you travel to England https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-testing-for-people-travelling-to-england   book and pay for a day 2 COVID-19 test or book and pay for day 2 and day 8 COVID-19 travel tests https://www.gov.uk/find-travel-test-provider   complete a passenger locator form https://www.gov.uk/provide-journey-contact-details-before-travel-uk   book a quarantine hotel package, including 2 COVID-19 tests https://www.gov.uk/guidance/booking-and-staying-in-a-quarantine-hotel-when-you-arrive-in-england   Coronavirus (COVID-19): Test to Release for international travel https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-test-to-release-for-international-travel   Red, amber, green lists: check the rules for travel to England from abroad https://www.gov.uk/guidance/red-amber-and-green-list-rules-for-entering-england?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=162265764&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_yHq8k_7eRZuF0BANZ8VWbE6EAiFd-yqPdNzUxvWkjanGTyrPExVCKrMMq2gCezR63APYvglHcVfCMkPzIxz8oh7mHRg&utm_content=162265764&utm_source=hs_email       https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_402668.html 【英國留學】2021/10/4 起英國更新隔離政策Changes to international travel rules 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
Warwick 提供最晚抵達學校的資格(需跟學校申請)。 1.您是目前不在英國的國際學生或是國際定居的學生 2.您在前往英國時遇到問題(例如旅行限制、航班減少或簽證處理延遲) 3.您的系所/課程能允許較晚到校並在學校名單中   如果您符合上述資格且您是 1.新的國際/國際定居學生 2.繼續就讀大學的國際/國際定居學生且未持當前簽證進入英國 3.研究生國際/國際定居學生且未持當前簽證進入英國   您必須於9/10以前,完成以下表格。 https://warwick.ac.uk/coronavirus/incoming-and-current-students/request-later-arrival-date   如果您的申請已被學校確認: 1.如果您尚未收到CAS且您的系所同意最晚2022/1/22以前抵達,那您的CAS上會自動說明您最晚抵達時間為2022/1/22。 2.如果您已經收到CAS但尚未申請簽證,且您的系所同意最晚2022/1/22以前抵達,學校會在CAS上加上sponsor note,並寄送確認信給您,您將不會收到新的CAS。 3.如果您已經收到CAS也已經申請簽證或是已經收到簽證,且您的系所同意最晚2022/1/22以前抵達,學校會寄送確認信,確認您可以晚於CAS上最晚抵達英國的日期抵達學校,您將需要攜帶該信件一併入境英國。   如果您是 繼續就讀大學的國際/國際定居學生,目前在英國境外並且您之前曾以當前簽證進入英國 繼續就讀的研究生國際/國際居住的學生(例如,如果您有暫時中斷學習)並且您目前在英國境外,而您之前曾使用當前簽證進入英國   請聯繫您的系所,要求更改您的抵達日期。   如果您都不符合上述資格,您將需要在您的 CAS”最晚抵達日期”之前到校。 如果您在此日期到達時遇到問題,請聯繫您的系所討論包括延期或臨時退學等選項。   更多相關資訊請參考以下。   Confirmation of departments/courses able to offer remote study options in term 1 2021/22 and an arrival date of no later than 10 January 2022   We recently let you know that we’re reviewing our latest arrival date and exploring the possibility of remote study options in term 1 for a number of our courses, as we know that some of our new and returning international students are facing challenges travelling to the UK for the start of term 1.   We can now confirm which departments/courses will consider requests for the latest arrival date of no later than 10 January 2022, if there are unavoidable factors preventing you from arriving on campus for term 1, and you meet the additional eligibility criteria below.   It’s important to bear in mind that your experience of studying remotely will not be the same as being here on campus, but we’ll provide online teaching to cover the essential elements of your programme. Our degrees have been designed for a blended, on-campus experience, which is why we’d like you to come to Warwick if you’re able to.   Please read the rest of this email to see the eligibility criteria and process for requesting the later arrival date (no later than 10 January 2022). It’s important to note that even if you have the later arrival date confirmed, you will still need to enrol by the existing deadline.   Eligibility criteria for requesting the later arrival date in the UK of no later than 10 January 2022 (all must apply)   1. You are an international/international domiciled student who is not currently in the UK   2. You are experiencing problems travelling to the UK (for example travel restrictions, reduced flight availability or delays in visa processing)   3. Your department/course is approved for later arrival and on this list.     What do I do if the above eligibility criteria apply to me?   If you are:    A new international/international domiciled student  A continuing undergraduate international/international domiciled student who has not entered the UK on your current visa  A postgraduate international/international domiciled student who has not entered the UK on your current visa   Complete this form to request a later arrival date. The deadline to complete the form is Friday 10 September.   What will happen if your request for the later arrival date is confirmed:    If you have not requested a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) yet and your academic department approves an arrival date of no later than 10 January 2022, your CAS will automatically state a latest date of 10 January 2022.  If you have already received a CAS but have not yet applied for your visa and your academic department approves an arrival date of no later than 10 January 2022, our Admissions team will add a sponsor note to your CAS confirming a later arrival date and send you an email to confirm this – you will not receive a new CAS.  If you have already received a CAS and you have applied for/received your visa and your academic department approves an arrival date of no later than 10 January 2022, our Admissions team will send you an email confirming that you can arrive beyond the latest start date stated on your CAS. You will need to take this email with you when you travel.   If you are:    A continuing undergraduate international/international domiciled student who is currently outside the UK and you have previously entered the UK on your current visa  A continuing postgraduate international/international domiciled student (for example, if you’ve had a temporary break in studies) and you are currently outside the UK and you have previously entered the UK on your current visa.   Contact your academic department to request a change to your arrival date.   What if I do not meet the above eligibility criteria?   If you do not meet the above criteria, you will need to arrive to start your studies on campus by your course physical arrival deadline (listed as 'Latest Start Date' on your CAS). If you are having issues arriving for this date, please contact your academic department to discuss options including deferral or temporary withdrawal.   What if my request for the later arrival date is accepted and the situation changes in my home country, meaning I am able to arrive earlier?   If you have the later arrival date agreed and the situation changes in your home country meaning you’ll be able to arrive earlier, please let your academic department know and make arrangements to arrive to campus as soon as possible. If you do arrange an earlier arrival, please confirm this when you’re next contacted by the Immigration team about your arrival date.   What if I’m not experiencing travel difficulties and I’m planning to arrive for the start of term 1?   If you are not experiencing issues and are able to arrive for term 1, please continue to plan your arrival by no later than the latest start date on your CAS. If you have already sent a request to your department to change your arrival date to no later than 8 November 2021, you do not need to complete the form unless you wish to amend your arrival date to be no later than 10 January 2022 (you will need to meet the above eligibility criteria).   If you’re already planning your arrival to Warwick, you’ll find guidance on our Stay Safe pages to help you prepare. If you’re arriving from a country on the UK government’s red or amber list, you can access the following support:    If you’re arriving from a country on the UK government’s red list to start your studies in September 2021, we are providing a full reimbursement of the cost of the managed quarantine hotel. We’ll be in touch with information on how to request a reimbursement. For more information on the Managed Quarantine Service, view the Department for Education FAQs.  If you’re arriving from a country on the UK government’s amber or red list, you may be able to request to arrive early.   Airport transfers   We want to help you get to our campus as quickly as possible after you land. We've worked with a number of travel partners to put together some recommended and discounted options for onward travel from two of our busiest airports for international arrivals, Birmingham International and London Heathrow, on selected dates. Find out more about airport transfer options.   We will be adding travel options soon for students arriving in January 2022.   More important information   Course registration   Even if you’re arriving after term 1 begins, you’ll still need to complete course registration, which is part of enrolment, by the existing deadline. You’ll receive your invitation to enrol 4-6 weeks before your course start date. Read more information on enrolment and course registration.   Accommodation   If you have applied to live in Warwick managed accommodation and you have your request for a later arrival approved, see guidance on what you need to do.   Immigration and visas   To give yourself the best chance of a smooth arrival at University, you’ll need to start by applying for your student visa as soon as you are able – you can do this once you have received your Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS). Find out more.   Welcome Week   Welcome Week will take place from Monday 27 September - Sunday 3 October. Welcome Week activities will help get you settled into University life and ready to make the most of your time at Warwick. There will be an exciting programme of online and in-person events you can choose from to find out more about your course, make friends and give you the best possible start to your life at Warwick.   Keep updated   We’ll keep in touch with you and will continue to update our website, so make sure you check back regularly. You may also find it useful to read the letter from Michelle Donelan MP, Minister of State for Universities to all international students. It signposts to the latest travel guidance, visa details and health information, including advice on vaccination. Best wishes,   Richard Signature 40px.jpg Study at Warwick Team   https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_400998.html 【英國留學】華威大學 (University of Warwick) Latest arrival date update 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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英國政府公告7月19日後,台灣將改列為 green watchlist及香港將改列為green list。旅客自香港及台灣抵達英國,將不需要進行隔離。 LONDON, July 14 (Reuters) - Travellers returning to England from Hong Kong or Taiwan will not have to quarantine as the two countries are due to be moved into the so-called COVID green list for travel, a reporter for the Guardian newspaper said.   The government is expected to publish any changes to its travel rules later on Wednesday.   The reporter said Indonesia, Myanmar and Sierra Leone were also due to be added to the red list, meaning anyone returning from those countries would need to quarantine in a hotel. (Reporting by Kate Holton; editing by Guy Faulconbridge)     資料來源: https://www.reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-britain-hongkong/hong-kong-taiwan-to-be-added-to-englands-green-travel-list-guardian-idUSL8N2OQ4OJ   https://www.gov.uk/guidance/red-amber-and-green-list-rules-for-entering-england https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_400500.html 【英國留學】Hong Kong, Taiwan to be added to England's green travel list 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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Red list countries and territories 如果您過去10天有到達red list上的國家,只有英國或愛爾蘭國民,或者您擁有英國居留權者,才可以進入英國,並需要在飯店進行隔離。施打過COVID-19者仍須要遵守該規定。 If you have been in a country or territory on the red list in the last 10 days you will only be allowed to enter the UK if you are a British or Irish National, or you have residence rights in the UK.   You must follow these rules even if you have been vaccinated.   抵達英國前: 進行COVID-19檢測,並預定隔離飯店和Covid-19檢驗包,另外填寫passenger locator form Before you travel to England you must: l   take a COVID-19 test l   book a quarantine hotel package, including 2 COVID-19 tests l   complete a passenger locator form   抵達英國時: 於指定飯店隔離並進行2次COVID-19檢測 On arrival in England you must: quarantine in a managed hotel, including 2 COVID-19 tests     Amber list countries and territories 如果您過去10天有到達amber list上的國家,您必須在您的住處自主隔離並接受COVID-19檢測。   抵達英國前: 進行COVID-19檢測,並預定Covid-19檢驗包,另外填寫passenger locator form Before you travel to England you must: l   take a COVID-19 test l   book and pay for day 2 and day 8 COVID-19 travel tests – to be taken after arrival in England l   complete a passenger locator form   抵達英國時: 您必須在您的住處自主隔離10 天並進行COVID-19檢測 On arrival in England you must: l   quarantine at home or in the place you are staying for 10 days l   take a COVID-19 test on or before day 2 and on or after day 8   7月19日後,如果您在英國接種疫苗計畫下完成疫苗接種,且未於10天內抵達過Red list上的國家,抵達英國時可以不需要隔離或是進行第8天的COVID-19檢測。 From 4am Monday 19 July you will not need to quarantine on arrival in England or take a day 8 COVID-19 test, as long as you: l   have been fully vaccinated under the UK vaccination programme l   have not been in a red list country in the 10 days before you arrive in England   完全接種疫苗指您在抵達英格蘭日期前至少14 天接種了最後一劑經批准的疫苗。您需要在passenger locator form上聲明您已完全接種疫苗,並提供相關證明。 Fully vaccinated means that you have had your final dose of an approved vaccine at least 14 days before the date you arrive in England. You will need to: l   declare that you have been fully vaccinated on your passenger locator form l   show proof of your vaccination status to your carrier (ferry, airline or train) when you travel Green list countries and territories 如果您過去10天有到達green list上的國家,您需要接受COVID-19檢測   抵達英國前: 進行COVID-19檢測,並預定Covid-19檢驗包,另外填寫passenger locator form Before you travel to England you must: l   take a COVID-19 test l   book and pay for a day 2 COVID-19 test – to be taken after arrival in England l   complete a passenger locator form   抵達英國時: 進行COVID-19檢測 On arrival in England l   You must take a COVID-19 test on or before day 2 after you arrive.   資料來源: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/red-amber-and-green-list-rules-for-entering-england   https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_397437.html 【英國留學】2021年7月19日更新-入境英國隔離規範! 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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在COVID-19疫情尚未穩定的情況下,許多學者表示,目前普遍施打疫苗被認為是終止疫情繼續惡化的唯一方式。相信國際學生最關心的就是抵達英國前是否需要施打疫苗? 抵達後是否可以施打疫苗呢?   目前英國並沒有規定學生入境以前一定要施打疫苗,也開放國際學生可以到當地施打疫苗。   在英格蘭,18歲的成年人,可以開始施打疫苗。 在蘇格蘭,30以上的成年人已開始受邀施打疫苗。 在威爾士,18歲以上的成年人將開始受邀施打疫苗。 在北愛爾蘭,18歲以上的成年人,可以上網或撥打0300 200 7813預約施打疫苗。   Q&A以下就幫大家整理一些關於施打疫苗的問題:   1.我將接種甚麼疫苗? 是否可以選擇呢? 目前不能選擇接種疫苗的廠牌,但是如果您是未滿40歲或是孕婦的話,將接種輝瑞或莫德納。但是如果已接踵第一劑AZ疫苗且沒有太大後遺症者,將繼續施打第二劑。   2.施打疫苗有哪些副作用或是血栓風險呢? 大多副作用都是很輕微且在幾天內就會完全消失。常見副作用包括: 手臂酸痛、疲倦、發熱、頭痛或感到噁心。55 歲以下的人施打輝瑞和莫德納較容易有副作用。施打AZ第二劑較第一劑更容易出現副作用。雖然血栓的風險在年輕人中的發生率似乎略高一些,但是施打疫苗的好處遠大於風險。   3.我是否需要接種疫苗? 不是。但是施打疫苗可以保護自己、家人與朋友,亦可以幫助減少病毒傳播或變種。沒有接種疫苗,您有可能無法出國旅行或是從事某些工作。   4.如果我有過敏體質該怎麼辦? 極少數人在接種輝瑞和莫德納疫苗後出現過敏反應。您可以跟醫療保健專業人員討論任何過敏反應。   5.如果長期感染病毒該怎麼辦? 最近的一項尚未發表的研究表明,接種疫苗有助於改善Covid的症狀。研究人員說,疫苗可以幫助恢復。   6.如果我討厭打針怎麼辦? 很多人說施打疫苗是無痛的,幾乎沒有任何感覺。或是施打疫苗時您可以轉移視線。   7.接種疫苗是否會影響生育能力? 沒有資料證明疫苗會影響男生或女生的生育能力,事實上感染病毒本身才會有潛在的可能會影響生育力。目前也有許多孕婦是有接種疫苗。   8.如果懷孕或是在進行哺乳,該怎麼辦? Covid 病毒會使一些婦女在懷孕後期患上重病,這會增加嬰兒早產的風險。另一方面,沒有資料證明疫苗會影響懷孕的問題。孕婦建議是施打輝瑞或莫德納疫苗。 哺乳仍然可以接種疫苗。   9.施打疫苗是否會影響月經週期? 有些女性施打疫苗後表示,經期特別長或是特別疼痛,但不知道這是否跟疫苗有關。不過有可能因為疫苗使免疫系統活動增加,也影響到月經週期。   10.施打疫苗後是否可以飲酒呢? 雖然沒有研究顯示需要完全避免飲酒,但大量飲酒會抑制免疫系統。所以建議是幾天內最好不要過度飲酒,特別是如果您有疫苗副作用的話。   11.兒童是否可以施打疫苗? 輝瑞疫苗現已在英國獲准用於 12-15 歲的兒童,但尚未決定是否擴大疫苗接種計劃。英國監管機構表示,該疫苗在這個年齡階段是安全有效的,其益處大於任何風險。   12.疫苗對 Delta變異毒株是否有效? Delta變異毒株的傳染性比英國之前的主要Alpha變異株高約 60%。 它也被認為是導致住院比例升高兩倍的可能原因。然而,英國公共衛生部 (PHE) 的新分析表示,輝瑞或AZ疫苗的兩種劑量在預防感染患者入院方面還是有效的。   13.疫苗是否可以混打? 英國的一項試驗正在調查使用兩種不同的疫苗是否可以提供更好的保護力。 目前,仍是認為應該接種兩劑相同的疫苗。但在極少數情況,如果只有一種疫苗可以使用,或者不知道第一劑接種的是哪種疫苗,則可以使用不同的疫苗。 如果您已經接種了第一劑AZ疫苗,您還應該接種第二劑。監管機構說,只有那些患有罕見血凝塊的人才不應該這樣做。   14.是否需要接種第三劑疫苗? 目前仍在實驗中,以確定第三劑是否可以預防新的變異病毒。  實際情況都是建議學生與專業醫生做討論   資料來源: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-57273875 https://www.bbc.com/news/health-55045639     https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_394479.html 【英國留學】英國施打Covid-19疫苗常見相關問題 Q&A 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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自7月19日起,已在英國NHS接種疫苗超過14 天或正在接受正式批准的英國疫苗臨床試驗的入境者,從Amber list的國家返回英國將不再需要隔離,旅客需要在旅行前提供疫苗接種證明。 出發前篩檢及第2天篩檢的措施將繼續保留。 18歲以下兒童從Amber list的國家返回英國免隔離。 自7 月 19 日起,將取消不要前往Amber list的國家旅行的建議,但旅客在預訂旅行前仍應繼續查看 FCDO 旅行建議。   l   from 19 July, arrivals who have been fully vaccinated with an NHS administered vaccine in the UK (plus 14 days), or are on a formally approved UK vaccine clinical trial, returning to England from amber list countries will no longer need to quarantine – passengers will need to provide proof of their vaccination status to carriers in advance of travel l   pre-departure testing and day 2 testing measures to remain l   children under the age of 18 to be exempt from quarantine on returning to England from amber countries l   the recommendation for people to not travel to amber countries will also be removed from 19 July – people should continue to check FCDO travel advice before booking travel l   news marks the next step in the cautious reopening of international travel, following the Prime Minister setting out plans earlier this week to ease COVID-19 restrictions in England from step 4 of the roadmap l   The government has today (8 July 2021) set out the details to enable people who have been fully vaccinated with an NHS administered vaccine, plus 14 days, to travel to amber list countries without having to quarantine on their return to England, from Monday 19 July. The recommendation for people not to travel to amber list countries will also be removed from 19 July.   The changes will come into force from Monday 19 July at 4am. Those who have been fully vaccinated with an NHS administered vaccine in the UK and are returning from amber countries will still be required to complete a pre-departure test before arrival into England, alongside a PCR test on or before day 2 after arrival. They will not have to take a day 8 test or self-isolate. Any positive results will be genomically sequenced to continue to manage the risk from importing variants.   Children under the age of 18 will not have to isolate when returning to England. While the recommendation that people should not travel to amber countries is being removed, children aged 4 and under will continue to be exempt from any travel testing. Children aged 5 to 10 will only need to do a day 2 PCR and 11 to 18 year olds will need to take both a pre-departure test and a day 2 PCR – as is the case for arrivals from green list countries.   The success of our vaccine programme has been aided by those selflessly taking part in clinical trials and those who are part of approved COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials in the UK will therefore be treated as vaccinated.   At this stage, there will be no changes to requirements for those returning from green or red list countries – even when they are fully vaccinated, nor for unvaccinated passengers travelling from amber countries who do not have a valid exemption.   Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps said:   Thanks to our successful vaccine rollout, we’re now able to widen quarantine-free travel to NHS administered fully vaccinated adults and children under the age of 18, and take another step towards fully reopening international travel.   As we continue with the domestic unlocking, it’s only right we get people travelling again – whether that’s for business to help create jobs, overdue holidays or reconnecting family and friends. However, protecting public health still remains our priority and we will act swiftly if action is needed.   Health Secretary, Sajid Javid said:   Vaccinations have severely weakened the link between COVID-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths, building a wall of protection across the country.   As we learn to live with this virus, due to the tremendous progress of the vaccine programme – with more than 3 in 5 people now double jabbed – we can safely take steps to ease restrictions on travel, as we are doing at home. Allowing quarantine-free travel for fully vaccinated people means they can be reunited with loved ones overseas and we can return to normality as quickly as possible.   The government is taking a phased approach to amending requirements and is already exploring plans to remove quarantine for vaccinated non-UK residents arriving from amber countries later this summer where it is safe to do so. The Test to Release scheme scheme remains an option for non-fully vaccinated travellers returning from amber countries to shorten their quarantine period, by paying for a private test and being released early if they receive a negative COVID-19 test result.   Travel continues to be different from usual, and while some restrictions remain in place passengers should expect their experience to be different and may face longer wait times than they are used to – although the government is making every effort to speed up queues safely. We will continue to rollout e-gates over the summer, with many already in operation across airports and more to be added over the coming months.   Carriers will have a critical role in carrying out primary checks on all passengers before boarding, checking people have the right COVID-19 certification documents to ensure we can continue to safeguard against new variants. Anyone not complying with health measures could face a fine, and carriers will be required to ensure proper checks are carried out.   Airlines UK CEO Tim Alderslade said:   This is a positive move towards the genuine reopening the sector has been looking for. Opening up the market for the rest of the summer, this announcement will provide far greater opportunities to travel, do business and see family and friends, and enable many more of our customers to book with certainty. The summer season essentially starts here.   Airlines look forward to working with government to continue this momentum and further open up the market.   All passengers will still need to complete their passenger locator form, which will include the requirement to declare vaccination status and provide proof of their pre-departure test. Amber arrivals will be required to prove their full vaccination status to carriers before departing, either via the NHS app or via an NHS COVID Pass letter which can be obtained by calling 119 for travelling overseas (which could take 5 days to arrive by post).   Airport Operators Association Chief Executive Karen Dee said:   This is a significant step forward that will be a boost to airports and the local economies that rely on them. Many airports staff will be able to get back to what they do best: supporting businesses to reach customers abroad, enabling people to visit friends and relatives and help people take a well-deserved holiday abroad after a difficult period.   If travelling abroad, you need to take steps to keep safe and prepare in case things change before you go or while you are there. Check the booking terms and conditions on flexibility and refunds because the situation remains fluid. Many travel firms have changed their terms to be fully flexible. Check and subscribe to FCDO travel advice updates to understand the latest entry requirements and COVID-19 rules at their destination – and passengers are advised to check all entry requirements and FCDO travel advice before they book any foreign travel.   資料來源 https://www.gov.uk/government/news/quarantine-free-travel-to-resume-on-19-july-for-fully-vaccinated-passengers-returning-from-amber-list-countries https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_397308.html 【英國留學】Quarantine-free travel to resume on 19 July for fully vaccinated passengers returning from amber list countries 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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2021/22學年開始就讀University of Sheffield,學校將提供關於隔離及篩檢資助。 自Green list抵達英國的學生,學校將補助最高85英鎊的COVID-19篩檢費用。 自Amber list抵達英國的學生,學校將補助最高149英鎊的COVID-19篩檢費用以及2週免收費校園住宿隔離,另外將於隔離期間提供民生必需品。 自Amber list抵達英國的學生,學校將補助1750英鎊的COVID-19篩檢及隔離費用。   學生可以在8/16開始申請補助,費用將退回英國帳戶中。   相關隔離及篩檢補助將適用於即將入學新生及繼續就讀學生,不適用於陪同學生一起旅行的任何家庭成員,亦不適用於如果學生在 2021/22 學年離開英國,返回時可能需要進一步隔離或篩檢,學校將無法再提供補助。   The UK government has introduced rules for those arriving to the UK from overseas, classifying countries as green, amber or red. You can check the current status of your country and the testing and quarantine rules which apply to you on the UK Border Control website.   We are pleased to confirm that the following financial support is available to enable new and continuing students to travel to the University of Sheffield for the start of the 2021/22 academic year*. This support is for new and continuing students whose permanent residence is in a country or territory on the UK government’s green, amber or red list. Applications will open on the 16 August 2021 to request refunds and students will receive a refund following registration (into a UK bank account). For details of how to submit a claim, please refer to our COVID-19 Support Fund. We recommend you read the guidance on the UK Border Control website carefully for further information and guidance on booking hotel quarantine and additional arrivals information. *Eligibility Financial support for quarantine and testing refunds is only available for those whose permanent residence is not in the UK or those who have been required to travel overseas as a mandatory part of their course in the 2020/21 academic year. Our financial support for testing and quarantining only covers those costs incurred for new and continuing students, not any family members who may be travelling with them. The support covers costs incurred by those who travel to Sheffield for the start of their programme in the 2021/22 academic year. If you leave the UK during the 2021/22 academic year, you may require a further period of quarantine or testing when you return. The University will not be able to provide support to you for any additional periods of quarantine. Should the UK government amend their guidance and requirements, we reserve the right to review our support package. Our policy is based on the UK government requirements for testing and quarantine and the red/amber/green lists as at 24 June 2021. Countries added to the red list after this date will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. Please note, neither the University nor the government endorses or recommends any specific test provider - you should do your own research about them and their terms and conditions. Best wishes, The University of Sheffield https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_396890.html 【英國留學】雪菲爾大學 (The University of Sheffield) Financial support 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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關於英國政府開放國際學生施打疫苗的相關說明,同學們可以參考以下資訊: https://www.england.nhs.uk/coronavirus/wp-content/uploads/sites/52/2021/06/C1317-COVID-19-vaccination-FAQs-students-in-Higher-Education-Institutions-.pdf     英國政府也針對各個國家入境有不同隔離及篩檢規範。舉例來說,歸類在Amber List國家,依照規定入境後必須要隔離十天,而在第二天與第八天都需要做PCR檢測,同學們可以參考以下資訊: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/red-amber-and-green-list-rules-for-entering-england     在確認飛機航班與居住地址後,到網站預定相關篩檢package https://www.find-travel-test-provider.service.gov.uk/test-type     英格蘭也提供了提早結束隔離的方案,學生可以在抵達後的第五天,自費多做一次PCR檢測, 如果兩次檢測都是陰性,即可提早結束隔離。同學們可以參考以下資訊: https://www.find-travel-test-provider.service.gov.uk/test-to-release   目前部分英國大學也有針對國際學生隔離與檢測所需費用給予補助,同學們可以留意學校網站上公告的相關訊息。 來自所有國家的旅客,入境英國前都必須要完成以下相關事宜:   預定COVID-19檢驗包 https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-testing-for-people-travelling-to-england   抵達前48小時內,完成旅客入境表 https://www.gov.uk/provide-journey-contact-details-before-travel-uk   再這邊也提醒同學,出國前要再留意各國入境的規範,並預定抵達英國後所需要的COVID-19檢驗包。出發前三天內做COVID-19檢驗,入境需要提供陰性證明。也請記得填寫旅客入境表。 https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_395914.html 【英國留學】英國入境隔離篩檢與施打疫苗等相關事宜 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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英國將旅遊國家依高中低風險區分為Red list、Amber list和Green list。學校將協助支付相關隔離與檢測費用。   自Green list和Amber list抵達英國的學生,學校將支付COVID-19檢驗費用。   學生若住在學校住宿,可以免費於學校住宿進行隔離,學校會支付Test to Release package費用以及提供餐點和必需品等。 學生若住其他地方也可以預訂學校住宿進行隔離,隔離時間不需收取費用,學校會支付Test to Release package費用以及提供餐點和必需品等。   自Red list抵達英國的學生,學校會負責隔離相關費用,學生需要先通知學校並提供收據。   學校不提供支付學生陪同者或是家人等相關隔離與檢測費用。   學校將在未來幾週提供更多相關資訊。   所有學生皆可以於當地接種疫苗。   關於新學年計劃的最新訊息請參考學校網站。 學校將在7月提供有關課程詳細資訊。   This is an update on welcoming you to our community in September and particularly focuses on the support we have available for you if you will be travelling to the UK from another country.   Campus is open and we want to reassure you we are preparing for your arrival within the UK government guidelines to ensure a Covid-19 safe environment.   The information below is correct at the time when the University sent the message. Things may change, however, so please read the latest information on our plans for offering a safe campus experience.   The UK government has rated countries as red, amber or green for coronavirus (Covid-19):   Red list: High-risk countries Amber list: Moderate-risk countries Green list: Low-risk countries   Support for students   We are pleased to confirm the University of Bath will help cover the costs for you if you are travelling to Bath from red, amber or green list countries where quarantining and testing is required.   For students arriving from a green list country, we will cover the cost of the test package needed on arrival.   For students arriving from an amber list country, we will cover the cost of the test package needed on arrival.   Students who will live in university accommodation can quarantine in university accommodation free of charge. We will cover the cost of a Test to Release package and provide basic essentials during the quarantine period, including meals.   Students who will live in private sector accommodation can quarantine there or, if they would prefer, can book a supported quarantine room in University accommodation. This accommodation will be free of charge. We will cover the cost of a Test to Release package and we will provide basic essentials during the quarantine period, including meals.   For students arriving from a red list country we will reimburse the cost of the 10-day government-managed quarantine hotel stay (currently £1,750). To be eligible we will need advance notice of your booking for government-managed quarantine hotel and a receipt for the cost.   We are unable to cover the cost for any quarantine and test package costs for your partner or family, who may be travelling with you.   Further details on the booking process for your quarantine accommodation, or how to let us know you will request a refund for your government-managed quarantine hotel stay, will be made available in the next few weeks.   Vaccinations   All students are eligible to get a Covid-19 vaccine. Please see our webpages for further information on how you can get your vaccination in Bath, if you have not already received both doses.   Plans for the 2021-22 academic year   Please see our website for the latest information on our plans for the coming academic year. We will provide course-level details on this topic in July. We understand that some of you will not be able to arrive to the UK in time for the start of semester. We will support you in the best way we can to start your studies remotely, however we encourage you to make plans to arrive in Bath as soon as you can.   Covid testing on campus   After your quarantine period has been completed, staff and students on campus will be encouraged to regularly test for Covid.   We will be in touch with you with further details on how to book your quarantine accommodation and transportation to Bath from the airport.   If you have any questions, please get in touch with us as at quarantine@bath.ac.uk.   Best wishes, Prof Bruce Rayton Academic Director of PGT Recruitment and Admissions     https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_395622.html 【英國留學】巴斯大學 (University of Bath) Important information on travelling to the UK 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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目前英國政府針對不同國家入境旅客有不同隔離措施。自Red list入境英國需於防疫旅館隔離10天,隔離費用為1750英鎊,包含隔離10天、餐點和2次PCR檢測。   為了幫助自Red list抵達英國的學生到校,Queen Mary將分擔隔離費用。學校將從這些學生入學時的學費中扣除 50% 的隔離費用(875 英鎊)。相關資訊將在未來幾週公告。   來自Amber list抵達並居住在Queen Mary宿舍的學生,學校將提供隔離所需物品,例如食品包和其他必需品。   英國政府每個月都會審查哪些國家/地區被列Red, Amber 或Green list,因此此時列為Red list的國家/地區可能會在 9 月份成為Amber 或Green list。   NHS England 日前也宣布,國際學生抵達後將有資格接種疫苗。在前往英國之前已接種第一劑的學生可以在抵達後接種第二劑。無法在 9 月前往英國的學生可以先於線上上課。   抵達英國後,如果學生尚未接種兩劑疫苗,也將有資格接種疫苗。   At Queen Mary University of London we are now counting down the weeks until the start of the new academic year and are eagerly anticipating your arrival on campus for your chosen programme of study.   We can’t wait to see you.   As we are sure you are aware, the UK Government is operating a traffic light system for arrivals into the UK, with different conditions applied to passengers arriving from Green, Amber and Red listed countries. Passengers arriving from Red list countries are required to quarantine in a hotel for 10 days. This period of quarantine has a fixed cost of £1,750, which includes 10 full days of quarantine, meals and two PCR tests that individuals self-administer on days 2 and 8 of their quarantine.   To help our students joining us from Red list countries, Queen Mary will share the cost of quarantine. We will do this by deducting 50% of the cost of the quarantine (£875) from these students’ tuition fees upon their enrolment. We will send you further details on how this process will be administered over the coming weeks as we move towards the pre-enrolment and enrolment period.   Students arriving from Amber list countries and living in Queen Mary residences will be provided with support packages, such as food parcels and other essentials, for the duration of their self-isolation period.     The UK Government reviews which countries are listed as Red, Amber or Green each month and so countries listed as Red at this moment, may be Amber or even Green by September when most students will be looking to travel to the UK.     Covid-19 vaccinations for International Students   NHS England has also announced that International Students will be eligible for a vaccine once they have arrived in England. Students who have received their first dose before travelling to the UK can receive their second dose once they have arrived. You can find out more on our Student Health pages via the button below.   Students who are not able to travel to the UK in September will have the opportunity to start their studies with Queen Mary online, moving to a mix of online and physical teaching when they are able to join us on campus. Once you have arrived in the UK you will then be eligible for your vaccine if you haven’t already received both doses in your home country.   We hope that this provides you with some reassurance and helps with your preparations for travelling to London in the autumn. https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_395107.html 【英國留學】倫敦大學瑪麗王后學院 (Queen Mary University of London) Arriving from Red and Amber List countries 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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從6/8日起,英國將開放讓所有25-29歲,尚未接種疫苗的成年人開始施打第一劑疫苗。 這也讓英國更接近於實現在 7 月底前為所有成年人提供疫苗的目標。   衛生部長馬特漢考克表示,施打疫苗可以打破傳播鏈。但他也表示,目前討論進一步解除封鎖還太早。   由於Covid 病例再次上升,這個與首次在印度發現的新變種病毒B.1.617.2有關。目前也在積極進行監測以防止病毒再次傳播。   英國政府預計於6/21進行下一步解封,但馬特漢考克表示將於6/14評估數據後公布結果。   儘管英國確診案例有所增加,但住院人數基本持平。絕大多數因為 Covid 住院的人都是沒有接種過疫苗的人。   在英國,25 歲及以上的人可以上網或撥打 119 進行預約施打疫苗。而蘇格蘭,30 歲及以上的人有資格接種疫苗。威爾士下週為 18 歲以上的人接種疫苗。在北愛爾蘭,18 歲及以上的人被邀請預約施打疫苗。   Covid vaccine: 25 to 29-year-olds in England invited   All adults aged 25 to 29 in England who have not yet had a Covid vaccine will be able to book their first dose from Tuesday.   The move brings the UK a step closer to meeting the target to offer all adults a vaccine by the end of July.   Health Secretary Matt Hancock said vaccines were breaking the link between infections, hospitalisations and deaths.   But he said it was too soon to decide the next steps of unlocking.   That's because Covid cases are rising again, linked to a new variant first found in India, also known as B.1.617.2 or Delta.   It is now the dominant type in circulation and surge testing is taking place to try to stop it spreading further.   Under the government's proposed timetable remaining restrictions are due to removed on 21 June - the so-called step four of the road map back to normality.   Mr Hancock told MPs: "It is too early to make decisions on step four, the road map has always been guided by the data.   "So we'll assess the data and announce the outcome a week today on 14 June."   He said jabs were still working though, "breaking the link between infections, hospitalisations and deaths, a link that was rock solid back in the autumn".   "Despite the rise in cases, hospitalisations have been broadly flat. The majority of people in hospital with Covid appear to be those who haven't had the vaccine at all."   Of the 12,383 new cases as of 3 June, 464 went on to present at emergency care and 126 were admitted to hospital.   Of those, 83 were unvaccinated, 28 had one dose of vaccine and three had both doses, he said.   He also urged secondary school children to continue to take twice-weekly lateral flow tests, stressing cases were rising fastest among older schoolchildren.     Vaccine rollout In England, people aged 25 and older can go online or call 119 to book.   In Scotland, people aged 30 and over are eligible for a vaccine. Wales is six weeks ahead of schedule and is vaccinating over 18s. In Northern Ireland, people 18 and over are invited to book.   What do under-30s need to know about the vaccine? NHS England chief executive, Sir Simon Stevens, said: "Getting the lifesaving Covid-19 jab is the most important thing you can do, with NHS staff vaccinating at over 1,600 sites including vaccine buses, places of worship, sport stadiums and other convenient locations.   "So, when you get that text, book your appointment and join the millions who are already protected."   People aged 39 and under who are eligible and pregnant women will be offered the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, in line with guidance.   A total of 40,460,576 people in the UK have now received at least one vaccine dose, while 27,921,294 have received both.   Meanwhile, the UK has recorded more than 5,000 new Covid cases over the past 24 hours.   There have been a further 154 hospital admissions, and there are currently 932 people being treated for Covid in hospital.   資料來源: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-57384099     https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_393295.html 【英國留學】Covid vaccine: 25 to 29-year-olds in England invited 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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Cardiff將負責從Red list和Amber List抵達英國的學生隔離或是篩檢相關費用。   從Red list抵達英國的學生如果需要在特定防疫旅館自我隔離10天,學校會支付該旅館費用。 從Amber List抵達英國的學生,學校會支付相關篩檢費用並提供隔離時所需的資源。 學校也會支付從Green list抵達英國的學生篩檢相關費用。 該適用於2021即將入學的以及返回校園的國際學生。 未來幾週,學校將會提供關於學校如何支付相關費用的更多資訊。   英國政府也已經確認,今年秋天抵達Cardiff的所有國際學生都可以接種疫苗,有關如何接種疫苗的更多資訊,將陸續公告。   無法抵達校園開始課程的學生可以在學期的前四個星期線上上課,但學校鼓勵學生可以盡快抵達校園進行上課。關於線上上課的相關政策,如果有任何變化,學校會另外通知,但可能有少數課程無法進行遠距教學,完整的細節將陸續公告。   學校也會在校園內繼續提供教職員和學生免費篩檢的服務。   We hope that you are looking forward to starting your studies with us in September. Although COVID-19 continues to impact daily life around the world, we want to reassure you that we are doing all we can to support your safe arrival in Cardiff, and to ensure that you have a great student experience with us.   Support for students arriving from red, amber and green list countries We are pleased to confirm that Cardiff University will help cover the costs of students travelling from red and amber list countries where quarantining and/or coronavirus testing is required on arrival in the UK.   For students arriving from a red list country, if a 10-day hotel quarantine period is required, the University will reimburse you the cost of the hotel stay – currently £1,750.   If you are arriving from an amber list country, we will reimburse you for costs incurred to take COVID-19 travel tests (up to the value of £210) which must be taken on day 2 and day 8 of your arrival in the UK. We are working with the Welsh Government to assess quarantine arrangements for amber list students but we will provide you with support for the duration of your quarantine.   We will also cover the costs of COVID-19 tests required for students arriving from green list countries.   This support is available to new and returning international students who will be travelling to Cardiff for the start of the 2021 academic year.   More information about how costs will be reimbursed and any other terms and conditions will be released in the coming weeks.   Successful vaccine rollout The UK’s highly successful vaccination programme continues to roll out to all age groups with the majority of all adults having now received two doses of a vaccine. Wales leads the way with the highest population of vaccinated people of any country in the world.   Our government has confirmed that all international students arriving in Cardiff this autumn will have access to vaccinations, in line with the rest of the UK population. We are working closely with Public Health Wales to ensure the needs of our students are considered as part of the vaccination rollout - more details of how you will be able to access a vaccine will be communicated later in the summer.    Delayed arrival onto campus We are aware that some students may experience delays in travelling to Cardiff for the start of the 2021/22 academic year due to coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions and we will provide as much support as we can to those who face delays.   Students who are unable to arrive in Cardiff for the start of their course will be permitted to study online for the first four weeks of term before joining us on campus. If you study online for this period, you will miss some in-person teaching and not all study materials will be available online. We therefore encourage you to ensure you join us in Cardiff as soon as you are able to.   We are keeping our remote study policy under constant review and we will write to you if there are any changes. There may be a small number of courses where remote study will not be possible - full details will be published later in the summer.   Support travelling from London to Cardiff A coach collection service from Heathrow to Cardiff will be operational for the 2021 intake for new international students. We are currently reviewing the provision of this service with more details being made available later in the summer.    In-house screening service We continue to offer a free coronavirus (COVID-19) screening service to all students and staff on campus. You can use the service to get tested if you don't have any COVID-19 symptoms but would like reassurance.   As always, we are here to help you so please get in touch if you have any questions. https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_393294.html 【英國留學】卡迪夫大學 (Cardiff University) Important information about travelling to the UK this autumn 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
  Durham提供更新資訊,目前學生無須接種COVID-19疫苗也可以入境英國。如果尚未接種疫苗,學生在註冊GP後可以於英國免費接種COVID-19疫苗。   Durham將負責從Red list抵達英國的學生防疫旅館費用,另外從 Amber List上抵達英國的學生可以在學校宿舍自主隔離。   學校建議學生每周進行兩次快篩,但從Red list and Amber List抵達英國的學生在快篩前須完成自我隔離及篩檢步驟(包含兩次PCR篩檢。)   學生若無法於十月抵達學校,學校亦提供線上授課。   We’re looking forward to welcoming new students to our COVID-secure campus in the autumn. The health, safety, and wellbeing of our students, staff, and local community are our priority. We want to share with you plans for how we'll support your safe arrival in Durham.   Read the UK Government step-by-step guide to entering the UK before you book your travel. https://www.gov.uk/uk-border-control?_cldee=aHN1d2VuY2hpbmcyMHR3QHgtYXouY29t&recipientid=contact-e556c3618453ea11a8130022480030d2-a6e5359767a7498ebf95877ffcb9f340&esid=ad8b6e2e-36be-eb11-bacc-0022481a9d86     Arrival guidance   Currently, you don't need to have had a COVID-19 vaccination to travel to the UK. If you haven't had a vaccination when you arrive in Durham, you'll be able to get one in the UK free of charge once you're registered with a doctor at a medical centre. We'll help you to arrange this via our local health service providers.   UK Government guidance states that what you must do when you arrive in England from overseas depends on whether you have been in a red, amber, or green list country in the 10 days before you arrive.   We'll pay the costs of a quarantine hotel for any new students arriving in Durham from or through a red list country this autumn. If you arrive from an amber list country, you'll be able to quarantine in university accommodation, and we'll offer support to enable you to do so. We'll share further details with you about quarantine arrangements over the coming months.   Once you're in Durham   Our students are strongly advised to take two Lateral Flow Tests (LFTs) per week throughout term at our central testing sites. LFTs are free and available seven days a week.   However, if you arrive from a red or amber list country, you must complete your 10-day quarantine period, which will involve taking two PCR Tests before taking an LFT.     If you can't travel to Durham   While we’re looking forward to welcoming you to Durham and offering in-person teaching on campus, we recognise that a small number of students will have health risks or may not be able to travel.   If you can’t join us in October, you’ll be able to register for online study so that you can still benefit from the world-class teaching and resources provided at Durham.   With just some exceptions, teaching on our programmes will be available online and you'll have access to support to help you get the most out of your learning. We’ll use the latest technology to support your education including online platforms where you can learn with your peers.     Your experience   Every student is important to us, and we’ll do what we can to support you – whatever your circumstances.   Repeatedly, including during the pandemic when restrictions have been in place, our students and graduates say how welcomed and well supported they felt by Durham. It’s one of the reasons the friendships and connections made in Durham remain for years and decades afterwards.     Staying up to date   We're working hard to ensure we continue to be compliant with COVID-secure guidance to provide you with the best possible academic and wider student experience. We'll continue to email you with information about the academic year 2021/22 when changes occur. As well as email updates, we'll publish our most up-to-date information and frequently asked questions on our Applicants and Future Students webpage.   We look forward to you joining us in the autumn.     https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_392802.html 【英國留學】 杜倫大學 (Durham University) Your arrival in Durham this autumn 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
Bristol提供關於COVID-19篩檢及隔離更新資訊,該資訊適用於2021年9月欲抵達英國的國際學生 Green List: 學校負責COVID-19篩檢費用。Amber List: 學生須自主隔離10天。學校會負責COVID-19‘Test to Release’費用並提供隔離期間包含餐點等生活必需品。Red List: 學生須在特定防疫旅館自我隔離10天,學校會支付該旅館費用。 學校不支付於學期中離境或是連同學生抵達英國的受撫養者及家人相關隔離及篩檢費用。 若學生因疫情緣故無法到校,學生可以選擇線上上課,直到可以抵達英國為止。(不適用於該課程需實體授課) We would like to give you an update about coronavirus (COVID-19) quarantine and testing support. This advice is for international students who are planning to travel to the UK to start a course or programme in September 2021. Support available We are very pleased to announce that the University of Bristol will help with the costs of coronavirus testing and quarantine where required. l   If you are arriving from or have travelled through a green list country, we will cover the cost of the test package you need.l   If you are arriving from or have travelled through an amber list country, we will cover the cost of the test package you need. You will also need to spend 10 days in quarantine. We will cover the cost of a ‘Test to Release’ package and provide basic essentials during your quarantine period, including meals.l   If you are arriving from or have travelled through a red list country, you will need to spend 10 days in a managed quarantine hotel. We will reimburse you for the cost of this hotel stay (currently £1,750). Green, amber and red list countries The UK government has placed overseas countries into three categories for coronavirus: green, amber and red. Each category has different conditions for people travelling to the UK from or through those countries. Green list countries have the fewest restrictions on arrivals, and red list countries have the most. You can check which list your country is on, and find out the conditions for arrivals, on the UK government website.  Eligibility This support is available to all new and continuing international students who will be arriving in Bristol for the start of the 2021 academic year.  If you leave the UK during the academic year, you may require a further period of quarantine or testing when you return. The University will not be able to provide support to you for any additional periods of quarantine. The University is not able to provide support for quarantine or testing for any dependants or family members who travel to the UK with you. If the government guidance and requirements change, the University reserves the right to review this support package. Please be assured that if you are unable to travel to Bristol due to travel restrictions in your country, you can study online until you are able to join us (unless you are studying a course that requires in-person teaching, in which case we will contact you with further advice).  Pre-sessional applicants If you have applied for an on-campus pre-sessional course and will be travelling to Bristol before September 2021, we will send you further information by email soon.  Find out more Further details of the support available, and guidance on how to book testing, will be provided to you by email before you begin your journey to Bristol. Check the following pages for the latest advice: General coronavirus informationhttps://www.bristol.ac.uk/coronavirus/?utm_source=connect&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=pg-crm-may-quarantine-update-2021 Coronavirus advice for applicants and prospective studentshttps://www.bristol.ac.uk/study/coronavirus/?utm_source=connect&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=pg-crm-may-quarantine-update-2021 Advice for new studentshttps://www.bristol.ac.uk/students/new/?utm_source=connect&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=pg-crm-may-quarantine-update-2021 Studying at Bristol in 2021/22.https://www.bristol.ac.uk/coronavirus/next-academic-year-2021-22/?utm_source=connect&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=pg-crm-may-quarantine-update-2021 We hope you are staying safe, and we look forward to welcoming you to Bristol in September.Best wishes,University of Bristol https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_392522.html News【英國留學】 布里斯托爾大學 (University of Bristol) 提供關於COVID-19篩檢及隔離更新資訊 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
美國政府宣布解除國際學生旅行禁令政策:來自受禁國家/地區的學生現在有資格從2021年8月1日起返回美國,這些國家/地區領事館也很快將恢復運營。 持有有效F-1和M-1簽證的國際學生打算在2021年8月1日或之後開始或繼續學習課程,無需聯繫大使館或領事館簽發NIE。 他們最早可以在開課前30天內入境美國。 申請新的F-1或M-1簽證的學生應在最近的使館或領事館查詢簽證服務的狀態; 具有F-1或M-1簽證資格的其他申請人將被自動考慮簽發NIE。 許多美國大學都已做好準備,並實施安全有效的政策。CDC疾病預防控制中心每週都會提供更新的指導,以確保國人安全和健康。美國人也都持續在接種疫苗。未來學校和企業將陸續重新開放,國際學生也將有資格在校園內接種疫苗。 國際學生若預計今年秋季入學,各地使館將重新開放,建議學生盡快預約申請簽證。 The Biden administration has announced the international student travel ban policy will no longer be in effect: Students from banned countries are now eligible to return to the United States effective August 1, 2021, and consular operations will resume in these countries very soon. The International Student Travel Ban Is LiftedHere are the official details: l   International students with valid F-1 and M-1 visas intending to begin or continue an academic program starting on or after August 1, 2021, do not need to contact an embassy or consulate to seek an individual National Interest Exception (NIE) to travel. They may enter the United States no earlier than 30 days before the start of their academic studies.  l   Students seeking to apply for new F-1 or M-1 visas should check the status of visa services at the nearest embassy or consulate; those applicants who are found to be otherwise qualified for an F-1 or M-1 visa will automatically be considered for a NIE to travel. How U.S. Universities Are Preparing for Fall 2021U.S. universities are ready, having implemented safe and effective policies that will protect students while on campus as they return to in-class instruction. International students planning on coming to the U.S. this fall should have a high level of confidence knowing that their safety is their school’s number–one priority.Each week, we see increased guidance from the CDC as they issue new and updated instructions helping Americans navigate staying safe and healthy. Each day, thousands of Americans are getting vaccinated — which means schools and businesses can continue to reopen, and the rhythms of daily life can soon fully resume. And international students are also eligible to get vaccinated on campus.  Make Preparations EarlyIf you are planning to study in the U.S. this fall, do not delay. l   Embassies around the world are in the process of reopening and appointments will fill up quickly. We recommend students make appointments as soon as possible.l   May is an ideal time for students to get their visas: Data has shown that visa success rates are higher earlier in the enrollment process.l   Confirm your enrollment as soon as possible: Early enrollment comes with multiple benefits, including first choice of housing options. 資訊來源:https://www.usnewsglobaleducation.com/reopening-america/?utm_source=marketo&utm_campaign=outreach_b2c_all_na_global_all_usnge_mktoform_announcement_en_learn-more__&utm_medium=email&utm_content=travel-ban&mkt_tok=NTUzLVpVQS00MDcAAAF8v0OdRHc3Y4_fIdzn_hM_i_I9vnH1IhBKsCtmxKE5mgtrrg1_7oMiqoFq3lPgd1EWPPt9Uq4TKmWBUAXbjxLMVwTDsNLRQ8vL-Sv3abby8b86Dw https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_390773.html News【美國留學】US The International Student Travel Ban Is Lifted 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
隨著COVID-19疫苗普及,超過1.2億美國居民至少已施打第一劑疫苗。為確保社區健康和安全,The George Washington University要求今年秋季到校的學生及教職員工皆須接種FDA或是WHO認可的COVID-19疫苗 。   參加完全線上教學的學生或是在家工作的教職員工將不需要接種疫苗。   學校也要求學生及教職員工須在到校前兩週完成最後一劑疫苗施打。國際學生若無法在抵達美國以前完成接種疫苗,則需進行隔離及檢測,直到完成施打疫苗。   ** Please note that the information below has been updated as of May 3, 2021. GW will accept any vaccine authorized for use by either the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the World Health Organization (WHO). The current FDA-authorized vaccines are available online. Authorized-WHO vaccines are listed here.**     To the George Washington University Community:   We continue to be encouraged by the progress we make each day toward a post-pandemic university, country, and world. As COVID-19 vaccine distribution expands, more than 120 million U.S. residents have received at least one dose, and we expect the availability of vaccines to increase, allowing everyone age 16 and above the opportunity to receive a COVID-19 vaccine this spring or summer.   Given these developments and to further support the health and safety of our community, after consultation with student, faculty, and staff leadership we will require students, faculty, and staff who are in person this fall to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 prior to being on campus.    The following guidance will apply to this new requirement:   l   Any vaccine authorized for use in the U.S. will be accepted. l   Current students, faculty, and staff should upload their vaccination card to the medical portal.  Instructions for this process are available here. l   We will grant limited exemptions, such as for medical or religious reasons. We will provide more guidance on the exemption process in the coming weeks. l   All GW community members who come to campus are required to be vaccinated. Students who are online-only and faculty and staff approved to work 100 percent remotely will not be required to have received the vaccine. l   We will exercise discretion in enforcing the mandate for those who have extenuating circumstances that are beyond their control and that will cause delays in vaccination.     We strongly encourage everyone to receive the vaccine at their earliest opportunity. As more students, faculty, and staff transition back to campus, having our entire population vaccinated is essential to keeping our community healthy and safe. Information about local vaccine resources is available on our COVID-19 vaccine webpage.   We remain optimistic about the coming months, and we are excited to take more positive steps that prioritize health and safety as well as focus on flexibility and an engaging on-campus experience this fall.   Stay safe and stay well.   Sincerely,   Thomas J. LeBlanc, President M. Brian Blake, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Mark Diaz, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Barbara Bass, Vice President for Health Affairs; Dean, School of Medicine and Health Sciences Lynn Goldman, Dean, Milken Institute School of Public Health M.L. “Cissy” Petty, Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Scott Burnotes, Vice President for Safety and Facilities   資料來源: https://coronavirus.gwu.edu/important-covid-19-vaccine-update https://coronavirus.gwu.edu/top-faqs#international   https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_390772.html News【美國留學】喬治華盛頓大學 (The George Washington University) COVID-19 Vaccine Information for International Students 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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在2021年夏季,如果COVID-19限制允許,學校將採用混合教學法。這表示有部份課程將透過每週線上方式進行。自主學習也是這個課程的重要組成,從2021年8月起,學生將有機會在校園內進行面對面的教學或諮詢,其中包括至少每週一次與導師和其他學生在校園內會議。 如果情況許可,學生也有機會在夏季到校參加活動;但也請留意如果COVID-19限制,任何校園授課、活動或會議將改為線上方式。 如果學生無法抵達英國也可以於線上完成語言課程。 10週語言課程如果學生是要參加10週語言課程,前4週將採完全線上授課方式;如果COVID-19限制允許,則課程後6週(從2021年8月2日開始)將使用前面所述的混合教學方法。 6 週語言課程如果COVID-19限制允許,參加6週語言課程將使用前面所述的混合教學方法。  Summer pre-sessional teaching (July–September 2021)During summer 2021, if COVID-19 restrictions allow, we’ll use a blended teaching method. This means that some of your study will be online with weekly live online classes and consultations. Independent study is an important element of these courses and you’ll have opportunities for face-to-face teaching or consultations on campus from August 2021. This will include at least one on-campus meeting a week with your tutors and other students. If circumstances permit, throughout the summer there'll be opportunities to meet students on campus for social activities. Please note that if COVID-19 restrictions change, any on-campus teaching, meetings or activities may be delivered online.  If you’re not able to travel to the UK due to COVID-19 or travel restrictions in your country, you’ll be able to complete your pre-sessional course online.  10-week summer pre-sessional coursesIf you’re studying a 10-week pre-sessional course, the first four weeks will be taught fully online. For the final six weeks of your course (from 2 August 2021) if COVID-19 restrictions allow, we’ll use the blended teaching method described previously. 6-week summer pre-sessional coursesIf you’re studying a 6-week pre-sessional course, if COVID-19 restrictions allow, we’ll use the blended teaching method described previously. 資料來源:https://www.leeds.ac.uk/info/130567/language_centre/617/postgraduate_pre-sessional_english/5  https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_390771.html News【英國留學】利兹大學 (University of Leeds) Summer pre-sessional teaching July-September 2021 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
目前學校正根據英國政府的規定,規劃秋季入學的授課方式。學校預計授課方式將包含校園的實體授課和線上授課,較大型的課程將採線上授課方式。   由於英國施打疫苗的計劃持續在執行中,未來也預計放寬及解除更多的限制,學校將繼續配合政府的規定,希望於9月開始,能讓學生都返回校園上課。   學校也會繼續計劃及提供較為彈性的混合性授課方式,以因應疫情的變化。未來學校會不斷更新與提供最新消息,請學生務必隨時留意。   University of Aberdeen planning for the start of the 2021/22 academic year   We will be open and ready to welcome students to campus in September for the new session.  In line with all other Universities we are currently planning our on-campus teaching on the basis of Government rules. To adhere to these rules, we anticipate that our delivery will involve a mix of in-person teaching on campus and online learning, with on-campus delivery for practical work and smaller group sessions but online delivery for larger groups.   We are also optimistic that the lifting of restrictions will enable the resumption of wider activities to support your student experience, given the improving public health situation and the successful roll out of the vaccination programme across the UK.  There is already beginning to be an easing of restrictions across Scotland, and with travel throughout the UK now allowed.    For our students based outside the UK, it is hoped that international travel will become possible soon, hopefully sometime after mid-May, and we continue to work with the Scottish Government to develop plans to support quarantine arrangement for our students.  And we therefore hope to be able to welcome all of our students to Aberdeen for the new session starting in September.   We will of course continue to offer flexibility in response to changing circumstances and in order to meet our students’ needs, including through online provision where that is necessary. We have successfully delivered students’ learning throughout the pandemic using online and blended learning approaches to provide that flexibility when it has been needed.     We are working extremely hard to get ready for your arrival and to support your learning experience with us and will continue to keep you updated over the coming months. We will continue to keep you informed as our planning for September progresses, and as national public health guidance and planning is updated, so please keep an eye out for our updates! https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_390770.html News【英國留學】亞伯丁大學 (University of Aberdeen) teaching delivery for September 2021 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
英國政府新階段的解封計劃預計在5/17實施,目前學校正在為各種可能的情況做準備。 學校預計在新的學期提供學生混合型授課方式(實體授課及線上授課混合)。   The University of Manchester AMBS課程將提供實體與線上授課,不論學生選擇哪種授課方式,都不會影響到教學的內容。   實體授課-授課方式將包含實體的校園活動,線上講座和課程,以及新錄製的影片內容和講師的其他材料。校園活動和遠程活動仍須取決於政府的政策;但是,學校將盡可能在校園內提供面對面的活動。   某些活動將會是以“同步”的方式進行,學生可以同時學習並與講師/同學做互動。在其他時間,它將會是以預錄的方式進行,學生可以隨時進行學習。     線上授課:課程將透過線上平台(例如Microsoft Teams或Zoom)和學校虛擬學習環境Blackboard做學習。學生將與實體授課方式一樣享有相同的教學內容。課程會是同步方式或是預錄方式進行。   學校將於5/24開始提供更多資訊,並要求學生選擇欲參與的授課方式。   國際學生在決定選擇實體授課或線上授課時,需要另外考慮到簽證問題。   AMBS - IMPORTANT UPDATE - SEMESTER 1 - 2021/2022 We know that you will have many questions about starting your studies next year and we are writing to give you the latest information about our plans.   The UK government’s roadmap out of lockdown brings us all some optimism for the coming months but we are preparing for different eventualities.   As we’re sure you understand, we have to react to government guidance when we receive it. This can make planning ahead difficult. At present we expect that the start of the next academic year will see many new and returning students here with us in Manchester – learning through a blended approach (this means a mix of both on-campus and online teaching.)   However, it’s possible that ongoing travel restrictions and other safety measures may make it difficult for some students to start their studies on campus at the beginning of the academic year. Therefore, we aim to make remote study options available in Semester 1 wherever possible.   Good news – you can plan to join us on campus in Semester 1 next year, or study remotely   Your programme is planning to offer both an on-campus and a remote study option in Semester 1 of next year. So, whichever of these you choose, you won’t have to worry about accessing your teaching provision.   On-campus option: If you study on-campus, you will benefit from our blended, flexible learning model. Even prior to COVID we made a commitment to improve and extend our blended learning provision, and we have worked very hard on this over the past year. Your studies will be a mixture of in-person on-campus activities, online lectures and classes, and new recorded video content and other materials from your lecturers. The balance of on-campus and remote activity will be dependent on government guidelines; however, we will do our best to offer on-campus face to face activity wherever possible.   Some of your activity will be “synchronous”, where you learn live and interact with your lecturer / peers – helping you get support and feel part of a community. At other times it will be “asynchronous”, where you access structured materials like presentations, video content, online discussion boards or collaborative documents in your own time.     This blended approach will help you study in a way that works best for you. It will also allow us to respond as quickly as possible to the planned easing of lockdown and any other changes in restrictions over the coming months. We also plan to have on-campus libraries and study spaces open where possible, to support your learning. However, please be aware that some restrictions are likely to remain in place, depending on government COVID regulations when we return to campus.   Remote option: Your programme will be delivered remotely through online platforms (for example Microsoft Teams or Zoom) and our university virtual learning environment, Blackboard. You’ll experience the same styles of teaching as your classmates studying on-campus. Your teaching and learning will sometimes be in “synchronous” sessions and at other times it will be “asynchronous” (see above for what this means). You will be fully supported to access and make the most of the digital resources provided by your programme.   We will send you more details week commencing 24th May to give you a better idea about what to look forward to next year. This email will let you know how much time you can expect to spend taking part in face-to-face teaching on-campus, combined with any online elements.   You’ve got time to decide which option you intend to choose   The email in week commencing 24th May will ask you to tell us if you are coming to campus, or if you need a remote, online study option for the first semester of your programme. We will give you a few weeks to decide, with a deadline in early July. In the meantime, there’s no need to get in touch with us about your decision.   We really hope to see you in Manchester next year and hope this flexibility in study options will help and reassure you. It also means we can make sure we are better prepared to give you the best possible academic experience next year.   If you initially choose remote study but later change your mind, you can just let us know. It is best to tell us as soon as possible so that we can include you in on-campus teaching; however, the point when we can do this will be dependent on your specific programme. It is also possible to switch from on campus to remote study.   You will be able to come to Manchester and use other campus facilities at any time (government regulations permitting). Please be aware that there will likely still be additional procedures and requirements in place to keep everyone safe, depending on government safety guidelines at any time. We will keep you updated as we approach the return to campus in the autumn. You can read more about our current safety measures here.   International students (including EAA)   If you are an international student, you will have additional considerations related to visas when deciding whether to study remotely or on campus.   UK government guidance does not currently allow for remote study for international students who are studying with us on a student visa. Exceptions were made for the 2020-21 academic year, but these have not yet been confirmed for 2021-22. If travel restrictions remain in place at the start of the next academic year, we would expect this policy to be extended.   At this stage we’re asking all new and returning students, including international students to indicate their initial intentions for remote or on-campus study. So, you need to follow the rest of the instructions in this email. We will then keep you updated with any changes in government policy that may affect the option you’ve chosen. For further information see our student FAQs.   Further information   We know there are still lots of uncertainties about next year and the possible return to campus. Please rest assured that we are following government guidance closely and planning intensely for next year. We’ll keep you updated with further information as and when it’s available.   Our student FAQs cover general advice for all students. If you have questions in the meantime, please get in touch with postgrad.ambs@manchester.ac.uk, although please bear in mind that we are currently working through the detail and may not have answers for you until week commencing 24th May.     AMBS Admissions Team   資料來源: The University of Manchester AMBS Admissions Team   https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_390166.html News【英國留學】曼徹斯特大學 (The University of Manchester) AMBS 授課方式更新 AMBS-IMPORTANT UPDATE-SEMESTER 1-2021/2022 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
英國政府於2/22宣布四階段解封計劃,希望最快於6/21完全解除防疫措施。由於確診及死亡人數下降,英國已按照原計劃,於4/12實施第二階段解封。未來也預計於5/17開始第三階段解封,英國政府也確認尚未回到校園上課的學生,最快將在第三階段解封實施時,返回校園上課。   解封計劃仍需要依照疫苗開發以及施打成效、確診數是否對醫療系統造成負擔、變異種對防疫的影響等指標決定解封的時間及順序。   返回學校後,鼓勵所有學生和教職工在校園內相隔3至5天進行檢測。   政府也額外提供了1500萬英鎊的困難資金,以提供學生資助。   Remaining university students to return to campus from Step 3 of the roadmap, no earlier than 17 May   Government confirms all university students yet to return to in-person teaching will be able to do so from Step 3 of the roadmap   l   All students to return to in-person teaching from Step 3 of the Government’s roadmap, no earlier than 17 May l   New home testing kits provided to students to increase testing uptake and help limit virus transmission   All university students who have not yet returned to campus and in-person teaching will be able to do so from 17 May, at the earliest, the Government has confirmed today (Tuesday 13 April).   The timing aligns with Step 3 of the Government’s roadmap, where restrictions on social contact and indoor mixing will be further eased, and aims to limit potential public health risks associated with student populations moving across the country.   Progression to Step 3 of the roadmap will be dependent on a review of the latest data and the impact of Step 2 on the four key tests.   Creative and practical students started returning from the 8 March, with an estimated 49 per cent of students already eligible to return to in-person teaching, subject to decisions by their institutions, and remaining students have received online provision throughout the term.   Upon return, all students and staff are encouraged to take three supervised tests (3 to 5 days apart) at an asymptomatic testing site on campus, where this is available.   After this, students will also have access to home testing kits throughout the summer term through both the Government’s offer of free rapid LFD tests twice weekly to everyone in England, and ‘University Collect’ services, under which universities will distribute tests from communal locations on campus, such as libraries. This is in addition to the onsite testing already offered.   All tests will be free, and all students and staff who test positive from an LFD test will need to self-isolate for 10 days, unless they receive a negative PCR test within two days.   The Government has made available an additional £15 million in hardship funding to support those students most in need, such as those struggling to pay accommodation costs due to the pandemic. International and postgraduate students will be eligible for this funding along with domestic undergraduates.   資料來源: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/remaining-university-students-to-return-to-campus-from-step-3-of-the-roadmap-no-earlier-than-17-may https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_389863.html News【英國留學】英國第三階段解封 Remaining university students to return to campus from Step 3 of the roadmap, no earlier than 17 May 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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英國內政部(Home Office)宣佈,2021年7月1日起將重新開放國際學生畢業後可以留在英國兩年找工作的PSW簽證! 學士或碩士留學生可以在未有工作的情況下留在英國2年,而博士生則可以留3年。 由於疫情關係,2020年秋季入學的學生必須於2021年6月21日前抵達英國,2021年1月或2月入學的學生則需於2021年9月27日以前入境英國,才能符合申請的資格。 該簽證不能作為永久居留,如果想繼續留在英國,可以改申請其他簽證。 Today (4 March 2021), the UK Government has confirmed that the Graduate route will open for applications on 1 July 2021. This will allow the UK to retain the brightest and the best international students to contribute to society and the economy post-study. Key Points:l   The Graduate route will be available to international students who have completed a degree at undergraduate level or above at a Higher Education Provider with a track record of compliance, and who have valid Tier 4 or Student permission at the time of application.l   Successful applicants on this route at bachelor’s or master’s level will be able to stay in the UK and work, or look for work, at any skill level for two years. Doctoral students will be able to stay for three years.l   Graduates will be able to apply to the Skilled Worker route from within the UK, once they have found a suitable job.l   Due to COVID-19, we have also put in place concessions for students unable to travel to the UK due to the pandemic, recognising the continued disruption many face in international travel. Applicants who began their studies in autumn 2020 have until 21 June 2021 to enter the UK with permission as a Student (updated from the previous date of 6 April 2021) in order to be eligible to apply to the Graduate route. Students who began their studies in January or February 2021 will need to be in the UK by 27 September 2021.l   The launch of the route demonstrates the Government’s support for our education sector, and commitment to the International Education Strategy, which sets out an ambition to increase education exports to £35 billion and the number of international higher education students in the UK to 600,000 by 2030.l   Individuals who already have permission as a dependant of a Student who is applying on this route can also apply to extend their permission as a dependant – however new dependants are not permitted on this route.l   The route does not count towards settlement – however Graduates will be able to apply to other routes at the end of their 2-3 year stay, for example the Skilled Worker, Global Talent or Innovator routes.l   Those who graduate and whose Tier 4 or Student visa leave expires before the route is introduced will not be eligible, however, most of these students will have had no expectation of benefitting from such a route when they applied to study in the UK. They will also be able to apply to a number of other routes, for example Skilled Worker, Start Up, Innovator or Global Talent, among others. Frequently asked questions:Will the Graduate route require a new application?The Graduate route will require a new visa application, which will only be possible from inside the UK. It will include the payment of a visa fee of £700 and the Immigration Health Surcharge at the full rate of £624 per year. Students will also need to know the Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) they used for their most recent Student (or Tier 4) application in order to apply for the Graduate route. Will universities be expected to act as sponsors for those students on the Graduate route after they have graduated?Individuals applying to the Graduate route will not need a sponsor. Student sponsors will not need to fulfil any sponsorship duties for their students once they switch onto the Graduate route and students will not need a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) to apply under this route. However, students sponsors will need to notify the Home Office that a student has successfully completed their course. Will this route count towards settlement?The route is non-extendable and does not count towards settlement. However, graduates who find an appropriate job and meet the requirements will be able to apply to work routes, including the Skilled Worker, which is a route to settlement. 相關資訊https://www.gov.uk/government/news/graduate-route-to-open-to-international-students-on-1-july-2021  https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_385180.html 【英國留學】英國政府重新開放PSW申請 Graduate route to open to international students on 1 July 2021 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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英國政府宣布自2月15日起,旅客在入境英國以前皆需要:l   提供COVID-19檢測陰性結果報告 You must have proof of a negative coronavirus (COVID-19) test to travel to England. 台灣開放民眾自費檢驗COVID-19相關規定請參考下方連結: (內含申請表、指定醫院以及採檢/取件時間和採檢費用)https://www.cdc.gov.tw/File/Get/XOqyes7ueHlurOi4n3CTBw l   英國公民仍需要進行COVID-19檢測You must take a test even if you are a UK citizen. l   施打過COVID-19疫苗者仍需要進行COVID-19檢測you’ve already had the COVID-19 vaccine. l   您必須於出發到英國前3天內進行COVID-19檢測 (例如您星期五抵達英國,您必須選在星期四、星期三或星期二進行檢測) You must take the test in the 3 days before you start your journey to England.For example, if you travel directly to England on Friday, you must take the test on the Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. l   請於出發前訂購Covid-19檢驗包 (此檢驗包將於隔離第2天或之前,以及隔離第8天或之後所使用)book and pay for a travel test package, which will include COVID-19 tests to be taken on or before day 2 and on or after day 8 of your quarantine Book your travel testing packagehttps://quarantinehotelbookings.ctmportal.co.uk/ l   如果您從共同旅行區以外的地方抵達英國,您必須於抵達英國48小內完成Passenger locator formBefore you travel to England from anywhere outside the Common Travel Area, you must provide your journey, contact details and the address where you will self-isolate. You can complete the public health passenger locator form 48 hours before you arrive. You may be required to present these details on your arrival in England.*共同旅行區 (Common Travel Area,CTA)由愛爾蘭共和國、大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國、曼島、澤西島和根西島組成。一般情況下,共同旅行區內的移動很少受到限制。英國公民和愛爾蘭公民只需要最低限度的證件就可以自由移動到對方國家。Passenger locator formhttps://www.gov.uk/provide-journey-contact-details-before-travel-uk英國政府宣布自2月15日起,自共同旅行區以外入境英國的旅客皆需要:From 15 February onwards, everyone allowed to enter England from outside the Common Travel Area (Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man) must:l   在隔離第2天或之前及隔離第8天或之後需再進行COVID-19檢測 (費用210英鎊) Everyone must book a travel test package – this costs £210. You must take a COVID-19 test on or before day 2 for variant surveillance and a test on or after day 8 to check that you do not have COVID-19.l   遵守國家封鎖規則 follow the national lockdown rules.l   自主隔離10天 quarantine for 10 days.如果您過去10天有到達red list上的國家,且您是英國或愛爾蘭國民,亦或是您有英國居留權者,須於政府指定之隔離酒店隔離10天。如果您過去10天未到達red list上的國家,您需要在英國國內居住地隔離10天。There are new rules if you arrive in England on or after 15 February. They’re different depending on if you’ve been in a country on the banned travel list (sometimes called the ‘red list’) in the last 10 days. If you’ve been to a red list country, you must quarantine in a hotel for 10 days. If you have not been to a red list country, you need to quarantine somewhere else for 10 days.如果您非英國或愛爾蘭國民,亦或是您沒有英國居留權者,於過去10天內有到達red list上的國家,您將會被拒絕入境英國。If you have been in or through any of the countries listed below in the previous 10 days, you will be refused entry to the UK.如果您是英國或愛爾蘭國民,亦或是您有英國居留權者,您仍可以入境英國,但是必須於政府指定之隔離酒店隔離10天。If you are a British or Irish National, or you have residence rights in the UK, you will be able to enter. You must quarantine in a government approved hotel for 10 days. You cannot use the Test to Release scheme.Red list travel ban countrieshttps://www.gov.uk/guidance/transport-measures-to-protect-the-uk-from-variant-strains-of-covid-19在家進行COVID-19檢測COVID-19 home test: step-by-step guide (adults and children)l   在檢測前,先找尋離您最近的Royal Mail priority postboxFind your nearest Royal Mail priority postbox (5 to 10 mins). Do this before you take the swab testRoyal Mail: services near youhttps://www.royalmail.com/services-near-youl   註冊自家檢測 Register test kit online (10 to 15 minutes). You must register to get your test results.Register a home test kithttps://test-for-coronavirus.service.gov.uk/register-home-testl   於自家進行檢測 (以下影片有自家檢測的步驟指引) Take swab sample (5 to 10 minutes).How to take a coronavirus self-test swabhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCqo7MhQT6U&feature=youtu.be l   寄出您的檢測結果(依照test package上指示) Post your completed test kit. You must do this within 2 days of receiving your test kit, if possible.l   您的檢驗結果將以簡訊及email通知(2天內) Get test results by text and email (2 days).更多資訊可以參考以下網站連結Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing before you travel to Englandhttps://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-testing-for-people-travelling-to-england COVID-19 home test: step-by-step guide (adults and children)https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/testing-for-coronavirus-at-home/covid-19-home-test-step-by-step-guide-adults-and-children https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_384066.html 【英國留學】 2021年2月15日更新 - 入境英國隔離規範! 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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King's College London 公告新的有關於申請延後的政策。為了確保申請公平性,學校將不接受2021入學申請遞延至2022入學,如果以繳交訂金的學生,訂金無法退款,除非學生符合訂金退款的規範。 We would like to provide you with an update to your offer following a decision we have taken for this academic year. This impacts the 'Deferral Requests' section of your offer letter. Please see the update below:  Deferral Requests After careful consideration, we have taken the decision not to allow any deferrals for our postgraduate taught programmes from 2021/22 to future academic years. We have adopted this approach as it is the fairest way to ensure that the cohort of applicants for 2022/23 have an equal opportunity to gain a place at King’s. If you accept your offer, and you are unable to take up your offer with us in 2021/22, please be aware that the deposit is non-refundable, unless you meet the criteria as specified in the Deposit Scheme Information below. Let us know if you are not able to take up your offer and if you intend to reapply for the programme in the 2022/23 academic year by sending us a message on King’s Apply so that we can advise you of your next steps.  Please note, if you choose to accept your offer and you are unable to take up your place with us in 2021/22, your deposit will be non-refundable unless you meet the criteria specified in the Deposit Scheme Information of your offer letter. As stated above, please let us know if at a later stage you are not able to take up your offer and whether you intend to reapply for the programme in the 2022/23 academic year. If you have any questions regarding the above, please let us know as soon as possible.  With best wishes, King's Admissions Office  https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_383765.html 【英國留學】 King's College London 2021 Deferral Requests 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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英國政府宣布自2月15日起,入境英國旅客皆須在隔離的十天內進行兩次COVID19檢驗。入境者必須在出發前預訂這些檢驗。所有入境英國者皆須要在出發前三天內進行相關COVID19檢驗,若檢驗結果為陽性者,不能入境英國。 入境旅客若來自英國禁止旅行名單地區,入境後必須在英國政府指定的隔離酒店隔離10天。若來自非英國禁止旅行名單地區,入境後必須在英國國內居住地隔離10天。 更多關於如何預定隔離酒店以及預約檢測的資訊將之後公告。 From 15 February, if you arrive in England and have travelled in a country on the banned travel list (sometimes called the ‘red list’) in the last 10 days, you will need to quarantine (self-isolate) in a government quarantine hotel for 10 days. You will need to book your hotel before you travel and 2 COVID-19 tests to take during your quarantine. If you’re coming from a country that is not on the banned travel list, you will need to quarantine at home for 10 days. You will need to book 2 COVID-19 tests before you arrive to take during your quarantine. More information on how to book quarantine hotels and tests will be available on Thursday. You do not need to quarantine in England if you’re travelling from Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man and have not been in any other countries in the last 10 days.  更多資訊:https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-how-to-self-isolate-when-you-travel-to-the-uk/coronavirus-covid-19-how-to-self-isolate-when-you-travel-to-the-uk?fbclid=IwAR0N43gW3vGh98_LrXlJSB9sgdEcP8CzEVndKoPdiKtju5v20_ycCT5JmWQ https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_383603.html 【英國留學】 2021年2月15日 英國自主隔離 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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2021年2月5日 UK 施打疫苗進度 英國目前施打疫苗優先順序: 1. 養老院人員以及養老院的照顧者2. 所有80歲以上年長者&醫護前線人員&社工人員3. 75歲以上4. 70歲以上5. 65歲以上6. 16歲 - 64歲 有嚴重健康問題者7. 60歲以上8. 55歲以上9. 50歲以上目前英國政府估計在 2021年1月到 4月,符合以上1-9項資格者,將施打到一定階段。從4月開始到今年9月其他所有成年人也將完成施打疫苗到一個階段。英國倫敦於1月底開始,全天候24小時皆可施打疫苗。 疫苗施打第一劑後隔12週會再施打第二劑疫苗。 可施打的地點在: - 醫院(NHS 人員和年長者)- GP (General Practice 類似家庭醫師)- 養老院 (年長者以及其照顧人員)- Pharmacies 指定藥房- 特別指定的大型運動廣場/設施 屆時當地的學生將會收到電話或是信件通知預約施打疫苗的時間跟地點喔 ! https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_383522.html News【英國留學】疫苗施打進度 ! 2021年2月5日更新 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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要前往美國的國民請注意 !美國在台協會 AIT:自2021年1月26日起,美國疾病管制與預防中心將要求所有搭機入境美國的旅客 (包括美國公民及合法永久居民 ) ,出示登機前三天內之新冠肺炎核酸檢驗陰性報告,或是過去90天內已從新冠肺炎康復的證明文件Effective January 26, the Centers for Disease Control (https://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/fr-proof-negative-test.html) will require all air passengers entering the United States (including U.S. citizens and Legal Permanent Residents) to present a negative COVID-19 test, taken within three calendar days of departure​, or proof of recovery from the virus within the last 90 days. Airlines must confirm the negative test result or proof of recent recovery for all passengers prior to boarding. ​Airlines must deny boarding of passengers who do not provide documentation of a negative test or recovery.Please see CDC’s FAQ for answers to questions about the new requirement for proof of negative COVID-19 test or recovery from COVID-19 for all air passengers arriving in the United States. The FAQ is available at: Click meIf you are planning to travel overseas or if you are currently overseas and planning to return to the U.S., you should contact your airline for specific information about testing requirements for travelers. Because airlines may adopt and modify their own specific policies to implement CDC’s new rule, you should contact the carrier for your U.S.-bound flight and not rely on information from other carriers or information or experience from previous trips.The Department of State advises all U.S. citizens to read the country-specific Travel Advisories and U.S. Embassy COVID pages for updates on the impact of COVID-19 worldwide. Please visit https://travel.state.gov/content/travel.html for this additional information.在台灣接受Covid-19檢驗的醫院及流程請參考衛生福利部疾病管制署網站:https://www.cdc.gov.tw/Category/MPage/I92jtldmxZO_oolFPzP9HQ  https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_379734.html News【美國留學】入境美國規定!! 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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要前往英國的所有國民請注意: 自英國時間2021年1月18日(星期一)凌晨四點起,英國將暫停所有旅行走廊國家/地區免自我隔離10天之規定,以防止新的國際變種病毒 (走廊國家的意思是特定疫情較不嚴重的國家入境英國無須隔離的意思, 台灣包含在內)英國時間1月18日(星期一)凌晨四點以後到達英國的所有旅客,無論出發地為何,都需要自我隔離10天,並必須擁有COVID-19測試檢驗陰性證明才能入境英國英格蘭。英國詳文請參考:https://www.gov.uk/government/news/all-uk-travel-corridors-temporarily-suspended-to-protect-against-new-international-variants在台灣接受Covid-19檢驗的醫院及流程請參考衛生福利部疾病管制署網站:https://www.cdc.gov.tw/Category/MPage/I92jtldmxZO_oolFPzP9HQ https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_379587.html News【英國留學】入境英國新規定!! 英國時間2021年1月18日早上4:00am 開始 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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以下公告由駐英國台北代表處發布:一、英國政府將倫敦及英格蘭部分地區之疫情警示,自12月20日起調升第4級-居家避免外出(Tier 4: Stay at Home),並公布以下規定:(一) 除非必要(如工作或就學等),所有人不應外出;(二) 非民生必需(non-essential)之商店、理髮店及健身房等室內運動娛樂場所將暫停營業,但戶外運動場所將維持開放;(三) 除「支持泡泡 (support bubble) 」成員外,禁止不同家戶成員於室內聚會,但可與一位其他家戶成員於戶外空間聚會;(四) 其他區域民眾請勿前往第4級地區,居住於第4級地區民眾也勿前往其他地區。三、另蘇格蘭、威爾斯及北愛爾蘭地區亦陸續公布相關措施:(一) 蘇格蘭地區自12月26日起實施3週之第4級警戒防疫措施 (https://www.gov.scot/coronavirus-covid-19/);(二) 威爾斯地區自12月20日實施第4級警戒之封城措施(https://gov.wales/coronavirus);(三) 北愛爾蘭地區自12月26日起實施6週之封城措施 (https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/campaigns/coronavirus-covid-19)。四、英國政府前於7月3日宣布將我國、日本、韓國等國家或地區列入「旅行走廊」(travel corridor)名單;自7月10日起,來自上述國家或地區之旅客,入境英國後無須自行隔離檢疫,惟仍須填寫線上表格(the passenger locator form),且倘曾經由其他國家轉機者,仍須於入境後自行隔離。(https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-travel-corridors#countries-and-territories-with-no-self-isolation-requirement-on-arrival-in-england)。五、英國政府前宣布實施「檢測及追蹤(Testing and Tracing) 」制度,凡出現發高燒、持續性咳嗽或喪失味覺或嗅覺之獨居個人應自行居家隔離10天,與家人同住者則須全家共同隔離10天;出現症狀者應線上向英國國民健康服務署(NHS)申請檢驗。 (https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/testing-and-tracing/get-an-antigen-test-to-check-if-you-have-coronavirus/)。此外,英國政府刻陸續安排高風險族群者施打疫苗,接獲NHS通知之民眾可前往指定醫院或地區疫苗中心(local vaccination centre)接種疫苗。(https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/coronavirus-vaccine/)。六、我國中央流行疫情指揮中心宣布將自2020年12月1日至2021年2月28日(以啟程地時間為準)實施秋冬防疫專案,擬入境之國人及外來人士(含外國籍、大陸、香港、澳門人士)均須出示登機前3日核酸檢驗陰性報告,並於入境後進行居家檢疫14日,以管控並避免境外COVID-19移入案例,確保國民健康安全;相關細節敬請詳參我衛生福利部疾管署、外交部領事事務局,以及本處相關公告、說明簡報內容。七、本處提醒旅英國人隨時注意英國政府公告資訊及自身與家人之健康管理,並配合英國衛生防疫單位之各項防疫措施,以維護自身及家人之健康平安。(2020年12月27日更新) https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_376444.html News【英國留學】英國因應新型冠狀病毒肺炎注意事項 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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2020年12月1日起,英國政府將調整申請英國學生簽證所需要財力證明的金額。倫敦區生活費從每月1265英鎊調整為每月1334英鎊,非倫敦區生活費從每月1015英鎊調整為每月1023英鎊。 Financial requirement increases from 1 December 2020 (22 October 2020) If you apply under the Student route on or after 1 December 2020, the financial requirement you must meet will be: l   £1,334 a month for study in London l   £1,023 a month for study outside London  The maximum amount of money you must have is the relevant sum for you multiplied by nine. This will also affect you if you apply under the Child Student route as a 16- or 17-year old living independently. Doctorate extension scheme applicants who are not exempt must provide evidence of £2,668 if in London, or £2,046 if outside London.   資料來源: https://www.ukcisa.org.uk/Information--Advice/Visas-and-Immigration/Latest-updateshttps://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/928751/CCS001_CCS1020373376-001_Statement_of_changes_in_Immigration_Rules_-_HC_813__PRINT_.pdf  https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_371067.html News【英國留學】英國學生簽證調整生活費要求 Statement of changes in immigration rules 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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英國政府公告2020/11/5起將實施4週的禁足令,新的封城措施將實施到2020/12/2為止。不同於春季實施的限制,這次的封城措施所有的酒吧、餐廳、健身房和非必要的商店都必須關閉,但是學校將維持開放。Wales正在實施全面性封鎖,將於2020/11/9結束。Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced a second national lockdown for England to prevent a "medical and moral disaster" for the NHS.He said Christmas may be "very different" but he hoped taking action now would mean families can gather.Pubs, restaurants, gyms and non-essential shops will have to close for four weeks from Thursday, he said.But unlike the restrictions in spring, schools, colleges and universities can stay open.After 2 December, the restrictions would be eased and regions would go back to the tiered system, he said.What are the plans for a new lockdown in England?MPs voted in support of the proposals on Wednesday. The lockdown will remain in place until Wednesday 2 December.Under the new restrictions:l   People are being told to stay at home unless they have a specific reason to leave, such as work which cannot be done from home and educationl   And people are also allowed to leave home for exercise medical reasons, food and other essential shopping and providing care for vulnerable people or for volunteeringl   Meeting indoors or in private gardens will not be allowedl   But individuals can meet one other person from another household outside in a public placel   Pubs, bars, restaurants and non-essential retail across the nation will close but takeaways and click-and-collect shopping can remain openl   Leisure and entertainment venues, including gyms, will also closel   Construction sites and manufacturing workplaces can remain openl   People are still allowed to form support bubblesl   Children can move between homes if their parents are separatedl   Clinically vulnerable people are asked to be "especially careful" but people are not being asked to resume shieldingStaying at home and seeing peoplel   You should stay at home except for education, work (if it can't be done from home), exercise and recreation, medical reasons, shopping for food and other essentials, or to care for othersl   Households must not mix with others indoors, or in private gardensl   You can meet one person from outside your household in an outdoors public space. Children under five don't countl   Support bubbles for people who live alone and single parent households can continuel   Support groups of 15 or fewer people are allowed, including those for new parents or people recovering from addictionsl   Children can move between homes if parents are separatedl   Informal childcare support bubbles for children aged 13 or under can continuel   It is possible to visit friends and family in care homes as long as Covid-secure measures are in place, such as the use of floor-to-ceiling screens, visiting pods, and arranging outdoor or window visitsGoing to work or schooll   Schools, nurseries, colleges and universities will remain openl   Childminders and nannies can continue to provide childcare, including in people's homesl   Students who live at university must not return to their permanent home until the end of terml   Workplaces can stay open if people cannot work from home - including construction and manufacturingl   Those who are clinically vulnerable are advised not to go to work if they can't work from homeExercisel   You can take outdoor exercise and recreation on your own, or with one other person, but grassroots team sports are not allowedl   As long as you follow the rules above, you can exercise outside as much as you wantl   Outdoor playgrounds can remain openl   All leisure and sports centres and gyms, swimming pools, tennis and basketball courts, golf courses, fitness and dance studios, climbing walls, archery, driving, and shooting ranges must closel   Elite sport can carry on behind closed doorsWhat about shops, pubs and other venues?l   All pubs and restaurants must close (takeaways and deliveries can continue)l   All non-essential shops must close (click-and-collect services and deliveries can continue)l   All personal care facilities must close, including hair, beauty, tanning and nail salons, tattoo and massage parlours, and those offering body and skin piercing. Staff cannot offer these services in people's homesl   Supermarkets, food shops, off-licences, petrol stations and pharmacies can remain openl   Bike shops, hardware stores, dry cleaners, banks, post offices, garden centres and pet shops can also remain openl   Motorway services stations can remain openl   Waste and recycling centres can remain openl   Medical services can continue, including dentist and optician appointmentsl   Libraries can remain open for click-and-collect services, and to allow IT accessWhat about worship, weddings and funerals?l   Weddings and civil partnership ceremonies will not be allowed, apart from in exceptional circumstancesl   Funerals can be attended by a maximum of 30 people. Linked ceremonial events such as stone settings and ash scatterings can also continue with up to 15 peoplel   Apart from funerals, places of worship will only be open to allow individual prayer or services to be broadcast to the congregationCan I still move house?l   You can still visit potential properties, purchase a new property and move into a new property during this timel   You can stay in a hotel overnight if necessaryl   Estate and letting agents and removals firms can continue to workl   People outside your household or support bubble should not help with moving house unless it is absolutely essential, and you should wear a mask and maintain social distancing wherever possibleWhat are the current rules in Wales?Wales is under lockdown until 9 November, during which:l   People should stay at home in most circumstancesl   Secondary school pupils above Year 8 have online learning onlyl   People must not visit other households or meet people they do not live withl   Pubs, restaurants and non-essential shops are closedl   Leisure businesses, community centres, libraries and recycling centres are also shutl   Places of worship are closed for normal services, except for funerals and weddingsl   Adults living alone or single parents can join with one other household for support from anywhere in Walesl   In addition, supermarkets and food shops remain open, but are not allowed to sell "non-essential goods".However, the Welsh government has now clarified which non-food and drink items can be sold.After the lockdown:l   Two households can form a bubble and will be able to meet in their own homesl   Up to 15 people can meet for organised activities indoors, rising to 30 outdoorsl   All businesses that were required to close during the lockdown can reopenl   There will be no travel restrictions within Wales, but people can only leave the country for essential purposes like work during the English lockdownWhat are Northern Ireland's current rules?l   Northern Ireland is in the middle of four weeks of restrictions. Schools closed for a two-week extended half-term break but have now reopened.Other measures include:l   Pubs, bars and restaurants must close, except for takeaways and deliveries, which must stop by 23:00 BSTl   Support bubbles will be limited to a maximum of 10 people from two householdsl   You are not allowed to stay overnight in someone else's home, unless they are part of your bubblel   Close-contact services like hairdressers and beauticians must close, except for essential servicesl   No indoor or contact sport allowed unless at elite level; gyms stay open for individual exercise onlyl   No mass events of more than 15 people, apart from certain sporting eventsl   Wedding ceremonies limited to 25 people, with no receptionsl   Funerals limited to 25 people, with no wakes allowed before or afterwards資料來源: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-54763956https://www.bbc.com/news/explainers-52530518 https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_369873.html News【英國留學】英國封城 Covid: The new lockdown rules for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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2020年9月10日英國政府對於學生簽證做了部分的更新 根據新法案,英國將用全新的“學生路徑”(學生路線)來代替Tier4學生簽證,具體放置如下:   1.英國將於2021年1月1日正式脫歐,歐盟留學生將和非歐盟留學生一樣,必須申請學生簽證,才能到英國學習。   2.新學生簽證將更加自由和靈活,部分簽證可直接在英國境內申請轉為學生簽證,學生簽證之間的轉換或其轉換到其他簽證會更加靈活。   3.針對碩士及以上課程,新規定取消了“ 8年上限”,即不再限制可持有學生簽證的總時長。   4.對於想在英國境內申請轉成學生簽證的申請者,只要其原本持有合法簽證並在英國居住超過一年時間,就不必提供財力證明。   5.針對具有良好信譽的大學,在為留學生申請CAS時,有權豁免交付該學生的學歷證明。   6.馬爾他,愛爾蘭被加入“可接受”的英語國家清單,這代表申請人如果持有這兩個國家的高等學位,也可以用於證明自己的英語能力,而不需要另外進行英語考試(如雅思成績)。   7.學生簽證申請人只需要(曾經)向移民局提供一次英語能力證明,隨後申請則不需要重複遞交 (新規則前每次都要重複遞交)。   8.接受電子版的存款證明。   9.接受申請人提供多個銀行帳戶資金,只要資金總額滿足移民局的“財力證明”要求就可成為有效證明 (新規定之前只接受單一帳戶的證明) 。   10.對於已經完成GCSE或A-Level課程,或通過蘇格蘭高等英語考試的申請者,可以直接被符合標準的英語要求,取代目前的兒童學生簽證中,需要證明申請人已經在英國居住6個月的要求   11.除了以上改變之外,英國政府還在10號發布的官宣中特別強調將於2021年夏天正式恢復PSW簽證,允許到英國的碩士留學生畢業後留兩年工作, 博士可留三年. Work at any skill level, and to switch into work routes if they find a suitable job.   詳細資訊請參考官方網站 https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-international-student-immigration-routes-open-early   https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/916565/CCS001_CCS0920158512-001_Stat_of_change_Immigration_Rules_HC_707_Print.pdf   https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_365143.html News【英國留學】移民法修訂通知 New international student immigration routes open early 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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美國移民與海關執法局(ICE)24日正式宣布,所有在秋季學期,完全線上上課的國際學生,一律無法入境美國。如果是就讀秋季學期的混合課程的學生,則仍可以入境。學校應該繼續遵守2020年3月發布的SEVP學生和交流訪問者計劃,在3/9後為新生狀態或是開始新生狀態的非移民學生,如果秋季全為線上上課,將不得以非移民學生身分入境美國。另外規定學校不得給在美國境外全為線上上課的國際新生簽發I-20。 ICE continues March guidance for fall school term WASHINGTON – Nonimmigrant students and schools certified by the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) should abide by SEVP guidance originally issued in March 2020. The guidance enables schools and students to engage in distance learning in excess of regulatory limits due to the public health emergency generated by COVID-19. The March 2020 guidance applies to nonimmigrant students who were actively enrolled at a U.S. school on March 9 and are otherwise complying with the terms of their nonimmigrant status, whether from inside the U.S. or abroad. SEVP will not issue a temporary final rule impacting nonimmigrant students for the fall school term. In accordance with March 2020 guidance, nonimmigrant students in new or initial status after March 9 will not be able to enter the U.S. to enroll in a U.S. school as a nonimmigrant student for the fall term to pursue a full course of study that is 100 percent online. Additionally, designated school officials should not issue a Form I-20 to a nonimmigrant student in new or initial status who is outside of the U.S. and plans to take classes at an SEVP-certified educational institution fully online. SEVP will continue to provide the latest COVID-19-related information and guidance to stakeholders at www.ICE.gov/COVID19 and via its other communications channels, including Broadcast Messages, SEVP field representatives, Study in the States blog posts and social media. Stakeholders should continue to refer to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Department of State and U.S. Customs and Border Protection for the latest COVID-19 information, specific port-of-entry screening processes, as well as any travel restrictions. SEVP monitors more than one million nonimmigrant students pursuing academic or vocational studies (F and M visa holders) in the U.S. and their dependents. It also certifies schools and programs that enroll these students. The U.S. Department of State monitors exchange visitors (J visa holders) and their dependents and oversees exchange visitor programs. Both use SEVIS to protect national security by ensuring that students, visitors and schools comply with U.S. laws. SEVP also collects and shares SEVIS information with government partners, including U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, to reduce fraud. HSI reviews SEVIS records for potential violations and refers cases with possible national security or public safety concerns to its field offices for further investigation. Additionally, SEVP’s Analysis and Operations Center analyzes student and school records for administrative compliance with federal regulations related to studying in the U.S. https://www.ice.gov/news/releases/ice-continues-march-guidance-fall-school-term https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_359458.html 【美國留學】美國國際學生全為線上上課,不得入境美國 ICE continues March guidance for fall school term 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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受到COVID-19影響,美國ICE在6日宣布,若是申請F-1或M-1非移民簽證的學生,就讀學校實施全面網路授課,美國政府將不會核發簽證。已經在美國境內的學生也必須離境,或是轉至其他開設常規課程的學校就讀。而這個政策遭到麻省理工學院和哈佛大學等知名學校控告。   目前最新消息指出,川普政府已經與這些學校達成協議,將取消這項規定,國際學生選擇在網路上課仍可以繼續在美國留學。   美國在台協會(AIT)台北辦事處也將於2020年7月15日(星期三)開始恢復例行的簽證服務。   US President Donald Trump's government has dropped its plans to deport international students whose courses move fully online because of the coronavirus pandemic.   The U-turn comes just one week after the policy announcement.   The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University sued the government over the plan.   District Judge Allison Burroughs in Massachusetts says the parties have come to a settlement.   The agreement reinstates a policy implemented in March, amid the virus outbreak, which allows international students to attend their classes virtually if necessary and remain legally in the country on student visas, according to the New York Times.   Large numbers of foreign students travel to the US to study every year and are a significant source of revenue for universities.   Foreign students in US 'scared for the future' Should I go to university this year?   Harvard announced recently that, because of concerns over the virus's spread, course instruction would be delivered online when students return for the new academic year. MIT, like a number of other educational institutions, said it would also continue to use virtual tuition.   What had the policy said? Foreign students were told last week that they would not be allowed to stay in the US this autumn unless they switched to a course with in-person tuition.   Those who had returned to their home countries when term ended in March - as the coronavirus crisis grew - were told they would not be permitted to return if their classes had since moved online.   Foreign students in US 'scared for the future'   The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency had said people could face deportation if they did not comply with the rules.   The Student and Exchange Visitor Program, which is run by ICE, had originally permitted foreign students to continue with their spring and summer 2020 courses online while remaining in the country.   But on 6 July the agency said foreign students who then failed to switch to in-person courses could face "immigration consequences including, but not limited to, the initiation of removal proceedings".   How did universities react? Two days afterwards, Harvard and MIT filed the first of several lawsuits seeking to overturn the directive, calling it "arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion".   Dozens of other universities signed a court brief to support the action.   The "true motivation," the 59 universities argued in their supportive brief, "has nothing to do with ensuring that students engage in a 'full course of study' or with protecting the integrity of the student visa program. Instead, its purpose ... is to 'encourage schools to reopen.'"   The attorneys general of at least 18 states, including Massachusetts and California, also sued.   President Trump has been pushing for university and school students to return to classrooms in the new term. He sees reopening as an indicator of recovery after months of upheaval, which could be beneficial in his bid for reelection in November.   However, many educators are concerned about student wellbeing and want to continue practicing social distancing while the outbreak is ongoing.   Which visas did it affect? The policy applied to holders of F-1 and M-1 visas, which are for academic and vocational students. The state department issued 388,839 F visas and 9,518 M visas in the fiscal year 2019, according to the agency's data.   According to the US commerce department, international students contributed $45bn (£36bn) to the country's economy in 2018.   BBC News: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53410285   AIT News : https://www.ait.org.tw/zhtw/important-information-for-visa-applicants-zh/ https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_358361.html News【美國留學】川普政府取消了驅逐出境計劃 Foreign students in US: Trump administration drops deportation plans 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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美國移民與海關執法局(ICE)6日宣布,申請2020年秋季班的留學生,若是學校全部實施網路授課,將無法獲得簽證。已經在美國境內的學生也必須離境,或是轉至其他開設常規課程的學校就讀。 ICE針對2020年秋季持有F-1或M-1非移民學生簽證發布最新規定。申請F-1或M-1非移民簽證的學生,若是就讀學校實施全面網路授課,美國政府將不會核發簽證。 若是學校提供校園授課,持有F-1非移民簽證的學生,最多只能選修一門網路授課課程或是3個學分的網路授課課程。 若是學校提供校園及網路混和授課,持有F-1非移民簽證的學生,可以選修多於一門或是多餘3個學分的網路授課課程,但也需要選修校園授課課程。 如果學校在秋季學期開始校園授課,但後來要求改為線上課程,或者非移民學生更改他們的課程,則學校需要在更改後的10天內通知ICE。 F-1為非移民學生從事學術課程學習,而M-1為非移民學生在美國學習期間從事職業課程學習。SEVP modifies temporary exemptions for nonimmigrant students taking online courses during fall 2020 semester WASHINGTON – The Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) announced modifications Monday to temporary exemptions for nonimmigrant students taking online classes due to the pandemic for the fall 2020 semester. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security plans to publish the procedures and responsibilities in the Federal Register as a Temporary Final Rule. Temporary exemptions for the fall 2020 semester include: l   Nonimmigrant F-1 and M-1 students attending schools operating entirely online may not take a full online course load and remain in the United States. The U.S. Department of State will not issue visas to students enrolled in schools and/or programs that are fully online for the fall semester nor will U.S. Customs and Border Protection permit these students to enter the United States. Active students currently in the United States enrolled in such programs must depart the country or take other measures, such as transferring to a school with in-person instruction to remain in lawful status. If not, they may face immigration consequences including, but not limited to, the initiation of removal proceedings.l   Nonimmigrant F-1 students attending schools operating under normal in-person classes are bound by existing federal regulations. Eligible F students may take a maximum of one class or three credit hours online.l   Nonimmigrant F-1 students attending schools adopting a hybrid model—that is, a mixture of online and in person classes—will be allowed to take more than one class or three credit hours online. These schools must certify to SEVP, through the Form I-20, “Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status,” certifying that the program is not entirely online, that the student is not taking an entirely online course load this semester, and that the student is taking the minimum number of online classes required to make normal progress in their degree program. The above exemptions do not apply to F-1 students in English language training programs or M-1 students pursing vocational degrees, who are not permitted to enroll in any online courses. Schools should update their information in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) within 10 days of the change if they begin the fall semester with in-person classes but are later required to switch to only online classes, or a nonimmigrant student changes their course selections, and as a result, ends up taking an entirely online course load. Nonimmigrant students within the United States are not permitted to take a full course of study through online classes. If students find themselves in this situation, they must leave the country or take alternative steps to maintain their nonimmigrant status such as a reduced course load or appropriate medical leave. Due to COVID-19, SEVP instituted a temporary exemption regarding online courses for the spring and summer semesters. This policy permitted nonimmigrant students to take more online courses than normally permitted by federal regulation to maintain their nonimmigrant status during the COVID-19 emergency. F-1 nonimmigrant students pursue academic coursework and M-1 nonimmigrant students pursue vocational coursework while studying in the United States.  https://www.ice.gov/news/releases/sevp-modifies-temporary-exemptions-nonimmigrant-students-taking-online-courses-during#:~:text=Due%20to%20COVID%2D19%2C%20SEVP,during%20the%20COVID%2D19%20emergency. https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_357523.html News【美國留學】美國移民局最新規定 SEVP modifies temporary exemptions for nonimmigrant students taking online courses during fall 2020 semester 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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自2020/7/10起,若您過去14天曾經在非豁免名單中的國家或地區停留,入境英國旅客須自我隔離14天。若您在過去14天是停留於豁免名單中的國家或地區,入境英國則不需要再自我隔離,但是仍需要遵守英國政府其他防疫相關措施。 Coronavirus regulations mean that you must self-isolate for 14 days if you return to the UK from a country outside the common travel area. The government is satisfied that it is now safe to ease these measures in England and has introduced travel corridor exemption for some countries and territories. Exemption rulesFrom 10 July 2020 you will not have to self-isolate when you arrive in England, if you: l   are travelling or returning from one of the countries with travel corridor exemptionl   have not been to or stopped in a country that’s not on the travel corridors exemption list in the previous 14 daysThis applies to all travel to England, by train, ferry, coach, air or any other route. If you have been to or stopped in a country that’s not on the travel corridors exemption list you will have to self-isolate until 14 days have passed since you left that country. Your stay abroadYou will have to comply with coronavirus requirements in the country you travel to. This may include self-isolating or providing your details to local authorities. Check Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) coronavirus advice for the country you are travelling to. Make sure you have appropriate travel insurance in case you have unexpected costs. Arrival in the UKBefore your arrival in the UK, you must complete a passenger locator form. You must present these details on your arrival in England. This applies to both visitors and UK residents. Updates to the travel corridor listWe will keep the conditions in these countries and territories under review. If they worsen we will not hesitate to reintroduce self-isolation requirements. Travellers should always check the latest FCO travel advice. Travel advice includes information on any health measures in place for visitors to the country or territory. These can include a requirement to self-isolate, quarantine, or undergo testing for coronavirus, or even restrictions on entry. Travel corridors: countries and territories exemption listFrom 10 July 2020, unless they have visited or stopped in any other country or territory in the preceding 14 days, passengers arriving from the following countries and territories will not be required to self-isolate on arrival into England: l   Andorral   Antigua and Barbudal   Arubal   Australial   Austrial   Bahamasl   Barbadosl   Belgiuml   Bonaire, St Eustatius and Sabal   Croatial   Curaçaol   Cyprusl   Czech Republicl   Denmarkl   Dominical   Faroe Islandsl   Fijil   Finlandl   Francel   French Polynesial   Germanyl   Greecel   Greenlandl   Grenadal   Guadeloupel   Hong Kongl   Hungaryl   Icelandl   Italyl   Jamaical   Japanl   Liechtensteinl   Lithuanial   Luxembourgl   Macao (Macau)l   Maltal   Mauritiusl   Monacol   Netherlandsl   New Caledonial   New Zealandl   Norwayl   Polandl   Reunionl   San Marinol   Serbial   Seychellesl   South Koreal   Spainl   St Barthélemyl   St Kitts and Nevisl   St Lucial   St Pierre and Miquelonl   Switzerlandl   Taiwanl   Trinidad and Tobagol   Turkeyl   Vatican Cityl   VietnamIreland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are exempt as they are part of the common travel area. The 14 British Overseas Territories are also exempt. This list may be added to over the coming days following further discussions between the UK and international partners. Information for travel into Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will be published by the Devolved Administrations. If you have coronavirus symptomsDo not travel if you have coronavirus symptoms. Tell a member of the staff or crew if you develop symptoms while traveling.  https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-travel-corridors?fbclid=IwAR1HA1XymPuWhMsld9WimXuXakD0S58g0X7ZlERq5TOyf9sTzbG4rr9wjwY https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_357398.html News【英國留學】2020/7/10入境英國最新規定 Coronavirus (COVID-19): travel corridors 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
又到了我們的大學介紹篇啦!!今天介紹的大學是: King's College 國王大學的介紹!! 每年Sean老師都會出國拜訪我們送出國的學生,去看看他們的學習狀態跟生活的如何~這次在影片裡 Sean 老師飛往英國採訪了我們的學生 Ernie, 影片裡會介紹 Ernie 對於就讀國王大學的一些看法與點點滴滴喔 !Lets go find out more about King's College!! https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_356845.html 【大學介紹篇】King's College London - 國王大學的介紹影片! 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
UCA確認將於10/12開始歡迎週,正式授課於10/26開始。學校預計在7/15開始處理CAS。   【留學小辭典】:什麼是CAS (Confirmation Acceptance of Studies)? https://westbook2016.pixnet.net/blog/post/99757665-%e3%80%8c%e7%95%99%e5%ad%b8%e5%b0%8f%e8%be%ad%e5%85%b8%e3%80%8d%ef%bc%9a%e4%bb%80%e9%ba%bc%e6%98%afcas-%28confirmation-acceptanc)   We hope you’re well and have been staying safe during the lockdown, and enjoying the wonderful weather if you’ve been able to.We’re delighted to be able to tell you that, after careful consideration, your term date has been finalised.Your induction and welcome week will begin on Monday, 12 October, followed by your continued Induction and teaching, with your first term beginning Monday, 26 October.More information about the facilities you’ll have access to and how teaching will be delivered upon your arrival on campus, is currently being meticulously planned – we want you to have the best university experience possible without compromising your health and safety. We hope to have more updates on this in due course.To help us plan for your arrival, please confirm your intention to join us this autumn by accepting your offer and paying your deposit. Don’t worry, if you are unable to join the programme due to COVID-19, your deposit will be refunded after deducting administration fees and bank charges.Our visa team will begin processing CAS from 15 July for students who have accepted their unconditional offers and paid their deposits. Our team will be in touch in the coming weeks to support you throughout the process.Details on your induction and welcome week will be sent to you in due course, and if you have any questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to email us at internationaladmissions@uca.ac.ukWe cannot wait to welcome you to UCA - see you in October!With very best wishes,UCA Admissions Team https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_355723.html News【英國留學】創作藝術大學 University for the Creative Arts Joining the UCA community this autumn 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
Birmingham今年取消MSc Strategic Marketing & Consulting課程,如果您已有錄取通知,學校可以協助您更換成MSc Marketing 或是 MSc International Marketing課程。如果已繳交訂金,訂金也會轉到您選的新課程。您也可以取消您的Offer,不選擇替代課程,如果您已付訂金,學校會退訂金給您。 Important update We are writing to let you know we have made the difficult decision to withdraw the MSc Strategic Marketing & Consulting programme, as the demand this year is low compared to the broader programmes that we offer in this area.We appreciate that this will be disappointing news for you but want to reassure you that there is still a place for you at Birmingham. We can change your offer to the MSc Marketing or the MSc International Marketing programme for September 2020. These programmes include many of the modules available on your original programme of study.If you have already paid a deposit, this will be transferred once you have confirmed the programme you wish to move to.You can also withdraw your application and not select an alternative. If you have paid a deposit this will be refunded to you.If you have applied to study on one of our pre-sessional programmes this will also be transferred once you have confirmed the new programme.If you do choose to move to one of the programmes listed above, we plan for our campus to be open in September and to be able to welcome the majority of students, delivering a mixture of on-campus and online teaching. However, we do appreciate that there are a range of factors which mean you may not be able to join us in September and so, rather than miss out on the opportunity to study with us, we are considering the possibility for some programmes to begin in January 2021. We will continue to monitor the global situation in relation to COVID-19 over the coming weeks and will confirm by no later than 31 July when your programme will be starting. In the meantime, we recommend that you continue to research your options for travel and accommodation so you can quickly finalise your plans as soon as you have confirmation from us.  Alternatively, if you have any general questions about studying at the University of Birmingham, you can join our Live Chat at https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/campaigns/contact/live-chat.aspxIn order to confirm your place on one of the new programmes, please email businessteam-admissions@contacts.bham.ac.uk by 31 July 2020, indicating your preference. Professor Catherine Cassell Dean Birmingham Business School   https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_355533.html News【英國留學】伯明罕大學課程取消通知 University of Birmingham Important update 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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University of Surrey 部分課程將提供2021/2月入學,新的申請將於2020/8月開放。如果您已有申請以下課程的2020/9月入學,可以申請延後。 Postgraduate courses with an intake in February 2021We are pleased to announce that the courses listed below will be available to students wishing to commence their studies in February 2021. How to applyIf you would like to apply for a February start, new applications will open from August 2020. If you have already applied for one of these courses for September 2020, you can request to defer your start – please email your request with your University number to admissions@surrey.ac.uk. Biosciences and medicinel   Human Nutrition MScl   Business, marketing and managementl   Accounting and Finance MScl   Business Analytics MSc (15-month and two-year full-time with placement options available)l   Digital Marketing and Channel Management MSc (two-year full-time with placement option available)l   Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management MScl   Human Resources Management MSc (two-year full-time with placement option available)l   International Business Management MScl   International Financial Management MScl   International Corporate Finance MScl   International Marketing MScl   Investment Management MSc (two-year full-time with placement option available)l   Management MSc (two-year full-time with placement option available)l   MBA (full-time option)l   Strategic Marketing MSc (two-year full-time with placement option available)l   Occupational and Organizational Psychology MScl   FinTech and Policy MSc – new course (to be confirmed) Chemical and process engineeringl   Information and Process Systems Engineering MScl   Petroleum Refining Systems Engineering MScl   Process Systems Engineering MScl   Renewable Energy Systems Engineering MSc Civil and environmental engineeringl   Advanced Geotechnical Engineering MScl   Bridge Engineering MScl   Civil Engineering MScl   Infrastructure Engineering and Management MScl   Structural Engineering MScl   Water and Environmental Engineering MSc Computer sciencel   Data Science MSc (two-year full-time with placement option available) Electrical and electronic engineeringl   5G and Future Generation Communication Systems MScl   Communications Networks and Software MScl   Computer Vision, Robotics and Machine Learning MScl   Electronic Engineering MScl   Satellite Communications Engineering MScl   Space Engineering MSc Environment and sustainabilityl   Corporate Environmental Management MScl   Environmental Strategy MScl   Sustainable Development MSc Hospitality, events, tourism and transportl   Air Transport Management MScl   International Events Management MScl   International Hotel Management MScl   International Tourism Management MScl   Strategic Hotel Management MSc Languages, communication, translation and interpretingl   Interpreting (Chinese Pathway) MA Theatre and performing artsl   Acting MAl   Musical Theatre MAl   Stage and Production Management MA https://www.surrey.ac.uk/postgraduate-courses-intake-february-2021?utm_source=hobsons&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=pgt20&utm_content=conversion_2020jun11_internationalmanagement_subject_postgradcommunity https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_355521.html News【英國留學】薩里大學部分課程提供2月入學 University of Surrey Postgraduate courses with an intake in February 2021 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
Durham公告以下課程除了提供2020/9月入學,也提供2021/1月入學的選項。MSc AccountingMSc FinanceMSc Finance (Accounting and Finance)MSc ManagementMSc Management (Finance) MSc Marketing Latest newsWe are pleased to announce that we are now offering a January 2021 start date, in addition to the September 2020 start date for our MSc Accounting, MSc Finance, MSc Finance (Accounting and Finance), MSc Management, MSc Management (Finance) and MSc Marketing programmes. More information about these new start dates, including if you already have an offer for one of these programmes how to change it to a January start is coming soon. Watch out for our invitation in your inbox to one of our online information sessions to find out more. https://www.dur.ac.uk/business/programmes/masters/masters-room/?utm_source=ClickDimensions&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2019%2F20%20PG%20DUBS&_cldee=NDU0Nzk0NTY1QHFxLmNvbQ%3d%3d&recipientid=contact-93e7465d6cede911a812000d3a86a85d-fe5b6451bb4c475fb421de9d1c5d99f0&esid=456f2223-6ca6-ea11-a812-000d3a86ad99 https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_355105.html News【英國留學】杜倫大學部分科系提供1月入學 Durham University Latest news 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
即日起,英國政府開始實施國境管制措施。除了指定行業人士、不入境之轉機旅客以及來自愛爾蘭、海峽群島(Channel Islands)及曼島(Isle of Man)旅客外,其他入境英國之旅客皆須填寫public health passenger locator form,並提供旅遊史及自我隔離住址。入境後須自行隔離檢疫14天,隔離期間不得有訪客,且非必要不得外出。違反自主隔離規定者,將可能被處以罰款或起訴。https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-how-to-self-isolate-when-you-travel-to-the-uk/coronavirus-covid-19-how-to-self-isolate-when-you-travel-to-the-uk#self-isolate-when-you-travel-to-the-uk Self-isolate when you travel to the UKIf you arrive in the UK on or after 8 June 2020, you will not be allowed to leave the place you’re staying for the first 14 days you’re in the UK (known as ‘self-isolating’). This is because it can take up to 14 days for coronavirus symptoms to appear. Before you travel, you should provide your journey, contact details and the address where you will self-isolate. You will be able to complete the public health passenger locator form 48 hours before you arrive. You must present these details on your arrival in England. You will need to do these things if you arrive on or after 8 June 2020. If you arrive before 8 June or have just arrived in the UK you should check the latest public health advice on coronavirus before you travel. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office advises against all but essential travel and you should not travel if you have the symptoms of coronavirus. You may be refused permission to enter the UK (if you are not a British citizen), or fined if you do not to provide your contact details or do not self-isolate when you arrive in the UK on or after 8 June 2020. In England, if you do not self-isolate, you can be fined £1,000. If you do not provide an accurate contact detail declaration – or do not update your contact detail form in the limited circumstances where you need to move to another place to self-isolate – you can be fined up to £3,200. Who must self-isolateThese rules are for UK residents and all visitors coming into the UK. You will not need to self-isolate for 14 days if you’re travelling to the UK from within the Common Travel Area, that is:the UKthe Republic of Irelandthe Channel Islandsthe Isle of ManHowever, if you arrive in the UK and have been outside the Common Travel Area within the last 14 days, then you will need to self-isolate for the remainder of the 14-day period, starting from when you arrived in the Common Travel Area. You will also need to complete a public health passenger locator form if you are travelling from the Republic of Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man and have been outside the Common Travel Area in the last 14 days. There are other reasons why you might not need to self-isolate. Read the detailed guidance on who does not need to self-isolate. If you are exempt, you will still need to stay alert and stay safe. If you are travelling to the UK for less than 14 days, you will be expected to self-isolate for the length of your stay. Why self-isolating is importantWhen you arrive in the UK, it is very important that you stay in your accommodation for 14 days. It can take up to 14 days for you to develop coronavirus symptoms after you catch the virus and in this time you can unknowingly pass it on to others, even if you don’t have symptoms. Self-isolating will reduce the chance of a second wave of coronavirus in the UK and help prevent family, friends and the community from contracting coronavirus, as well as helping to protect the NHS. How to travel to the place where you are self-isolatingIf you develop coronavirus symptoms when you’re travelling to the UK, you should tell the crew or driver on your plane, boat, train or bus. They’ll let staff in the airport, port or station know, so they can tell you what you should do next when you arrive. When you arrive in the UK, go straight to the place you’re staying. Only use public transport if you have no other option. If you do use public transport, wear something that covers your nose and mouth and stay 2 metres apart from other people. Pack a face covering or scarf to cover your nose and mouth before you travel. If you have coronavirus symptoms, you will not be allowed to travel by public transport and will need to demonstrate that the accommodation where you will self-isolate is safe. If necessary, and you have a long journey within the UK to arrive at your self-isolation accommodation, you can stop overnight in safe accommodation before continuing your journey. You must self-isolate and provide the address of your overnight stop on your public health passenger locator form. How to self-isolate in your accommodationYou should self-isolate in one place for the full 14 days, where you can have food and other necessities delivered, and stay away from others. You must self-isolate at the address you provided on the public health passenger locator form. This can include:your own homestaying with friends or familya hotel or other temporary accommodationYou should not have visitors, including friends and family, unless they are providing essential care.The only friends and family who you can have contact with are those who travelled with you or people who you are staying with. You cannot go out to work or school or visit public areas. You should not go shopping. If you require help buying groceries, other shopping or picking up medication, you should ask friends or relatives or order a delivery. In England, you must only exercise within your home or garden. You cannot leave your home to walk your dog. You will need to ask friends or relatives to help you with this. NHS Volunteer Responders are also available if you need help collecting shopping, medication or would like a telephone ‘check-in and chat’. Call 0808 196 3646 (8am to 8pm) to arrange volunteer support. You can arrange one-off support, or schedule more regular help whilst you are self-isolating. In England, you can only leave your accommodation in limited circumstances. These include where:you need urgent medical assistance (or where your doctor has advised you to get medical assistance)you need access to basic necessities like food and medicines, but only in exceptional circumstances such as where you cannot arrange for these to be deliveredyou need to access critical public services such as social services and victim support services, but only in exceptional circumstancesyou need to go to the funeral of a close relativeyou need to fulfil a legal obligation such as participate in legal proceedingsthere’s an emergencyYou are not allowed to change the place where you are self-isolating except in very limited circumstances, including where:a legal obligation requires you to change address, such as where you are a child whose parents live separately, and you need to move between homes as part of a shared custody agreementit is necessary for you to stay overnight at accommodation before travelling to the place where you will be self-isolating for the remainder of the 14 daysthere’s an emergencyIf this happens, you should provide full details of each address where you will self-isolate on the public health passenger locator form. If, in an exceptional circumstance, you cannot remain where you are staying, you must update the form as soon as possible. Support to help you self-isolate in your own accommodationThe people you’re staying with do not need to self-isolate, unless they travelled with you or you develop the symptoms of coronavirus. If you cannot safely self-isolate for 14 days, you should tell Border Force Officers when you pass through UK border controls. They will provide you with details of a booking service which you can use to obtain accommodation and self-isolate in at your own expense. Staying at home may be difficult, frustrating or lonely, but there are things that you can do to help make it easier. NHS Volunteer Responders are also on hand to have a friendly chat. If you would like a telephone ‘check in and chat’ please call 0808 196 3646 (8am to 8pm) to arrange volunteer support. Within your accommodationThe people you’re staying with do not need to stay at home, unless they travelled with you. Avoid contact with them and minimise the time you spend in shared spaces, like kitchens, bathrooms and sitting areas. If you’re staying in a hotel or guest house, you must stay away from others who didn’t travel with you, so it’s important that you don’t use shared areas such as bars, restaurants, health clubs and sports facilities. Stay 2 metres apart from other people staying there at all times. It is important to avoid contact with other people in your home in order to reduce the risk of transmitting coronavirus. You should stay in a well-ventilated room with a window to the outside that can be opened, separate from other people in your home. If you can, you should use a separate bathroom from the rest of the household. If you have to share these facilities, regular cleaning will be required after each person has used them. Make sure you use separate towels from the other people in your house, both for drying yourself after bathing or showering and for hand-hygiene purposes. Washing your hands and keeping good hygieneEveryone should wash their hands regularly, but this is particularly important for people who have recently travelled to the UK because you could have contracted coronavirus and not yet developed symptoms. Wash your hands frequently with soap and hot water, for at least 20 seconds, rinse and dry thoroughly. Use alcohol-based hand sanitiser if soap and water are not available. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of tissues into a plastic waste bag, and immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, rinse and dry thoroughly. After self-isolating for 14 daysIf you do not have any coronavirus symptoms after 14 days, you can stop self-isolating. You will then need to follow the same rules as people who live in the UK. Check the rules for the part of the UK you’re staying in:EnglandScotlandWalesNorthern IrelandWhat to do if you get coronavirus symptomsYou should look for any of the following symptoms in the 14 days after the day you arrive in the UK:new continuous coughhigh temperatureloss or change to your sense of smell or tasteIf you have any of these symptoms, you should continue to self-isolate at home. If you are staying with others and you develop symptoms, the whole household that you are staying with will need to begin self-isolating. You should apply for a test if you have the symptoms of coronavirus, or live with someone who has the symptoms of coronavirus. You can register for a test on the NHS website. If you have no internet access, you should call NHS 119 to arrange for a test. If your test for coronavirus is positive you will be asked to share your contacts with the NHS test and trace service, and your contact detail declaration may be used to alert people who travelled to the UK alongside you. If you feel you cannot cope with your symptoms at home, or your condition gets worse, or your symptoms do not get better after 7 days, then use the NHS 111 online coronavirus (COVID-19) service. If you do not have internet access, call NHS 111. For a medical emergency dial 999. If you develop symptoms, you must self-isolate for at least 14 days from the point you arrived in the UK and if you get symptoms during that time for at least 7 days from symptom onset and until you are better and no longer have a high temperature. You will need to self-isolate for 14 days from the time that you arrived in the UK even if you have had and recovered from coronavirus symptoms in this time. If you are tested and receive a negative result for coronavirus, you must continue to self-isolate until you have been in the UK for 14 days, even if your symptoms have gone. If you arrived in the UK more than 14 days ago, you do not need to continue self-isolation once you have had symptoms for 7 days and your temperature has returned to normal. Symptoms of a cough or changes to your sense of smell or taste can last for several weeks after the infection has gone and so you can stop self-isolating even if you have these symptoms. The household you are staying with should self-isolate for 14 days from the point that your symptoms start. If you develop new symptoms or your existing symptoms worsen within your 14-day isolation period, then please contact NHS 111 again and follow their advice.  https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_354973.html News【英國留學】入境英國如何自我隔離規定 Coronavirus (COVID-19): how to self-isolate when you travel to the UK 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓 https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_354973.html
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
自2020/6/8起,入境英國須提供過去旅遊史和聯絡資訊並自我隔離14天。規定生效,如拒絕提供聯絡方式將可能罰款£100;如拒絕自主隔離則可能罰款£1,000,詳細資訊將於網站上公告。 入境英國提供您的旅遊史及聯絡資訊:自2020/6/8起,入境英國需填寫線上表格以提供過去旅遊史和聯絡資訊,抵達英國時,您將可能需要提供您已完成線上表格。如果您拒絕填寫表格,將有可能被罰款或是無法入境英國(英國居民或是英國人除外) 關於如何自我管理14天相關規定,請參考以下連結https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-how-to-self-isolate-when-you-travel-to-the-uk/coronavirus-covid-19-how-to-self-isolate-when-you-travel-to-the-uk#self-isolate-when-you-travel-to-the-uk Coronavirus (COVID-19) and entering or returning to the UKFrom 8 June, there will be new rules in place for entering the UK because of coronavirus (COVID-19). The rules are for residents and visitors. When these rules are in place, you will: need to provide your journey and contact details when you travel to the UKnot be allowed to leave the place you’re staying for the first 14 days you’re in the UK except in very limited situations (known as ‘self-isolating’)You do not need to do these things now. But you should check the latest public health advice on coronavirus before you travel, or if you’ve just arrived in the UK. Once the rules come into place you may be fined £100 if you refuse to provide your contact details, £1,000 if you refuse to self-isolate in England and Wales, or you could face further action. You’ll be able to find more information on enforcement measures in Scotland and Northern Ireland on this page soon. You should also download the NHS contact tracing app. You’ll be able to find the app on this page when it’s available. Provide your journey and contact details when you travel to the UKFrom 8 June, if you’re travelling to the UK you’ll need to fill in an online form to provide your journey and contact details before you travel. You’ll be able to find the form on this page when it’s available - check again before you travel. You might need to show that you’ve completed the form when you arrive at the UK border. If you refuse to fill in the form, you may be fined. You also may not be allowed to enter the UK (unless you’re either British or a UK resident). The government will use this information to contact you if you or someone you’ve travelled with develops coronavirus symptoms, and to check that you’re self-isolating for the first 14 days after you arrive in the UK. If you develop coronavirus symptomsDo not travel if you have coronavirus symptoms. If you develop coronavirus symptoms when you’re travelling to the UK, tell the crew or driver on your plane, ferry, train or bus. They’ll let staff in the airport, port or station know, so they can tell you what you should do next when you arrive. Self-isolate for your first 14 days in the UKWhen you arrive in the UK, go straight to the place where you will self-isolate. Your friends or family can collect you from the airport, port or station. Only use public transport if you have no other option. If you do use public transport, wear something that covers your nose and mouth and stay 2 metres apart from other people. You must not leave the place you’re staying for 14 days. You can only leave if: you need urgent medical treatmentyou need support from social servicesyou need food and medicine and cannot get them delivered or get a friend or family member to bring themyou’re going to the funeral of a close relative, or for other compassionate reasonsthere’s an emergency, for example there’s a fire at the place you’re stayingYou cannot have visitors, including friends and family, unless they are providing essential care.If you’re at home or staying with friends or family, avoid contact with the people you’re staying with and minimise the time you spend in shared areas. If you’re staying in a hotel or guest house, you cannot use shared areas such as bars, restaurants, health clubs and sports facilities. Stay 2 metres away from all other guests and staff. If you will not be able to safely self-isolate at the place you’re planning to stay, tell Border Force officers when you arrive in the UK. They’ll give you a choice of accommodation to stay at. After 14 daysIf you do not have any coronavirus symptoms after 14 days, you can stop self-isolating. You will then need to follow the same rules as people who live in the UK. Check the rules for the nation you’re staying in:EnglandScotlandWalesNorthern Ireland Who does not need to provide their details or self-isolate for 14 daysYou will not need to fill in the form or self-isolate for 14 days if you’re travelling to the UK from:Irelandthe Channel Islandsthe Isle of ManThere are other reasons why you might not need to fill in the form or self-isolate. Read the list of who does not need to fill in the form or self-isolate.https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-travellers-exempt-from-uk-border-rulesThe rules about who does not need to fill in the form or self-isolate will remain under review and may change in the future. You’ll be able to find more information on this page when it’s available. https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_354841.html News【英國留學】2020/6/8 入境英國最新規定 Coronavirus (COVID-19) and entering or returning to the UK 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
自2020/6/1英國簽證申請中心將重新開放,恢復受理簽證申請及線上預約服務囉。之前無法進行預約的申請人可以在2020/5/26開始登入系統預約,而已完成簽證線上表格的申請人,也可以於2020/5/25開始進行預約。依據當地政府規定,申請人進入簽證中心將被要求量體溫或配戴口罩,以及保持社交距離。如有COVID-19相關症狀,如發燒、咳嗽或呼吸困難等情形的申請人,將被要求更改預約時間。同時將被建議前往居住地最近的醫療機構就醫。目前尚無法提供超級快件處理服務(台灣不適用),優先處理服務(觀光簽證)或是定居及所有簽證的優先處理服務。簽證中心建議申請選擇中華郵政快遞服務領回簽證,如此更可以配合政府防疫措施的避免過多群聚。自2020/6/8起,英國政府為因應COVID-19,對進入英國的所有旅客採取新的防疫措施。https://www.gov.uk/uk-border-control UK Visa Application Centre in Taipei re-openingFrom 1 June, UK Visas and Immigration is beginning a phased resumption of services and our Visa Application Centre in Taipei will be open from the same date. Customers who were unable to attend an earlier appointment, will be able to log into their account to book a new appointment from 26 May 2020. Customers who have completed their application on GOV.UK, but didn’t previously book an appointment at the Visa Application Centre, can do so from 25 May 2020. Your safety is our priority, so customers visiting our Visa Application Centres may be asked to observe social distancing, undergo temperature checks or be required to wear facemasks/gloves, subject to local authority guidelines. Customers exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms, including fever (higher than 38 degrees Celsius), cough or difficulty breathing will be helped to reschedule their application submission for another day and will be advised to seek medical attention at the nearest healthcare facility of their choice. Please also be aware, that due to restrictions still in place globally, we are not currently able to offer the following services: Super Priority Visa, Priority Visa Service (visit) or Priority Visa for settlement or migration Service. We strongly advise all customers to purchase Courier Return of their documents, so they do not have to visit the Visa Application Centre again, after a decision is made. If a decision has been made on your application, and you need to collect your passport from the Visa Application Centre, we will be contacting you to arrange this. We will continue to monitor the situation and post updates on this page. From 8 June, there will be new rules in place for entering the UK because of coronavirus (COVID-19). Please check the latest information before you travel at gov.uk/uk-border-control. Thank you for your understanding. https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_352996.html News【英國留學】2020/6/1 台北英國簽證申請中心開放收件 UK Visa Application Centre in Taipei re-opening 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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許多想要到英國留學的人可能會覺得奇怪,為什麼在台灣高中畢業、去英國念大學,要先念一年預科(Foundation)才能正式入學?英國高中到底是唸兩年還是四年? 由於各國的教育學制不同,所以今天小編特別整理了英國從小學到研究所的介紹,順便也跟台灣學制來比一比~~ 大學之前 一般台灣學生是6歲進入小學就讀,英國則是提早一年、5歲的時候就開始讀小學了。英國法律規定,完成義務教育的年齡是16歲,也就是說從5歲開始,經歷小學6年、中學3年和高中第一階段2年後,就算完成了英國的義務教育。 完成義務教育後,學生可以選擇離開學校開始工作,或是選擇繼續升學。如果是要繼續升學,就必須接受「擴充教育」(Further Education) 。 說到這兒,大家應該發現英國學制和台灣最大的差異,是在「高中」這個階段了吧!? 跟台灣高中一口氣念完三年不同,英國的高中分成兩個階段、每個階段分別為兩年: 第一階段 GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) 普通中等教育證書 它是英國義務教育的最後一段課程,學生在兩年內要修8~9門課,可以選擇4~5門必修課和4項選修課程,完成第一階段的課程後需要參加GSCE考試,類似台灣的學測/指考,取得GSCE文憑後,可選擇就讀A-Level或是直接就業。 第二階段A Level (General Certificate of Education Advanced Level) 普通教育高級程度證書 此階段的課程已經不屬於義務教育,而是英國學生為了進入大學所需接受的「擴充教育」,就像是大學的預修班,因此A Level的成績也會作為英國大學的錄取標準。A Level課程學制為兩年,學生在這個階段可以更自由地選課,不過學校通常會建議同學選擇有助於申請大學的科目。在第一年裡,學生可以選擇4~5門課程,第二年則專注於2~4門強項科目,進而參加A Level測驗。 除了A Level外, 近年來有另一種課程「IB (International Baccalaureate diploma) 國際文憑課程」,它的課程一樣是兩年,學生必須修3門主修和3門選修,另外還需參加一門知識理論、一門課外活動,並撰寫一份5000字的論文。IB能代替A Level成績申請進入英國及大多數國家的高等教育體系,因此逐漸普及,兩者課程結束前都需要正式考試。 以上介紹的都是英國本地學生在進入大學前所需要經歷的課程,那大家一定很好奇,如果是國際學生要去英國唸大學,但沒有考過A Level或IB測驗,該怎麼辦呢? 以台灣剛從高中畢業的學生為例,想要進入英國大學就讀,需要先唸一年的預科(Foundation),它是針對沒有接受過英國教育的學生、協助他們提高英語和學術能力,幫助國際學生適應英國生活和文化,以便完成Foundation課程後能更好地適應英國大學生活。 大學及研究所 唸完英國的大學通常需要三年的時間,不過有些需要實習的課程以及蘇格蘭的大學則需要唸四年,休業完成後可以獲得學士學位。申請英國大學入學需要統一透過UCAS提出申請,申請相關的詳細資訊可以看這篇>> https://reurl.cc/Nq6Nk 碩士課程就是台灣同學們較為熟悉的部分啦! 英國碩士課程大致分為兩種: 1. 授課型碩士課程(Taught Master Programme):這類課程的型態跟大學比較像,是由演講、研討會、個別指導與個人作業所組成,課程時間從10月起至隔年夏季結束、為期12個月,最後3個月將用來研究與撰寫論文或研究計劃。修業完成後會授予MSc, MA, MBA等學位。 2. 研究型碩士課程(Research Master Programme):跟授課型碩士不同,這類課程較著重在學生個人的獨立研究,通常選擇研究型碩士課程的人在拿到MRes或MPhil後會繼續攻讀博士,而他在攻讀哲學碩士時所完成的工作,可被視為博士研究的一部分。 在英國,完成博士學位最短需要2年,最長7年,但大部分學生大概會在3~4年之內完成(這點跟台灣、美國差不多)。 看完了上面的介紹,大家對英國的教育學制應該有更清楚的了解了吧!如果同學們對留學申請有任何問題,都歡迎透過FB搜尋「Westbook維思博留學代辦」預約諮詢喔! https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_302483.html 【資訊分享】教育學制比一比:英國vs.台灣 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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還記得不久前,維思博訪問到兩位曾擔任檢察官、分別到英國和美國留學後,回國轉戰律師圈的黃國銘律師和朱俊銘律師,跟他們聊聊帶著全家出國唸書的動機,以及過程中的酸甜苦辣(?!)今天這支影片內容相信是許多想要、或正在國外留學的朋友們很想知道的:究竟留學經驗對工作是否會有幫助呢?在國外所學習到的知識和技能,對於原本是檢察官、後來轉職成為律師的兩位來說,真的有派上用場嗎?快來聽聽他們怎麼說~~ https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_303108.html 【Dare to Dream 勇敢追夢系列】兩個律師爸爸的留學之路Part 2. 國外留學經驗真的能為工作加分?! 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
雖然絕大部分台灣學生到英國念研究所,多半是選擇授課型碩士(Taught Master),不過除了授課型碩士課程外,有些學校科系還有提供PG Dip(Postgraduate Diploma)和PG Cert(Postgraduate Certificate)作為選擇,到底這兩者跟一般我們熟知的碩士課程有何不同呢? 一般來說,PG Dip和 PG Cert跟Taught Master課程最大的差別,就是PG Dip 和 PG Cert不用寫論文(Dissertation),以及修習完課程後所獲得的”證明”不同。 通常PG Dip 的課程時間為9個月,PG Cert 則是約6個月,如果你修完6個月的PG Cert課程,學校會給你一個該課程的”認證(Certificate)”,上完9個月的課程可以拿到該學程的”文憑(Diploma)”,後續3個月完成論文的話,就可以獲頒”碩士學位(Master Degree)”。 Diploma就好像台灣的碩士學分班,唸完之後會有修業證書,但不授予學位。 如果你在學分班成績夠好、符合成績標準,之後繼續攻讀碩士學位的話, 你在Diploma學分班的證書可以拿來抵Master學位的修課學分。 PG Dip和PG Cert的課程方式和Taught Master差不多,但比較傾向實務,入學標準也比較寬鬆(以雅思成績要求為例,大約在5-5.5左右),不過詳細規定還是要看各所學校自己的規劃。 以華威大學(University of Warwick)為例,在WMG學院下的科系,修業規則如下: 1. 通過 9 個核心科目+論文,結業後獲頒MSc碩士學位 2. 通過 6 個核心科目+論文,結業後獲頒PG Dip 研究所文憑(Diploma) 3. 通過 6 個核心科目,沒有寫論文,結業後獲頒PG Cert 研究所證照(Certificate) 要特別注意的是,台灣是沒有承認PG Dip和 PG Cert的喔!也就是說如果妳唸的是這兩種課程,回到台灣是不被認可為有研究所學歷的,在申請課程的時候請千萬要注意唷~~ https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_295322.html 【英國留學】PG Diploma 、PG Certificate和Taught Master的差別? 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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放下穩定的工作,攜家帶眷前往異國求學和生活,真的需要比一般單身留學需要更大的勇氣與決心(還有財力….),這也是許多已經有了家庭和小孩的人放棄留學夢想的主要原因。不過仍有些堅持夢想、勇於突破現實障礙的朋友們,完成了這項艱難的任務。這次維思博的【Dare to Dream勇敢追夢系列】影片,訪問到兩位曾擔任檢察官、分別到英國和美國留學後,回國轉戰律師圈的黃國銘律師和朱俊銘律師,跟大家聊聊最初想留學的動機,以及如何在「爸爸的留學夢、小孩的教育、全家的生活」三者之間取得平衡?而當初這個看似任性的決定,對於他們自己以及家人的人生又帶來了什麼樣的變化?由於Sean和小編太好奇兩位律師的留學故事,加上大家的話匣子一開就停不了,所以這次的採訪將會剪輯成三支影片,今天就先帶大家來看第一支影片吧~~ https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_301351.html 【Dare to Dream 勇敢追夢系列】兩個律師爸爸的留學之路 Part 1. 全家帶著走,賺到的比花出去的多!? 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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許多留學生會利用假期到鄰近的國家旅遊,出門在外除了要留意自身安全外,護照、證件、錢包可要保管好, 萬一不小心遺失,不僅影響出遊心情,後續處理也是相當麻煩啊~~ 幾個禮拜前(歐美聖誕假期),Sean老師就接到一位在英國念書的同學的求救訊息,說他在國外旅行的時候弄丟了BRP….. 說到這,已經在英國念書的同學們對BRP一定不陌生,但還在考慮或申請留學的同學可能不太清楚BRP是什麼?就讓小編來簡單說明一下: 什麼是BRP (Biometric Residence Permit)? BRP是英國從2015年5月31日開始,針對從台灣申請赴英簽證、且入境英國停留6個月以上的非EEA民眾核發的「生物辨識晶片居留許可」。 當學生申請簽證時,必須聲明自己入境英國後會住在哪裡,提供預估停留時間、地址和郵遞區號, 這個郵遞區號在申請過程中可以幫助識別所在地區的郵局。 當學生抵達英國後,必須在30天內去該指定郵局領取BRP卡, 上面會顯示你可以在英國學習多長時間(之後還有短暫停留時間)。 也就是說,BRP等於是證明你可以合法居留英國的一項重要證明文件,所以萬一不小心在英國以外的國家弄丟了BRP, Sean老師告訴大家,可以依照下列步驟處理: 1. 先冷靜,仔細想想最近一次使用/看到護照和BRP的時間和地點,    如果是遺落在飯店、餐廳、商店、車站等公共場所,可以先去服務台找人員請求協助。    如果確定是被偷了,而且有發現小偷遺留下來的痕跡,記得先拍照存證,之後向警察報案時可做為佐證。    如果一點痕跡也沒找到….那…找回來的機率就很低了。 2. 在確定找不回來的狀況下,請上https://www.gov.uk/biometric-residence-permits/lost-stolen-damaged網頁進行BRP註銷,並且申請臨時簽證和新的BRP。 3. 去警察局報案,警方會提供官方的報警證明文件,這份文件可以多印個幾份備用,    原始文件一定要保管好,辦理臨時簽證時會需要用上。 4. 在國外,沒有BRP卡就不能回英國,所以必須去辦理臨時簽證(Replacement BRP Visa):    上https://www.visa4uk.fco.gov.uk/ 註冊帳號、申請臨時簽證,選擇的簽證類型如下:    • Reason for Visit: Other    • Visa Type: Others    • Visa Sub-Type: Vignette Transfer    依照網頁指示填好表格、預約簽證時間、線上繳費。    普通件辦理時間需要20天,但一般人通常等不了那麼久,    所以建議選擇急件(Priority Visa Service),可縮短到5個工作天。 5. 按照預約好的時間去簽證中心遞交文件(護照)、登錄指紋、拍照、錄製身份核查視頻等(等於重新走一遍辦簽證的流程)。     重點提醒:旅行在外最重要的證件就是護照,但補辦簽證必須上繳護照,所以一定要在去補辦簽證前,     把需要用到護照的事情(例如:換錢)先處理好,不然身邊沒有護照可是很麻煩的。 6. 臨時簽證辦理狀態會用email通知,接到通知後請拿取證單到簽證中心領取臨時簽證。     回英國後一個月內記得去補辦正式簽證和BRP,等待拿到BRP的時間大概需要一個月。 看完上面的BRP遺失補辦程序,真的是既耗時間又花錢,而且長時間沒有BRP在身邊真的很不方便, 所以大家出門在外一定要保護好自己的護照和BRP卡。 錢包和證件分開放,錢和信用卡最好也分兩個以上的地方放,分散風險。 另外,在手機裡也可以預先存好重要證件的照片和掃描檔,以備不時之需。 https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_299491.html 【英國留學】SOS!! 在國外弄丟BRP該怎麼辦? 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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醞釀了好一段時間的【Dare to dream 勇敢追夢系列】第三支影片終於出爐啦~~這支影片我們訪問到一位特別的女孩Eileen她大學四年唸的是勞工關係,也經歷過許多勞工權益行動其中最特別的經驗是參與一項長達兩年的外籍漁工的專題研究但在大學畢業後,她出國進修選擇的科目,卻是「人力資源管理與員工關係」( Human Resource Management & Employment Relations )這個站在資方角度思考的課題。究竟是什麼樣的轉折讓她做出這樣的決定?另外,Eileen申請學校時所考的語言認證成績也和大部分同學不同她不是去考最常見的IELTS雅思,而是選擇考PTE真的很不一般吧!(Eileen偷偷跟小編說,現在其實越來越多學校接受PTE成績,而且目前台灣考PTE的人較少,題目的變化性還沒有很大,多做考古題拿高分的機會頗高~)小編就不多說了,趕緊來看看Eileen勇敢追夢的故事影片吧~~~ https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_294570.html 【Dare to Dream 勇敢追夢系列】Part 3. 從不同角度看勞資關係,非一般女孩Eileen的蛻變故事 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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​​​想要到美國念大學或研究所的同學,在研究學校的時候可能會發現, 平平都是9月份開學的秋季班,但怎麼有些學校一個學期有18週、有些一個學期只有10週?   其實這是因為不同於台灣的大學學制只有一種:學期制, 美國的學制主要分為三種:學期制(Semester)、學季制(Quarter)、三學期制(Trisemester)。 一般學校是以秋季作為一個學年的開始,開學日期大約是在每年8月底或9月初, 通常秋季班會有比較多的基礎課程可以選擇,而且也會針對外國學生舉辦新生說明會, 因此大部分國際學生會申請秋季班入學。   下面針對三種學制的差別來重點介紹一下~~   學期制 (Semester) 跟台灣的學制類似,把一學年分為上、下兩個學期, 每個學期約18週:第一學期(秋季)從9月到12月、第二學期(春季)從1月到5月。 6~8月則為暑假,通常學校在暑假也會開幾門選修課程,學生可以自行決定是否選修。   近幾年有許多學校把第一個學期開學時間提早2到3週,也就是8月底入學,到12月下旬、聖誕節前結束, 然後第二學期則從1月上到5月中旬結束,這類學制稱為Early Semester,目前美國有超過一半的學校採用此學制。   學季制 (Quarter) 這種學制將一年分為春夏秋冬四季,每一季對應一個學期、每個學期約10~12週左右。 因為每個學期時間很短,所以課程安排相較於學期制(Semester)要來的緊湊, 學生也必須一開學就要快速進入狀態,適應頻繁的大小考試。   學季制的秋季班是9月下旬開學、12月初放假。 冬季班1月初開學、3月中旬結束。春季班從3月底開始,上到6月初。 而夏季班則是從6月中下旬左右開始,到8月下旬結束, 跟Semester制一樣,主要提供選修課程, 如果想要提前畢業的同學通常會利用夏季班拿課,來提早達到畢業學分。   三學期制 (Trisemester) 這種學制是將一年12個月分成三個學期,每學期約15週, 第一個學期從9月到12月,稱為秋季班(Fall Semester), 第二學期從1月到4月,稱為冬季班(Winter Semester), 第三學期則是4月到8月, 有些學校會將這個學期拆分為兩個小學期: 春季班(Spring Session,4~6月)和暑期班(Summer Session,6~8月), 每個Session長度約7週半。   同學們在選擇學校的時候,也可以將學校的學制納入考量, 如果是希望課程安排緊湊、速戰速決的人,或許可以考慮Quarter制, 至於希望能有較充足時間吸收、消化新知的同學,可能就可以考慮Semester制的學校科系。   不過要提醒大家的是,不是所有科系在每個學期都有開放招生, 普遍來說申請秋季班入學是最保險的, 不過如果你的時間搭配不上,也可以留意你想念的科系在春季班或其他學期是否有開放申請。   以上小幫手的重點整理,希望對於想要申請美國留學的同學們能有些幫助囉~ 如果有不清楚的地方,或是想進一步找顧問諮詢,歡迎透過FB搜尋「Westbook維思博留學代辦」預約喔! https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_291384.html 【美國留學】美國vs.台灣,大學學制比一比! 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
英國、美國、澳洲等國的學校針對非英語系國家的留學生, 都會要求提供英語考試成績來證明學生的英語能力。 對台灣學生來說比較熟悉的應該是托福(TOEFL)和雅思(IELTS) 這兩項考試的詳細介紹請看>> https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_281466.html 今天要追加介紹另一個「PTE(Pearson Test of English) Academic」(簡稱PTE)考試 它的特色主要有: 1. 考試時間短,大約3小時 (中間會有10分鐘“非強制性”的休息時間) 2. 電腦自動評分,考後1~5天即可收到成績,    擔心成績單太晚拿到而影響申請進度的同學,可以考慮一下PTE 3. 全程電腦測驗(包含口語),對於害怕跟真人考官對話的學生來說相當有誘因 4. 聽說讀寫項目交叉評分,也就是說在考口說的時候可能也會測到一部份閱讀或寫作,     單項的成績會由四個項目的測驗結果來交互評分,     避免因為考單一項目時表現失常,而導致該項分數過低 目前英國、美國、澳洲、加拿大等國家接受PTE成績的學校已經有超過千所 有興趣的同學可以上PTE官網查一下 你想申請的學校是否有接受PTE成績 (通常在個學校科系的application requirements裡頭也會寫唷) 目前PTE考試在台灣的考場只有一個 位於台北市信義區,市府轉運站附近 報名方式是統一透過PTE官網註冊帳號後才能報名 (報名網址) 而考試日期也是要用帳號登入、報名考試時才能查詢 (目前每個月大概有3~5場次) 稍稍有點不太方便 不過根據有考過雅思和PTE的同學表示 PTE在短時間內要爭取高分的機會比較高 所以如果時間有限、而你想申請的學校又有接受PTE 不妨可以考慮轉戰PTE爭取好成績~ 最後,整理「PTE、雅思、托福」的比較讓大家更清楚了解這三種考試的差異: https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_291404.html 【語言測驗】PTE、雅思、托福,三大考試比一比 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
過完中秋、吃完月餅,就又進入了留學申請的旺季。 同學們除了忙著選校、考TOFEL或IELTS、寫讀書計畫(SOP)和履歷(CV)之外, 有件事也要趕緊著手準備,那就是找推薦人幫忙寫「推薦函」囉!   該找誰寫比較好? 這是同學們經常會問的問題, 學校要看推薦函的目的, 主要是希望從「客觀第三人」的角度,了解申請學生過往的學習狀況、能力、人格特質、學習態度,以及未來的發展性, 所以你找的推薦人最好是對你有一定的熟悉程度, 例如你的直屬主管、指導教授、導師, 也有同學會問,推薦人的頭銜重不重要?是不是找職位越高、越有名的人越好? 如果跟你共事過、帶過你的老師或主管剛好小有名氣,剛好也是從國外留學回來、 甚至是你要申請學校的畢業校友,那當然是最好。 但,人生不見得有那麼多個「剛好」… 所以重點還是要找熟悉你、支持你的人來幫你寫推薦函。    另外要注意的是, 主管或教授們通常都很忙, 所以在找推薦人的時候, 除了考量他對你的瞭解程度和評價外, 「配合度」是更重要的!   往年學生們常遇到的狀況包含: 1. 推薦人太忙了,雖然口頭答應幫忙,但deadline都快到了還沒空寫推薦函 2. 教授答應當推薦人,但學校寄過去email遲遲等不到教授回信 (應該是又忙到被X抓走了….) 3. 推薦人不檢查email,或是國外學校寄email的時候,email被台灣學校/公司的防火牆擋掉了 4. 雖然有提供推薦函,但沒有依照學校規定的格式,例如:沒有任職學校的Logo、沒有簽名、沒日期、沒聯絡資訊等 5. 教授要求提供確實的申請時間,但是因為每間學校申請的時程和方式不同,很難確切告知時間 6. 教授很兇、很龜毛,導致學生不敢要求教授在推薦函中強調哪些重點,也不敢請教授檢查或更新資料7. 教授想開導學生申請不同主修,或是去不同國家,甚至追問想出國的原因等等,過多資訊導致學生無法作出最後決定。   所以提醒同學們千萬要慎選推薦人啊~~ 最好是能先想好另一個備案人選,以免遇到狀況時慌了手腳。   要寫哪些內容? 不管推薦函是教授或主管親自寫, 或是推薦人請要申請的學生自己寫完後他再修改或畫押簽名, 要注意的是,信函的內容要站在推薦人的高度來寫, 不用交代太多細節 (畢竟教授每年教過的學生那麼多,即便對某位同學有較深的印象,也不太可能記到太detail的事), 但也不要只是說明修了哪些課、做了哪些實驗/專題或工作這類太表面的東西, 重點是要寫些能凸顯你的「核心競爭力」的內容, 像是從哪些事件, 或在學習、互動的過程中發現你的邏輯思考能力、分析能力、解決問題能力、團隊合作、領導能力特別優異, 都可以寫進推薦函。 不過也要注意,如果你是應屆畢業生, 或是只有一兩年工作的社會新鮮人,不太可能有很強大的核心競爭力, 所以切記不要太誇大囉!   另外,因為其他申請文件還包含SOP和CV, 這兩份文件中一定會提到你過去的學習成果和對未來的發展規劃, 所以雖然推薦函是以推薦人的角度去撰寫, 但還是要呼應到你在SOP和CV當中的內容, 千萬不要讓審查委員覺得SOP/CV跟推薦函中寫的根本是兩個不同的人,那就有點糗了~~   最後要提醒同學們,在找推薦人的時候, 請確定對方知道需要提供的資料和形式,附上圖示方便大家跟推薦人說明: 如果同學們有不清楚的地方,或者對留學申請有任何問題, 都歡迎透過FB搜尋「Westbook維思博留學代辦」預約諮詢喔! https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_289948.html 【留學申請】推薦函(Recommendation Letters)的準備重點 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
如果你有一份做了10年、收入穩定的工作, 有個美麗的老婆、可愛的孩子 你會願意去追求、實現年輕時的夢想嗎? 維思博Dare to Dream勇敢追夢系列,第二支影片要介紹的 就是一位讓維思博團隊相當佩服的鋼鐵爸爸 Chester 他在台灣已經擁有法律碩士學位、律師執照,也擔任檢察官長達10年時間 卻在即將邁入40歲時,決定放下一切 (喔~ 更正!有把老婆小孩帶著走啦~~) 舉家遠赴英國念書 究竟是什麼樣的動力,支持他勇敢追求這個夢想呢? 讓我們來看看Chester的故事~~ https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_286427.html 【Dare to Dream 勇敢追夢系列】Part 2. 年近40帶全家出國念書的鋼鐵爸爸Chester 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
​​​ 經常有同學問老師,去英國該怎麼買機票?有沒有比較推薦的航空公司或航班?在哪裡買比較便宜?…. 雖然現在上網問問Google大神就會跑出一大堆買機票的相關資訊,但是….準備留學的同學們時間是很寶貴的, 所以Sean老師針對四家台灣人較熟悉、有飛英國的航空公司,做了重點整理,還很認真地拍了影片喔!趕緊來瞧瞧吧~~ 去英國念書的同學大多會選擇飛倫敦,所以這次要介紹的是以台灣飛倫敦的班機為主。 台灣飛倫敦的航班不少,Sean老師挑選了長榮、華航、國泰、阿聯酋(Emirates)四家來介紹:   長榮航空 這是老師私心偏愛的航空公司 (因為比較貪生怕死安全) 長榮每天固定有一班從桃園飛倫敦 它是早上9點出發、晚上8點左右抵達英國最大的國際機場- 倫敦Heathrow希斯洛機場 中途會在泰國曼谷轉機、進行安檢後再原機飛倫敦 總飛行時間約17~ 18小時 小提醒:因為轉機的時候需要把隨身行李帶下飛機、安檢完後再上飛機, 所以建議盡量精簡你的隨身行李,不然拿上拿下也是挺麻煩的~ 中華航空 華航是目前從台灣直飛倫敦的唯一選擇,飛行時間只需要13~14小時 相較於其他需要轉機的航班,可以省下3~7小時 早上9點~9點半左右出發、下午4點~4點半就到倫敦了! 開航的時候只有每週四班(一三五六)、不過前陣子從華航官網上查到週二也有航班, 所以目前應該是每週有五班可以選擇。 和其他航空公司不同的是,它抵達的機場是倫敦Gatwick蓋維克機場 Gatwick機場是英國乘客流量第二大的機場,跟Heathrow機場相比, 在這裡等待通關和提領行李的時間較短, 如果你跟小幫手一樣很討厭排隊等通關和領行李的人,這會是個不錯的選擇。   國泰航空 因為台灣直飛歐美長途路線的航空公司不多,絕大部分都需要轉機 而香港是距離台灣最近的全球重要轉機據點, 所以以香港為大本營的國泰航空就成了許多人飛歐美時的主要選項之一 國泰航空飛英國除了有倫敦的兩大機場Heathrow、Gatwick可選擇外 還有飛曼徹斯特的航班 而從台灣這邊出發的機場也可以選擇桃園或高雄,加上每天的航班很多, 無論是時間或地點的選擇上都很有彈性,對於住在台灣南部,以及要前往英國中北部的同學來說相當方便! 如果是到倫敦的話,總旅行時間(含轉機)大約16~17小時,還算是合理範圍 特別一提,國泰航空在航空業權威機構Skytrax每年的最佳航空公司評比中可是常勝軍, 所以安全性和服務也是有口碑的喔! 阿聯酋(Emirates)航空 以豪華著稱、由杜拜政府全資擁有的阿聯酋航空 這幾年在台灣廣告打的挺多的,算是外國航空公司在台知名度較高的一家 今年5月維思博團隊去英國就是選擇Emirates 從台北出發、杜拜轉機、抵達倫敦,總旅行時間約19-20小時 雖然久了一點, 不過如果是時間比較不趕、想順道去杜拜玩玩的同學,這倒是不錯的航線選擇。 Emirates最吸引Sean老師的地方是它的飛機 採用Airbus A380,是雙層、也是目前唯一擁有四條乘客通道的客機 不僅飛機本身大、座位也夠寬敞,這點對於長途飛行旅客來說太重要!!! Emirates除了有從杜拜飛倫敦Heathrow和Gatwick機場外, 還有飛曼徹斯特和伯明罕,這對於前往伯明罕及鄰近城市念書的同學來說又更方便了!   小小總結 以上介紹的四家航空公司各有特色 以飛航安全來說,長榮、國泰、Emirates都是不錯的 以飛行時間來說,當然是直飛的華航完勝 以航班頻率來說,國泰不管是從桃園或高雄飛香港、或是香港飛英國,一天都有很多班 以抵達英國的地點來說,國泰和Emirates選擇性較多 以舒適度來說,每家都是提供最新最大的飛機, 但要說到豪華度,Emirates的A380是蠻值得體驗一下的 當然,飛英國還有很多外國航空公司可以選, 同學們可以用Skyscanner機票比價網站自行查詢囉~ https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_286420.html 【資訊分享】去英國的機票該怎麼買??讓Sean老師為你說分明! 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
維思博成立一年多來,接觸到許多懷抱留學夢想的朋友們,雖然每個人的目標、動機和背景都不同,但當中有幾位同學的故事,讓Sean老師特別印象深刻, 也希望透過一系列的影片分享,讓他們勇敢追夢的過程,為同樣懷有夢想、但還在猶豫不決的你帶來感動與力量! 你/妳,準備好跟我們一起Dare to dream了嗎? Dare to dream 勇敢追夢系列第一支影片,要為大家介紹的是即將前往英國University of Essex就讀國際大一的EJ 是什麼樣的原因,讓高中時期只求成績低空飛過、在校表現普通到不能再普通的平凡女孩EJ,決定挑戰出國留學?並且在短短4個月內完成雅思從5.5進步到7.0的Mission Impossible?? 一起來看看她的故事吧~~ https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_285906.html 【Dare to dream 勇敢追夢系列】Part 1. 4個月內雅思從5.5到7分,屬於EJ的故事 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
​過去大部分到英國留學的同學們多半是申請就讀研究所,不過近年來申請英國大學部的人數也越來越多, 所以今天維思博的老師們要來跟大家回答一下英國大學申請的幾個常見問題。   問題一、什麼是UCAS? 想要申請英國大學的同學們,首先一定要認識UCAS這個機構! UCAS,全名Universities and Colleges Admissions Service,是英國大學院校的統一入學申請機構, 也就是說,想要申請英國大學本科的同學們,無論是本地學生(home student,英國和歐盟國家學生)或國際學生,都需要通過UCAS所提供的標準程序來申請,學生不能直接向學校提出申請。   ​ ​​​ 問題二、怎麼申請呢? 每位學生最多可以申請5個志願(醫學相關科系只能申請4個志願),如果你要申請同一所學校的兩個科系,就算是2個志願。 要特別注意的是,每位學生每年透過UCAS申請一次,所以在送出申請前一定要謹慎評估,多和你的顧問討論、依照顧問建議完成申請程序。 決定好要申請的學校後,需要上UCAS網頁註冊帳號並填寫申請表,輸入個人資料、學歷、自傳(Personal Statement)、推薦信和推薦人資料。   問題三、申請需要費用嗎? 透過UCAS申請學校需要支付申請費,以2018年入學為例,申請一所的費用是13英鎊、5所是24英鎊。   問題四、什麼時候可以開始申請呢? 每年9~10月英國大學會開始開放申請入學,同學們可以儘早收集資料、多瞭解目標學校和科系的資訊,儘早著手準備。   問題五、透過UCAS申請有截止期限嗎? 除了牛津、劍橋和一些特殊課程(如:醫學、牙醫、獸醫、藝術和設計)之外,大部份課程的申請截止日期為入學前的1月中旬。 不過,英國大學對於國際學生的申請截止日期比較寬鬆些,大部分學校會開放至接近開學前(約莫是6月底左右)。 但即便如此,國際學生因為還需要預留申請學生簽證的時間,因此也是建議同學們儘早提交申請比較妥當喔!   問題六、申請要準備的文件有哪些? 一般來說,需要準備的文件包含:英文版畢業證書和成績單、讀書計畫、推薦信、履歷表、IELTS/TOFEL成績, 如果學校要求更多資料,如:藝術作品集、護照…,校方會透過email通知申請人, 所以在註冊帳號時切記要提供正確的email,以免遺漏了重要訊息。   問題七、我要怎麼知道自己有沒有被學校錄取? 各所學校在審核學生們的申請後,會透過UCAS寄發錄取通知給學生,學生也可以透過UCAS網站上的”TRACK”來追蹤學校的回覆。 UCAS在收到學校錄取信後一個工作天內,會寄出標準錄取文件給申請人。 如果你同時收到多所學校的錄取通知,必須從中挑選出一個「第一志願(Firm Choice)」:你最希望就讀的科系,以及一個「候補志願(Insurance Choice)」。 不過要特別注意的是,如果你選擇的「第一志願」學校提供給你的是unconditional offer(無條件入學許可), 一旦接受了就一定要前往就讀,不能再選擇第二個候補志願囉!   問題八、如果5個志願都沒有被錄取的話,我該怎麼辦? 如果不幸地5個志願都”摃龜”,可以使用UCAS附加申請,額外多選擇一個志願。 附加申請是從每年3 月中旬開始到6月底結束,可以透過附加服務申請的課程,會在此期間公布於UCAS網站上,申請人可以直接與學校聯絡。 如果不小心錯過了附加申請的時間,還有最後的機會,也就是Clearing階段。 Clearing階段是在每年開學前的7~9月底,主要目的是將尚未被錄取的學生,安排到尚有名額的學校/科系。   問題九、還有哪些特別要注意的事情呢? 如果你想要申請牛津或劍橋大學,切記只能選擇其中一所,不能同時申請兩所學校喔! https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_283989.html 【英國留學】英國大學申請常見的9大問題 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
英國大學通常在每年9月開始開放次一年度的入學申請,雖說大部分學校並沒有明定截止日期(deadline),或是deadline時間看來還很充裕,但是同學們可別因此而輕忽了! 英國學校採取先到先審制,而且名額有限,有些熱門的科系可能因為額滿而提前停止接受申請,所以為求保險起見,還是建議至少提前一年開始準備。 通常想要申請秋季入學的同學們,會在6~8月左右安排與留學代辦機構進行初步諮詢,決定是要自行申請?或是委託代辦協助。 以下就以維思博的英國留學代辦流程為例,帶大家快速地了解申請英國學校要注意的重要時間點~ ​ 文件準備及申請期 (9~11月) 這個階段通常同學們已經和顧問老師討論好、決定選擇申請哪幾所學校了,所以此時就會進入密集準備文件à檢查à調整à提交à補件…的迴圈中。 由於每所學校規定的文件略有不同,所以這個階段同學們需要和顧問密切配合,才能緊抓著時間、快一點把文件備妥送出申請。 耐心等待期 (10~隔年3月) 由於每間學校審查申請文件所需的時間不一定,加上年底又適逢聖誕過年假期,因此在送出申請後多久能得到學校回覆,那還真是說不個準啊!所以這個時期,同學們能做的就是耐心地等待。 有些同學可能會疑惑,如果我委託代辦公司幫忙申請,那文件送出之後代辦公司能幫忙些什麼呢? 其實啊,送件後到等學校通知前,正是考驗代辦功力的重要時刻,因為這段期間你可能會經歷跟學校無止盡的往返溝通,以及隨時準備收到學校無預期的「驚喜」(或驚嚇…), 必要時不能只單靠email來來回回,還會需要直接打電話和學校溝通確認,因此代辦顧問的語言能力、溝通能力和積極度就非常重要囉! 關於這個部分,咱們家Sean老師可是相當有自信,因為他接洽學校的勤奮程度和擅長跟外國人吵架溝通的能力,可是常讓同個辦公室的我們捏把冷汗,擔心他會被許多學校列入黑名單啊…. 雅思考試準備期 (9月~隔年4月) 有些同學在來找代辦前可能已經有考過雅思了,如果之前的成績不是太理想,別擔心,申請學校時的雅思成績單是可以候補的,所以請趕緊利用這段時間準備考試,目標是要讓成績能符合學校的無條件式入學標準。 如果在這期間已經收到學校發給的條件式入學許可,那更要加把勁,以便在預計入學當年度的5、6月能取得無條件入學許可和CAS。 行前準備期 (入學當年5~8月) 大部分學校秋季班入學時間是9月中旬,因此同學們最晚在5、6月份要確定能否取得無條件式入學許可和CAS,以便進一步申請Tier 4簽證。 一般來說,CAS申請大約需要1~2週時間,依學校而定,而Tier 4簽證則是最晚必須在8月中旬前申請下來,這樣才來得及9月入學。 而在等待Tier 4簽證的過程中,同學就可以準備申請宿舍,訂機票、辦理國際學生證、確認接機等事宜了。 以上這些流程大家都清楚了嗎? https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_283659.html 【代辦作業時程】Westbook英國留學代辦流程大揭密:一張圖帶你看懂作業時程 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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  CAS= Confirmation Acceptance of Studies (學習錄取確認函) 根據英國邊境管理局(UKBA)規定,從2010年2月22日起,所有準備申請計點Tier 4簽證赴英國學習的學生,必須提供一份由其擔保方(英國境內的教育機構)出具的學習錄取通知函。 CAS是英國大學發給學生的一個特別電子參考號碼,一個CAS只對應一門課程,有效期限為6個月。它取代了原有的簽證信紙本,內容包含申請者的個人資訊、學習背景和英國大學的相關電子編碼資訊,同學們在申請Tier 4簽證時只需要提供CAS號碼,簽證官即可憑號碼線上查詢申請者的相關資訊。 當你向學校提出入學申請(Application),學校審核你的申請表和文件、願意接受你的申請時,學校會寄發錄取通知書(Offer)給你。同學們收到Offer後想必十分開心,但別忘了下一個重要步驟:接受Offer、換取CAS! ​ 如何獲得CAS? 大學的錄取通知書上都會明確告知接受Offer的步驟,同學們通常只需要完成下面兩件事情: 1. 填寫接受入學表(Acceptance Form)並簽名 2. 交付第一次學費預付金,將Acceptance Form連同預付金繳費憑證一起提交,請學校幫你換取CAS Statement 要注意的是,拿到英國大學Offer並不代表已經確定獲得了學校錄取(記住,Offer只是個「通知書」),只有繳交學費換取了CAS後,才算是真正被學校錄取。校方有權利、也有可能在學生獲得Offer但為換取CAS前,將錄取名額讓給其他學生。 總結來說,CAS是留學英國的同學們能否順利獲得英國簽證、前往英國的關鍵,一般來說如果是預計9月份入學的同學,最好是能在5、6月取得Offer、換取CAS,緊接著趕緊去辦Tier 4,才不會手忙腳亂喔! https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_283658.html 【留學小辭典】什麼是CAS (Confirmation Acceptance of Studies)? 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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同學們在申請英國研究所時,應該常在學校官網上的「Entry Requirement」一欄看到對大學成績要求2:1 hounors 或 Upper Second Class hounors吧? 究竟這指的是什麼意思呢?? 英國大學的成績分級方式跟其他國家都不同,既不是採美國常用的GPA,也不是台灣普遍使用的百分點制 常見的英國研究所入學成績標準為2:1或2:2 如果轉換成台灣學生比較熟悉的百分等級,大概的對照如下: 1st/ Class I :70分以上 2:1/ Class II Division I/ Upper Second Class:60~69分 2:2/ Class II Division II/ Lower Second Class:50~59分 3rd/ Class III:40~49分  要特別注意的是,上面對照的是「英國大學」的百分點制分數 可不是「其他國家大學」的在校成績喔!! 因為每個國家成績給分的標準不一、而且也有學校等級(例如公私立)的分數差異 所以大部分英國學校/科系會在官網上分別載明針對不同國家申請者的大學成績要求 同學們在申請時可要多加注意喔!! 同場加映:什麼是GPA? GPA (Grade Point Average)指的是美國、歐盟、日本大學的學生在校平均成績。 台灣學業成績大多以百分點制(0~100分)計算,但美國大學成績是採「等第制」(A~E or F),因此申請出國留學時,必須要將成績單上的平均在校成績換算成等第制,再來計算GPA。 A:Excellent B:Good C:Fair or Average D:Minimum, Passing or Poor E or F:Failure 較常見的GPA計算機制有兩種 文字描述可能不太清楚,直接來看圖解說明吧~~   ​​​​​​​​ https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_283437.html 【英國研究所申請】什麼是2:1 honours degree? 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
​​​美國目前有4000多所大學院校,除了有四年制、兩年制的差別外,還有公立、私立之分。 大家一般的印象可能是,私立大學的排名比較高、學費比較貴,但究竟公、私立有哪些差異?就讓小編來為大家重點整理~~ 1. 經費來源 公、私立學校的主要差異是經費來源:公立學校的經費主要來自於聯邦政府、州政府和地方政府的資助;私立學校的主要經費來源則是教會、校友會、企業、基金會等單位的捐款,以及學生繳交的學費。看到這裡,各位應知道為何私立學校的學費會比公立高了吧! 2. 建校歷史 整體而言,私立大學的歷史比公立大學悠久,像是常春藤聯盟的8所院校,有7所在英國殖民時期就創立了,即便是其中最”年輕”的康乃爾大學,也是成立於1865年,至今已有153年的歷史。而知名的公立大學,如:加州大學柏克萊分校、密西根大學安娜堡分校,則是到了19世紀後半才紛紛崛起。 3. 學校規模 美國公立大學的規模,無論是校園大小或是學生人數,通常都大於私立大學。公立大學因為受到州政府補助,因此校園空間較大、學生人數較多,但相對地,師生比就比較低一些了。 私立大學通常設立在市中心或較熱鬧的地方,因此校園空間較有限,學生數較少,小班授課也其特色之ㄧ。 4. 學費高低 前面有提到,公立大學因為受到政府單位資助,因此學費會比私立大學便宜,一般來說,公立大學一年的學費落在1.5~2.5萬美金左右,加上生活費,一年總花費大約是2.5~3.5萬美金。 美國公立大學建校的初衷,是要服務本州學生,因此公立大學針對本州學生和外州學生的學費是有差別的,而國際學生的學費…不用說,就更貴了啊! 相形之下,私立大學的學費每年大約4萬美金起跳,頂尖私立大學的商科專業,每年學費更高達6萬美金左右,加上學校多位於都會區,生活費也是筆不小的開銷。 5. 錄取標準 普遍來說,私立大學的錄取標準會比公立大學要高(當然,公立大學排名前幾名的名校除外囉!),公立大學較偏好GPA、語言成績高的“好學生”,私立大學則側重申請者在學習成績以外的特長,例如:社團、公益參與、領導力等。 知名的私立大學包含:8所常春藤聯盟學校(布朗大學、哥倫比亞大學、康乃爾大學、達特茅斯學院、哈佛大學、賓夕法尼亞大學、普林斯頓大學、耶魯大學)、芝加哥大學、史丹佛大學、麻省理工學院、加州理工學院、約翰·霍普金斯大學、卡內基梅隆大學等。 知名的公立大學則有:加州大學柏克萊分校、維吉尼亞大學、密西根大學安娜堡分校、加州大學洛杉磯分校、加州大學戴維斯分校、加州大學聖地亞哥分校、加州大學爾灣分校(歐文)、加州大學聖巴巴拉分校、喬治亞理工大學、威廉瑪麗學院、威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校、密西根州立大學、德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校、西雅圖華盛頓大學、俄亥俄州立大學、伊利諾伊大學香檳分校、賓州州立大學和佛羅里達大學。 其實無論是公立或私立學校,都各有其優點及特色,同學們在選校時,還是要依據自己考量的優先順序,多方評估比較再來做決定喔! https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_283436.html 【美國留學】美國大學比較:公立、私立,差別在哪裡? 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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許多人在選擇就讀學校和科系時,免不了會參考一下各種大學排名 以英國學校來說,大家比較熟悉的排名評比包含:  QS世界大學排名 (QS World University Rankings) ​ 英國泰晤士報大學排名(The Times Good University Guide) ​ 英國衛報大學排名(The Guardian) 因為各個單位的評比標準和著重的角度不同, 因此也常會發生在A評比中名列前茅的學校 到了B評比中成績可能不是太理想的狀況。 小編就稍微介紹一下這三個同學們常參考的排名評比, 比較一下他們的差異吧~ QS世界大學排名 ​   它是英國Quacquarelli Symonds公司所發表的年度大學排行榜 分為全球性和地區性(亞洲、歐洲與中亞地區、拉丁美洲、阿拉伯地區、金磚五國)排名 全球性排名的評比標準包含: 1. 學術互評(40%):衡量全球學者意見2. 師生比(20%):衡量教學素質3. 教職員論文引用量(20%):衡量研究實力4. 僱主評價(10%):衡量雇主對學院畢業生的評價5. 國際學生佔比(5%):衡量學生的多元化程度6. 國際教職員佔比(5%):衡量教職員的多元化程度 地區性排名的標準則依照地區不同而有差異, 所以每年度同一所學校在全球性和地區性的排名也會有落差。 QS排名是目前最受關注的大學排行榜之一, 不過也因為指標過於主觀而有受到些批評。 ​ QS官方網站:https://www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings 2018年QS排名傳送門  ​ http://ranking.promisingedu.com/qs 英國泰晤士報大學排名 ​ TIMES是英國最早(1992年)發佈英國大學排名的單位 它從2004年開始跟QS合作發布年度世界大學排名 不過2010年起改與湯森路透集團(Thomson Reuters,即路透社)合作 每年9月底公布次年度的大學綜合排名和專業排名 TIMES排名評比的標準比較著重在學校的教學研究品質和知識移轉 分為9大項評分指標: 1. 學生滿意度(15%)2. 研究質量(15%)3. 入學標準(10%)4. 師生比(10%)5. 每位學生平均獲得的經費(10%)6. 設施與設備(10%)7. 優秀畢業生(10%)8. 畢業生前景(10%)9. 畢業率(10%) 2017年TIMES排名傳送門​ http://ranking.promisingedu.com/ 英國衛報大學排名 ​ 衛報是英國的綜合性內容日報, 它所公布的英國大學排名跟TIMES可說是分庭抗衡 衛報的排名評比標準和其他單位有很大的不同 它是透過全國學生普查的方式, 針對即將畢業的學生進行意見調查後所產生的結果 評分標準則包含了學生對於學校的教學評價、研究實力、學生和教職員素質等 因為是由學生所進行的評分,在評分項目上也是圍繞著學生的學習體驗 所以排名結果跟其他兩家可能會有比較大的不同 也有人說,衛報的排名是專門給學生看的 (因為經常會打臉一些所謂的“名校”啊~~~~) 2018年衛報排名傳送門​ http://ranking.promisingedu.com/major/guardian 延伸閱讀​ Times、《衛報》、CUG、這些英國大學排名哪個才靠譜?   https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_283298.html 【英國留學】英國大學排名評比 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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許多人在申請國外學校或簽證時,會被要求出示財力證明(Financial Statement),究竟哪些文件可以拿來當作財力證明?財力證明要怎麼開?要求財力證明的目的是什麼?… 以上這些問題,就讓維思博一一為各位解惑吧~ 【目的】確定你有$$可以唸完學程 財力證明是用來驗證申請者(留學生)是否有足夠的經濟能力,自行負擔在國外求學所需的花費。 會需要提供財力證明,主要是為了避免學生經濟狀況不佳、唸到一半就輟學,或是假借讀書為名,實際上是去打工賺錢,這樣就失去核發留學簽證的本意了。   【格式】依贊助者身份提供規定的文件 財力證明文件可以是留學生本人、直屬親屬或監護人的銀行存款證明,留學生本人獲得政府機關或私人機構的獎助學金證明。 如果是由家人提供的財力證明,贊助的家人必須簽署財力證明文件(Financial Statement)或寫一份財力資助書(Affidavit of Support),上述文件通常會包含在學校提供的申請表格中。 如果是由提供獎助學金的單位所發給的資助證明文件〈英文公函〉 ,要在文件上註明獎助學金的起始日期、金額及期限等。 有的學校會提供財力證明表格,要求銀行在表格上蓋章作為證明,但多半銀行都不願簽署學校提供的表格,只願意出具自行開立的財力證明文件。如果遇到這樣的狀況,你只要在學校提供的表格上註明「Please refer to the attached Financial Statement」(請參閱財力證明附件),然後附上銀行開立的財力證明就可以了!   【金額】可支持一年的花費為原則 財力證明的金額以足夠支付第一年的學雜費、食宿費和生活費為原則,在學校的Catalog中可以查到每年的預估花費,有些學校也會提供開立的金額建議,你可以比學校要求的金額再往上加一點即可。(例如:學校要求4萬美金,你提出4萬2000美金的財力證明) 【時效】注意證明文件的“新鮮度” 如果是申請學校用,財力證明開立的日期和申請寄出的日期越近越好。如果是辦理美簽要用到的,開立時間最好在面談的前幾天。 如果是辦英國簽證,財力證明必須在線上辦理簽證日期往前推31天開立 (Within the 31 day period before your online application date.) 舉例來說,如果你是8/15線上辦理簽證,那麼你必須在7/15之後去請銀行開財力證明,這樣文件才不會過期。   【公証】依學校規定,辦理方式有兩種 有些學校會要求財力證明必須經過公證(Financial statement must be notarized.),此時同學們就需要到以下單位(擇一)辦理公證囉~ 1. 美國在台協會(AIT)─USD 30(約NTD 970元)如果學校規定需要公證,申請者可帶著前述的學校文件(Financial Certification)﹑財力證明及身份證件到美國在臺協會二樓,如果有贊助人需請其同行,到服務台詢問辦理。 2. 地方法院公證─NTD 750 除了須攜帶Financial Certification及英文財力證明外,還需要攜帶自己或贊助人(視財力證明上是誰的名字而定)的身份證及印章,若有贊助人則需請其同行。到了戶籍所在地的地方法院公證處後,詢問承辦人員認證流程即可辦理。   【小叮嚀】 雖然英國自2011年7月4日起取消台灣學生申請留學簽證(Tier 4)時必須檢附財力證明的規定,改採「抽查制」; 有些美國學校也不要求留學生提供財力證明文件,但,建議還是有備無患,以免時間緊迫時又被通知要補件,可是會手忙腳亂的喔! https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_283297.html 【留學準備】什麼是財力證明? 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
說到出國留學,大部分的人面臨到的第一個抉擇通常是:我該選哪個國家比較好呢?一般來說,台灣學生出國留學還是以美國和英國為大宗, 雖然紐澳近幾年也急起直追, 不過小編還是先針對美國和英國, 簡單整理一下到這兩個國家留學前要注意的重點和差異比較, 讓大家在評估選擇的時候可以參考囉~~   【學制】講效率選英國,重實務選美國 英國大學通常要唸3年、碩士1年, 而碩士課程還分為授課制(By Course)和研究制(By Research)兩種。 美國則是大學唸4年、碩士2年, 不同學校會依照學期長短分為學期制(Semester)、學季制(Quarter)、三學期制(Trisemeter)、四一四制。 乍看之下,去英國唸書花的時間比較短,能省下一年的學費、生活費和時間成本, 對於講求經濟效益的人來說是個不錯的選擇,但可不是說學期時間短就會比較輕鬆喔! 大家可別抱著想打混的心態去申請英國學校,老師可是會把你們抓起來打屁股的!!! 不過我們發現一個有趣的現象, 就是身邊選擇去英國留學的女生多於男生, 不知道是不是女生們覺得青春有限,趕緊畢業投入職場比較實際呢?   美國則是注重學生對學習到的知識的應用和實作, 甚至有些需要實習的科系,畢業所需花費的時間更長。 不過也因為美國重視實務經驗, 因此提供留學生可申請畢業後1年的實習(OPT), 累積美國工作的經驗,對於未來發展可是大大加分的喔! 【科系】理工專科往美國,文學商科去英國 美國在科技方面的發展和成就, 使得許多想唸理工相關專業, 如:電腦科學(Computer Science; CS)、電子工程(Electrical Engineering; EE)、化學、生物的同學, 多半會選擇美國作為學習進修的國家。 此外,申請美國企業管理碩士(MBA)的台灣學生也不在少數。 英國則是因為濃厚的歷史文化氣息,讓不少文科的學生心生嚮往之~ 而英國的MBA因為只需要唸1年,也獲得不少人的青睞。   【留學考試】無論英國或美國,努力取得好成績最重要 美國入學的英語測驗要求托福(TOEFL)成績,唸大學部要考SAT,唸商科(MBA)的話要考GMAT、理工科則要考GRE。 許多美國研究所對於入學的托福分數雖然沒有絕對的標準, 但排名前60大的學校大多要求100分以上。 英國大部分學校要求雅思(IELTS),有些商學院也會要求GMAT成績。 一般來說要得到英國碩士課程入學許可,雅思成績平均要達到6.5~7分。 不管是哪個國家、哪種考試,分數越高、有機會申請到的學校越多, 所以同學們無論如何都要卯足全力考到個好成績啊!   【費用】科系和地區決定花費高低 出國唸書還是要考量到現實因素…. (口袋到底要準備多少扣扣哩???) 一般來說,英國留學的學費會比美國低些,因為英國的大學都是公立的。 生活費的話,則是跟你選擇居住的地區有關, 都會區的住宿費和生活花費一定會比小城市或郊區來得高。 整體而言,留學英國一年所需的學費+生活費大致如下: 倫敦 倫敦以外地區 大學:一般科系 約NT$977,000 約NT$856,000 大學:醫學相關科系 約NT$1,947,000 約NT$1,826,000 碩士:一般科系 約NT$965,000~1,831,000 約NT$844,000~1,710,000 碩士:醫學相關科系 約NT$1,025,000~2,219,000 約NT$904,000~2,098,000 (以上英鎊兌換新台幣匯率以1:39計算) 大部分美國大學的學費是採學分制收費,其中以商學院、法學院的學分最高, 每學分大約1000~1800美金(NT$31,000~55,800), 以一年來計算, 商學院每年學費平均為39,000~46,000美金 (NT$1,209,000~1,426,000) 法學院每年學費則約35,000~43,000美金(NT$1,085,000~1,333,000) 工學院的學費相較之下比較“親民”, 約莫在15,000~35,000美金之間 (NT$465,000~1,085,000) 而生活費的部分, 美國留學生平均每年的住宿+伙食費用大約是3,000~7,500(NT$93,000~232,500) 這可是還不包含購車、個人娛樂等費用喔! (以上美金兌換新台幣匯率以1:31計算) 不管是英國或美國,近幾年來的學費都是年年調漲, 所以想出國留學的同學們,心動就要趕緊規劃+行動, 不然再拖個一兩年,看到學費通知單會很想哭的啊~~~   【維思博觀點】 看了那麼多說明,其實到底選哪個國家比較好? 真的是沒有標準答案! 因為每個人的需求和留學目的不同, 選擇的時候應該要先想清楚自己的預算? 打算花多長時間取得學位? 想念什麼樣的專業科目? 然後,除了閱讀小編為大家整理的重點資料外, 建議也可以多找幾位曾經出國留學、或是有申請國外學校經驗的學長姐和老師聊聊, 說不定會激盪出不同的想法, 對於同學在選擇留學國家、學校、科系上都會有幫助的唷! https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_283295.html 【留學比較】留學英國vs.留學美國,我該選哪個? 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓 https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_283295.html
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
根據教育部統計,2016年台灣出國留學人數約5萬7千多人,為提升申請效率及品質,許多學生會委託留學代辦協助。小而精緻的代辦機構Westbook維思博以多年的外語教學經驗,提供專業的服務品質,成立短短一年即獲不少學生認同。 維思博留學代辦創辦人Sean表示,坊間代辦機構多,學生在申請過程中常苦於履歷、讀書計畫等文件準備不知如何下筆,部分免費代辦機構僅提供寫作修改或文件校對服務;該公司則是提供專業的外籍寫作老師,協助學生撰寫、修改文件。 為維護服務品質,該公司堅持採付費制,並依學生條件、未來發展推薦最合適的學校。Sean表示,選擇好的留學代辦就像買保險,除了推薦學校、處理文件等基本事項,更重要的價值是要在學生申請卡關或遇到各種突發狀況時,能想盡各種方法突破,確保學生能申請到理想學校。 新聞來源:中央社 https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_281468.html 【媒體報導】海外留學夯 小巧精緻留學代辦當道 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓 https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_281468.html
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
申請英國留學的同學們常會問老師一個問題: 我應該要考一般雅思(IELTS)?還是考雅思英國簽證考試(IELTS for UKVI)呢? 這兩種有什麼不一樣啊?   【什麼是IELTS for UKVI?】 先從字面解釋起~ UKVI是英國內政部移民署UK Visas and Immigration的縮寫, 顧名思義,IELTS for UKVI就是為了符合英國內政部移民署規定, 針對需要使用雅思成績申請英國簽證的人設計的考試。   以申請學生簽證來說,何種狀況下會需要提供IELTS for UKVI成績呢? 簡單從以下表格來看: 也就是說,如果你申請的大學或研究所是英國高等教育機構高可信度擔保方,而且你有拿到學校的「無條件式入學許可」(Unconditional Offer),那麼恭喜你!你申請Tier 4學生簽證時就不用提交IELTS for UKVI成績,直接用校方要求的一般雅思成績即可。 不過,也有少數學校要求申請時要檢附IELTS for UKVI成績,那就另當別論了~ 如果你拿到的是「條件式入學」(Conditional Offer),可能得要先去念Pre-sessional課程或語言學校,那麼申請短期學生簽證時就會需要IELTS for UKVI成績了。   【IELTS for UKVI和一般雅思有何不同?】 IELTS for UKVI的考試形式、內容跟一般雅思相同,最大的差別在於: 1. 安全規格:為了符合英國內政部移民署的安全要求,IELTS for UKVI考試全程錄影。 2. 考場:因為需要錄影,所以UKVI的考場設備跟一般雅思不同,目前台灣只有台北有UKVI考場。 3. 費用:高安全規格=$$$,以IDP公告的費用為例,目前UKVI版本的考試費用是NT$8,145,比一般雅思貴了NT$1,645。(更新:2019年2月2日起,UKVI考試報名費調整為NT$7,900)   【老師怎麼說?】 Sean老師建議,同學們第一次可以報考一般雅思,盡力準備好、爭取高分。 如果第一次的成績不太理想(低於學校要求標準0.5以上),那麼,建議第二次就直接去考IELTS for UKVI吧!因為語言學校或pre-sessional課程只接受UKVI成績。(聯合簽證除外) https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_281467.html 【雅思考試有兩種】IELTS for UKVI和一般雅思有何不同? 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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維思博留學代辦有限公司 106 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段290號10樓
一般來說,大家會用要去哪個國家,作為要選擇考托福還是雅思的基本判斷標準 留學美國=考托福 留學英國=考雅思 這的確是個概略的準則,不過也是有些美國大學接受雅思成績,同樣的,托福成績在部分英國大學也是可被接受的。 而澳洲的學校則是兩種測驗都行得通, 所以同學們還是詳細閱讀每所學校的申請規定比較保險喔! 同學們應該也很好奇,同樣都是要測驗英語的程度 沒事幹嘛要分不同種類?他們之間到底又有啥差異呢? 接下來就帶大家從幾個角度,來比較托福和雅思的不同。 1. 名稱和主辦機構 托福 全名:Test of English as a Foreign Language。 2006年4月起台灣地區托福測驗全面改為網路化,計分方式也與過去不同,因此也有人稱2006年之後的托福為"新托福“,簡稱iBT-TOEFL。 台灣地區是由語言測驗中心(LTTC)主辦 雅思 全名:International English Language Testing System,是由英國文化協會(The British Council)和澳洲國際文教中心(IDP)共同主辦。 2. 考試方式 托福從2006年起就改成網路化測驗(上機考),考完閱讀與聽力兩項後會休息10分鐘, 接著再考口說及寫作,測驗全程約需4 - 4.5小時。雅思則是採取紙筆測驗。 口語Speaking項目,托福是考生要戴上耳機跟機器對話, 雅思則是由真人考官跟考生進行一對一交談,至於考生們偏好哪種方式,那就見仁見智囉! 3. 考試項目 語言測驗不外乎就是考"聽、說、讀、寫"的能力,所以托福和雅思測驗一樣,都分為四大項目: >> 聽力 Listening >> 閱讀 Reading >> 寫作 Writing >>口語 Speaking 4. 成績計算 托福測驗的總分是120分,每一個項目滿分為30分,成績就是四個項目的加總。 雅思則是採取"平均“的概念,每個項目得分從1~9,成績是四個項目的平均值。 5. 報名限制 托福固定每週舉辦1場考試(通常是在週五或週六),有限制兩次報考中間至少要間隔1個月。 雅思測驗是固定日期、每個月平均開辦2~3次。沒有限制考過之後多久才能報考下一場次。 不過是說,無論托福或雅思的報名費都不低(托福USD$180,雅思今年已漲到NT$7000,而且還每年調漲....),沒事應該不會經常去報考....荷包會哭哭的.... 6. 考試內容 雖然托福和雅思的考試項目相同,但測驗的內容和重點不太一樣喔! https://www.westbook.com.tw/hot_281466.html 【語言測驗】該考托福還是雅思? 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
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